
Chapter 5 Begin Action Encounter Radiant Creatures

Little did Xinfeng know that he had become a celebrity unknowingly.

If he could have this reputation in his previous life, I am afraid he would be very happy.

It's a pity that it's useless now.

Now the light outside is still relatively dazzling.

Xinfeng didn't dare to go out.

Even without considering other possible radioactive material radiation.

The sun's radiation is also a great harm to him at this time.

So Xinfeng now dispatched four stalkers.

Go to find out about the outside world.

After all, where I am now is too cramped.

Life uses its outstretched tentacles to connect the neural network of Xinfeng and Stalker One.

Stalkers 1 to 5 share information again.

So Xinfeng now has an unprecedented experience.

Heart divided!

It's like having four different eyes.

Observing everything around him in different directions.

Xinfeng has always had full confidence in his intelligence and brain power.

But under such circumstances, Xinfeng still felt a serious lack of energy.

The brain's processing of visual information has formed an instinct due to years of exercise.

People don't feel tired from seeing things.

But when this consumption quadruples, people will realize it.

Seeing things consumes energy!

The processing of a large amount of image information in a short time is for Xinfeng who has never experienced such an experience.

In fact, it is a very serious challenge.

A highly focused mental challenge.

But unfortunately, the audience doesn't think so.

In the eyes of the audience, Xinfeng is sitting in a very cramped space.

I don't know what's stuck in his head.

So he sent out all the little robots around him.

Then he was like a tortoise with his head shrunk.

Close your eyes and don't go out to explore.

Just stay in such a small space.

Originally, Xinfeng's lens is the most one.

But this kind of shrinking behavior attracted unanimous abuse from everyone.

"What is this doing?"

"Why have you been slumped here? Waiting to die?"

"Didn't you choose to go out voluntarily? Why are you afraid."

In the eyes of other people, there is no way to see the wonders Xinfeng is seeing now.

So I don't feel that Xinfeng is doing something that is not very simple.

Originally, the picture of Xinfeng has always been the first.

But the audience response was really bad.

The host was eventually forced to reduce the commentary on Xinfeng.

Instead, I chose other relatively attractive players.

Some people are very strong, carrying a backpack and rushing towards a place that seems to have once been civilized.

Some people were sent to sea.

Regardless of whether the seawater is contaminated or not, it pierces one end.

This is followed by a five-minute breathless apnea dive.

Everyone who has undergone the initial genetic modification is like a superman.

Only Xinfeng.

Although Xinfeng's figure and appearance are actually okay.

But it really seems to be incomparable to these little supermen.

But no matter what the humans in 269 fortress want to say.

It can't affect Xinfeng.

Observed the situation around.

Xinfeng first recalled the four stalker robots.

I closed my eyes and rested my mind.

Restoring mental exhaustion.

According to observations, Xinfeng gradually realized that this place seems to be an incredible place.

The scope is very large, there are ruins everywhere, and I haven't found the boundary by myself.

Xinfeng also saw many very advanced metal products.

But obviously, those things cannot be called electronic devices.

In short, Xinfeng even suspects that this was once a very powerful military base.

I don't know why it became like this.

But Xinfeng can basically guess.

There must have been a very high level of technology in it.

After all, many walls have extremely powerful defensive equipment.

Night fell gradually.

The sun's rays faded gradually.

The sky still feels red.

But it has become black and red.

At night, Xinfeng knew that he had to go out.

All the little robots sent before have gained something.

Xinfeng has found several places that may be better temporary residences.

At least better than this ruined house corner now.

The other nine people basically followed the normal living habits of human beings.

Watching the sky gradually darken.

Most people have found temporary shelters.

At this time, many people are ready to rest.

Everyone seems to think that night is not a good time for action.

But Xinfeng is different.

Night is the best time to act.

The degree of radiation is the lowest.

Temperature is also the least time to lose energy.

Xinfeng walked to the big cement board that was blocking.

Life pushes it away.

The cement board opens.

Nothing happened.

It's still exactly the same black.

Went to the outside world.

Because the outside air quality is really bad.

At this time, Xinfeng did not open his eyes in order to minimize the damage to himself.

He is now using the "eyes" of Stalker One.

Life is still connected to the nerves of the two.

In such muddy air.

The eyes of Stalker One were more suitable for observation.

Before Xinfeng's body did not evolve.

Such "eyes" are even better than their own.

When Xinfeng resolutely walked into the darkness.

at the same time.

The barrage took off immediately

The Warriors' program group is a 24-hour uninterrupted video.

But at present, the other nine challengers have all rested.

They did not intend to act at night.

Only Xinfeng.

In the process of everyone's action for survival.

He is resting.

At night, he walked out.

"What happened, I had planned to rest!"

"Why does this person act at night? Are you afraid of encountering mutant creatures?"

"Why? This is to die?"

"What are you doing? I dare not act during the day and now come out to find death?"

"Why can he act so naturally with his eyes closed? Is this his ability?"

The host at this time also kept shaking his head with a wry smile.

I didn't know what to say anymore.

As a result, the person whom the above said that we should pay more attention to it actually came out.

In the eyes of most people.

The night is obviously not a good time to explore the environment.

Visibility is too low, and many mutant creatures will be dispatched at night.

Humans are afraid of radiation.

They are also very scared!

And for animals.

Visibility during the day is also very low and the temperature is still high.

It's better to come out at night.

I can only hope that there will be no living creatures in this kind of place.

The beautiful host can only secretly bless Xinfeng.

Xinfeng walked straight to the place where he thought it was not bad and there might be electronic equipment.

Just now.

Sudden change!

Under a ruin.

Between the cold and damp masonry.

A blood-red eye lit up.

A big one-eyed guy suddenly rushed towards Xinfeng.

The speed is unusually swift and fierce.