

Oduola_Mariam · Teenager
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15 Chs



Do you think life is synonymous with a maze? We all want a way out, right?

   My phone rang, waking me up. I had fallen asleep while thinking about my not-so-fulfilling day. The call was from my best friend, Sarah. I waited till it stopped ringing. We had a fight the day before and I couldn't deal with it. I checked the time on my phone. 5:30 pm? "Shit!" I screamed out loud. I had planned to write a story to numb the pain I felt inside my chest. "Labyrinth hmmm, I guess we are all looking for a way out," I sighed.

    I stood up and went to the kitchen. To keep myself awake, I prepared a cup of coffee. I headed towards my study room and on the table was a sheet the paper with the word *LABYRINTH* written on it. Having a not-so-fulfilling day was something I had mentioned. Around 10:00 am, I tried to come up with a story that described the word but had failed terribly. 

   My phone rang again. I almost angrily lashed out at the caller I believed to be Sarah again.

"Hey dude," the voice on the other end of the call said. "Oh, Mikel Frederick it's you!" I said, checking the name on the screen. I was always in the habit of calling his full name. He didn't think it was cute, but that didn't bother me. We were always messing with each other. He had called to check up on me because I had told him I was not feeling too great earlier. "He cares, he always had," I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and tried to picture all the incredible times we spent together. "Mikel, I know it is impromptu, but can you come over?" I asked, stroking my brown hair with my left hand. "Okay!" he said. I was certain I heard the grin in his voice. "Not like it's your first time doing this, don't sound so sorry," he had said. I ended the call, smiling. 

Mikel and I met during my entrance examination into Diamond Ville High school. I did not like him when we first met as I considered him to be rude and nervy, but we have been great friends ever since I noticed he was a cool guy. We are now in our penultimate year, and we have done nothing but get closer ever since.

   My parents had left with my younger brother for a comic con, so I and Mikel would be alone. Pretty sure Mikel has had a thing for me for a while now but has never attempted to make a move, definitely because of how much he valued our friendship. I didn't know how I felt about him. Thinking about it all now, perhaps he was my way out of the labyrinth, he made me feel peaceful, and found. Feeling inspired, I picked up my pen and started writing. I said to myself confidently, "not one, not two, but a lot of stories. I'm going to write."