
Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

------------------------------------------------- MC: I am a dragon? Cool! Also, MC: Wait, most of the dragons died after centuries of being hunted for their expensive materials, and when beings called players descended with their powerful systems and immortality, they hunted down rest of them ... and I am the last one... I am fucked!!! ------------------------------------------------- Join our MC, a former player on his journey not to become a legendary rank item, in a world of the game that he used to play. ------------------------------- Release schedule: 1 chapter each day Bonus chapter goals: 500, 800, 1111 ----------------------------------------- Official discord: https://discord.gg/pWfgFHwvh4

AnonymUser · Fantasie
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534 Chs

The crew assembles!

POV Vesuvius:

With the church of light in terror and shambles, Vesuvius reappeared in his divine kingdom, the warmth of the massive burning star bringing comfort to his scales. He basked for a moment in the soothing heat, his mind already shifting to the next phase of his grand plan. Flicking his claws ceremoniously, he opened a massive golden portal.

Immediately, two figures stepped through, their familiar forms causing Vesuvius to narrow his eyes in surprise. He had expected the prideful fallen angel, but instead, he saw a young female vampire, the new vessel for the god of knowledge, and an enormous seven-headed red dragon, each head adorned with a shadowy crown. Raging fire and shadows enveloped the entire dragon, with only occasional gleams of scales and the sinister shine of reverse-slitted crimson eyes breaking through the dark aura.