
The Demon VS The Dragon, part 1/2

Thick black tentacles were wrapped around the black dragon, twirling around him as they kept tightening. The black volcanic stone was cracking while engulfed in the bright red flames.

Two magical circuits ignited in the dragon's mind, and the mana flowed through his veins and bones. Bright yellow flames blazed up from the dragon's body, brightly burning and mixing with the red flames.

The dragon's body engulfed in shadows, and flames brightly glowed in the red sky. The black tentacles wrapped around him were disintegrating under the onslaught of the yellow inferno. The red glowing twister of portal collapsed, closing behind the destroyed tentacles.

Freed Vesuvius spread his wings and opened his mouth. A stream of yellow flames enveloped the shadowy figure of the demon levitating in the sky. The demon's whole body got submerged under the flood of yellow flames, vanishing from the dragon's sight.

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