
Kurokawa clan

A boy down on his luck is reborn in the world of naruto only a few years from the founding of Konoha, will he be read https://www.patreon .com/lunático1995

Luna1995 · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

The coalition

A week ago I turned eight years old, and I celebrated it under strict training with Lord Kano.

But I was not the only one this time, heeding my request we started using the grouping of four ninjas, to establish a strong teamwork among the members.

Mine was composed of Kento, who was the oldest, Yori with whom I was more familiar, then there was Hideo, who was a ninja of my age with whom I should have no problem in getting along with, a couple of weeks ago he joined us and of course lastly there was me.

Considering it was four against one, Lord Kano, didn't hold back too much, although sometimes I wonder if he knows the meaning of that word.

Hideo, although he had already participated in the war of Kora was weak compared to us, and that's why he took the worst part, since he could not retreat in time or go according to the movements of Kento and Yori, he ended up directly facing Lord Kano who did not miss the opportunity to take him out of the game.

Kento, Yori and I, we already knew how to cover and retreat as a team, Lord Kano was a strong Taijutsu and Kenjutsu user, close combat is what he was looking for.

But it was hard to avoid it even so, when it was impossible for us to take distance, I was in charge of taking the front, with a lot of pains.

Now we were healing our wounds.

Lord Kano: "Aki, we have a council meeting later, try to be present on time".

Aki: "Yes, Father".

In those meetings I didn't really have a say, but I was obliged to attend because I was the heir son.

Lord Kano: "Check on Hideo, wake him up and tell him where his mistake was".

Kento: "We will, Lord Kano."

My father's image disappeared.

Yori: "Is he gone already?"

Aki: "I don't feel his presence anymore, but he's a superior ninja, take a chance."

Kento: "It's the third time, Hideo has been knocked out."

Yori: "He's barely been with us for two weeks."

Kento was being very unfair

Aki: "I think it's our fault, we're not including him in our tactics, we didn't take into account the possible moves he'll make"

Kento: "Because she reacts too slow, when she realizes that she will be attacked she already has the enemy on her."

While they were arguing I went over to check Hideo's condition.

Yori: "How long are we in this training?"

Kento: "A year, I think?"

Yori: "Do you remember how we did the first few days, I don't remember us doing any better than him."

Kento: "Then why...?"

Aki: "Because a competent team is four people, Kento, I think I explained that idea to you a while ago."

Kento: "Do you seem upset?"

Aki: "Yes, don't mind me too much, I'm just tired, I've already checked Hideo, there's nothing wrong with him, take care of teaching him his mistakes when he wakes up."


The truth is that I was stressed, I tried for a while to train several ninjas medical skills, I had the knowledge of the mystical palm technique.

But the technique needs a lot of Chakra precision and of the thirty ninjas I tried to teach only ten could do it, but at a much lower level than mine.

I came to think that they were not taking me seriously because of my age.

I didn't see much improvement after a while, but I decided to continue with the initial thirty, I gave them the books I had on medicine and with Dr. Mori, we started to form a medical department.

I still regretted not being able to have more ninjas with superior control of medical ninjutsu, but, perhaps I was demanding too much in too little time, it was better to specialize them for years, so they could become proficient.

In this way, together with Dr. Mori, we became co-leaders of the medical center, which gave me more weight within the clan, I had more reasons to attend the council, where only eight other people attended.


Clan Main Residence.

Arata: "The intelligence teams have finished the exploration of the entire area of influence of the clan, they have found the presence of approximately thirty two clans in total, the last to be added to the list are the Yamanaka, Nara and Akimichi clans, apparently they maintain an alliance between the three, further south is the Hatake clan of whom we have little information."

Raiko: "Nice place you chose old man, the views are very beautiful."

Elder: "How about you stop acting like a spoiled child? And tell us how the dealings with the other clans are going?"

After Raiko's typical provocation, the meeting went on.

Raiko: "The Hyuga have finally started to pay attention to us, it cost us a few gifts and eliminate some hassles for free , but they have finally asked for our cooperation"

Lord Kano: "What exactly are they asking for?"

Raiko: "Apparently they plan to attack a clan, they didn't indicate any name, but they will be moving a large contingent of troops, they need us to supply a quarter of their troops, plus the medical help we indicated to have."

Fudo: "How much exactly is a quarter of their force?"

Raiko: "One hundred ninja."

The amount was not very large, but it left some thinking.

Elder: "An army of four hundred ninja, not the most numerous I've heard of, even so the enemy must be powerful, the Hyuga ninja are not weak people and they are mobilizing so many ninja"

Lord Kano: "Even so, we should still go, we have already spent too much effort in getting this proposition; Aki for now only you will leave with all the field medics"

Aki: "Yes, father"

The mystic palm technique was practically non-existent during the era of the combatant states, demonstrating our clan's ability, and having them take it as a Kekkei Genkai, in their eyes would make us look like too valuable an ally.

Lord Kano: "How many are ready?"

Aki: "Those who have the ability to condense Yang Chakra, there are only ten."

Lord Kano: "Arata, we will send the teams that have more than a year in training each one will accompany a doctor their mission is to defend him at any cost."

Arata: "Yes, my Lord, I will cancel the missions, for the duration of this war, and reinforce the defenses of the village".

Elder: "It is good to be forewarned."

Lord Kano : "All right"

Raiko: "In three days we will leave, be prepared."


How slowly those three days passed, I was busy all that time finishing preparing the doctors, all of them had seen blood, it was not a problem.

The problem was to test how advanced they were, and for now of the ten four were the most developed, Naoki, Yasu, Goro and Asa, the last one was a very capable female ninja.

They would only intervene for medium level situations, exsanguination and deep cuts.

The other six were for low level interventions, practically, deep cuts.

Only I was qualified for high and very high level operations, ranging from dismemberment to a severely damaged internal organ.

I was confident we were ready.

Now we were jumping through the trees, led by Lord Kano were a hundred other ninjas, the elites of the clan.

We already had two hours on the road, and according to the estimate we should be arriving at the meeting point.

Ohara: "My Lord, a large number of troops are ahead of us."

Lord Kano: "We are at the meeting point."

Two ninjas with white eyes appeared in front of us both had light green armor.

Hyuga: " I am Hyuga Hiromasa, Leader of the Hyuga Clan".

Lord Kano: " A pleasure, I'm Kurokawa Kano, Leader of the Kurokawa Clan "

Hyuga Hiromasa: "Come with us, we have been waiting for you."

We followed the ninjas, and arrived at a camp with few tents, apparently it was not going to be a long campaign.

Because of my position, I went to the tent where the commanders were to listen to the discussions.

Hyuga Hiromasa: "This is Hyuga Asahi, he is the second in command of my troops."

Lord Kano: "With me comes my brother whom you already know Kurokawa Raiko, and the one in charge of the medical unit Kurokawa Aki, my son."

Hyuga Asahi: "He is quite young to be in charge of a unit."

Raiko: "Don't worry, Asahi, his ability is the highest among ninja with healing skills within our clan"

Hyuga Hiromasa: "It's something that made us quite curious, when they named the healing abilities that some of their members have it caught our attention quite a bit"

Lord Kano: "Yes, it is a rare ability, and we risked a lot by mentioning it in our meetings, but it was necessary to establish trust."

Hyuga Hiromasa: "Don't worry, may I tell you Lord Kano?"

Lord Kano: "If I may say Lord Hiromasa."

Lord Hiromasa: "Sounds perfect to me, let me tell you that within the Hyuga clan there is no way for any information to leak to the outside."

Lord Kano: "I trust you Lord Hiromasa, leaving that aside, we should start talking about our enemies."

Raiko: "I couldn't agree more."

Hyuga Asahi: "Yes, I agree, approach the map, please "

Lord Hiromasa: "This time, we will attack the Satomi clan, it is a clan that has already about thirty years located in that region, they don't have ninjas with special skills, but they are good ninjas "

Lord Kano: "How many ninjas are we talking about that they might have?"

Hyuga Asahi: "According to the information we have, they have about five hundred ninja and a civilian population of four hundred."

There was a question hovering in the air after that statement

Lord Kano: "What is the objective of this war, to drive them out, or to eliminate them?"

Hyuga Asahi: "Exterminate them completely, a feudal lord suffered an assassination at the hands of those ninja, most likely he was hired by a nearby governor, but since it has not been possible to find out who it was we will exterminate the clan"

Raiko: "A rather drastic action."

Lord Hiromasa: "They were the ones who sowed their fate, the reward for achieving this assignment will be distributed according to merit, I hope to see the miracles of their medical skills to reduce our casualties"

Raiko: "Count on it, Lord Hiromasa."


I'm not sure I want to participate in this assignment, but if it is necessary to bury a clan to ensure the survival of mine it must be done.