
Chapter 2

Asch was really shocked for this unexpected plot twist in his life, "the hell, am I in some kind of novel? Was everything that happened in my life predetermined?!" He really wanted to know how did the things that he wrote in his novel appeared in the real world.

Breathing in and out while collecting his thougths, "Hmm, how should I react in this? I should be happy right? after all, this is what I'm always dreaming for.. to become OP!" After questioning himself, he search the box one more time to see if there are other things than the cultivation technique and spirit stones.

While Asch is searching for more things in the box, he found a paper slip hidden under the box, "Oh, there's something written on it. Wow, it is written in modern language, it kind of destroyed the ancient-like mood right now." The words written were...

"Yo, for the insect who found this box, congratulations to you! You can now become the most powerful person in the world! You can now get all the beauties in the world with just a flick of your hand!... is what I want to say but the cultivation technique that is in the box will make your thing impotent if you ever have sex with two or more woman in your lifetime but rest assured, the wife that you will choose to become your dao companion will be protected by the cultivation technique the moment you two do the deed. Any man who dares to touch your wife with ill intent will be reduce to ashes, it's so sickingly cool isn't it? Eh? There's no such word as sickingly in the dictionary? Don't worry, just kill the person who created the dictionary and destroy all traces of the so called Dictionary in the world and be done with it..." Asch who is reading it, sweated profusely the moment he read the part of killing the creator of Dic, "Damn, this person's tongue is too black. Can't he just use his immortal power to add it in? He seems powerful enough to do it anyway..." Back to the letter...

"...Do you want to know why only one? Because.. I am loyal to my wife! We shall only love one person in our life! Never cheat! Never look for another girl! Loyal is Justice! Anyways, there are still some secrets that is yet to reveal to you about the things inside the box so.. shooo and don't even bother looking for me. Why? Well, find it out yourself." Asch reading this thought to himself," Why do i feel that this person is loyal, but not exactly loyal too?" He turned the paper and saw more message at the back of the paper. "PS: Because I'm cursed to not have any other girl in my life, you should too! My wife is scary you know? She always punch my junju...n AGH! PPS: My wife saw what i was writing, I want to tell you my love story but it seems that i won't be able to... safety first.. gotta run from my wife until she calms down. Goodluck! PPPS: Truth be told, my wife is the curse!" After reading everything, Asch shouted, "I KNEW IT! HE IS NOT LOYAL AND NOW I'M BEING PUNISHED TOO BECAUSE OF HIS SIN?! DAMN IT TO HELL!" 


Asch calmed himself after thirty minutes because he is really frustrated due to the person who wrote the letter and then he thought to himself, "Well, I'm in the modern era so I shouldn't get angry that much. Polygamy isn't allowed in this era anyways except for some religions. And I don't even have a single girlfriend in my entire 25 years in this world so yeah, need to find myself a lovely lady to accompany for the rest of my life." Asch suddenly thought about his childhood friend "She is the only girl that I really trust and not to mention, her body's proportion is too hot and beautiful with an angelic face... I'll be damned if I didn't choose her. She is also very kind to me even though she always act cold to me. Well, not only to me exactly. Its decided then!" He smiled brightly and turned his head to look at the box, "Now then, I should put the things in the box to my bag and cultivate after I caught some fish.. Oh, there's the fishing rod."

Walking, he finally reached the river, sat down on a rock and started fishing, "Bangus, Bangus, come to me, get hooked and serve our stomach~" While singing some trash song, he finally caught 3 Bangus and went to his Grandpa's house.

Asch: Hey grandpa, I caught 3 Bangus today, lucky lucky!

Aster: Tsch, Only three and you are that happy? Give it to me and i'll prepare our dinner tonight.

Asch: What a tsundere grandpa...

Aster: Hmm, Did you say something?

Asch: Nothing! I'll go to my room now! Oh, yeah, do I still have a room?

Aster: The room that you are using in the past is still the same so you can use that. Go and rest.

Asch: Thank you Grandpa!


Inside Asch's room

Asch took out the spirit stones and cultivation technique so he can start cultivating himself to become powerful, "Oh, so that's why there are spirit stones, this cultivation technique doesn't use the spiritual energy in the world, but the spirit stones.. why though? Probably because the world doesn't have any spiritual energy anymore. Well, no time to think, time to start!" The moment he read the first sentence in the book, a sudden burst of energy filled his entire body, "Wait, I thought there will be some dantian and the like but why heck did I gain powers after reading the first line in the book?! It's even written in modern language again too?! And where's the spiritual stones? It has been all absorbed already?! I'm cheating life guys, I'm feeling sorry for the people living with the same timeline as me.. is what i will never say, HAHA, I am now overpowered! I am not a hypocrite so sorry my ass. I will live my life to the fullest from now on!"

Some time later

Asch finally calmed himself and started thinking, "I will still be myself, I should not change just because I became overpowered. I am not being a hypocrite, but I really don't care for other people as long as they will not provoke me and my love ones in any way."

Aster: Asch! Get your ass down here! Dinner's ready!

Asch: Ok! I'm coming

Asch went down and ate his dinner. After he finished eating the meal, he went to his room and decided to sleep, "Starting tomorrow, everything will change. I should visit Richet first and make her my girlfriend. She will probably agree right? I'm not used to this kind of thing. I should just be direct and ask her out." Thinking this, he finally went to sleep with a smile.

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