
Ladies 2.0

Sci-fi Romance
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What is Ladies 2.0

Lesen Sie den Roman Ladies 2.0 des Autors damienlawless, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.In the neon-lit labyrinthine streets of a cyberpunk world, the towering edifices of XX Biotech's corporate headquarters cast long shadows over the city. It all began three decades ago when Thomas Lang...


In the neon-lit labyrinthine streets of a cyberpunk world, the towering edifices of XX Biotech's corporate headquarters cast long shadows over the city. It all began three decades ago when Thomas Lange, a visionary with a heart shrouded in grief, founded XX Biotech as a robotics lab. His motivation was the tragic loss of his beloved wife, Audrey. Consumed by grief, Lange channeled his pain into a relentless pursuit of creating the perfect android, a replication of Audrey herself. As time passed, XX Biotech's advancements in robotics outpaced imagination, and Audrey 2.0 emerged—an android so lifelike that it blurred the line between machine and human. The world marveled at the creation, unaware that Lange's obsession with recreating his wife had sparked a future where androids would redefine societal norms.

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