
Land of decent

tolamide337 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 7

Oh, no," a low gasp left her mouth accompanied by her widened eyes

And just as she bent to pick it up the door was opened

Just as she bent to pick it up the door was opened.


Standing outside a few minutes ago was Flynn waiting for Amaya to wake up, Kris is bound to call any moment from now.

He tapped his feet impatiently on the floor, he did not want to get caught. Bringing Amaya to a bar was not part of the plan is had with Kross, it was simply to watch her get his necklace back.

"It is almost time," he checked his silver wristwatch and rushed upstairs, not bothering to knock he dashed into the room.

Just as Amaya bent to pick up her clothes the door was opened and her eyes met with Flynn.

"Aha!!" Amaya's horrified voice filled the room while Flynn stood still, his hand was glued to the doorknob while his eye was fixed on Amaya's face which held different emotions.

"Sorry!" Flynn muttered and quickly closed the door.

"Gosh!" Amaya quickly picked up her clothes before rushing into the bathroom, she got dressed and stepped back into the room.

It is going to be fucking awkward facing Flynn after seeing his nakedness, she did not fail to notice the pain between her thigh as she paces around the room.

As she continued pacing her eyes caught the stain of blood on the bed and tears formed in her eyes.

She lost her boyfriend, freedom, and virginity all in a day. Why the heck is her life a mess? Just what has she done wrong to deserve the pain?

Still lost in thought a knock landed on the door and a hesitant voice followed.

"Can you please step out, boss Kris wants his necklace."

"The Necklace!" Amaya gasped. 

She was supposed to look for a necklace but she got laid, her hand grabbed her hair and she dragged it to her face.

"Can't I just disappear?" She wished with her hair all over her face making her seem possessed at the moment.

"Amaya, are you in there?" The room was as silent as a graveyard so it is normal for him to get curious.

"Yeah, I'll be right there," her response was short.

The door was opened shortly after she stepped and Flynn led the way immediately, he co

uld not wait to have a conversation with her.