
Kuro no Kokoro, Shiro no Seishin

Content Warning: This story contains graphic depictions of violence, intense emotional struggles, and mature themes. It explores complex character conflicts, dark fantasy elements, and supernatural themes. Reader discretion is advised. In a world where emotions shape reality, Yūgensekai is split between realms of light and darkness. Each place reflects the inner battles of its people-where fear can give birth to monsters, and hidden desires can tear lives apart. Kuru Aoshima is a young woman trying to find her place in this fractured world. With a past full of loss and mystery, she's on a journey not only to uncover the truth about the world around her but also about herself. She's haunted by her own doubts and struggles, torn between the darkness within her and her search for clarity. In a world where your feelings can turn into powerful, dangerous forces, keeping control isn't just a matter of survival-it's about holding on to who you are. Facing powerful enemies like Raikou Saito, the ruthless leader of a syndicate that trades in suffering, and Serena Akihara, a leader torn by her own inner conflicts, Kuru's journey is full of heartbreak, violence, and moments that test her spirit. As she fights for answers, she is constantly on edge, pushed to the limit, both physically and emotionally. Bloodied and broken, she refuses to give up. But in a place like Yūgensekai, where darkness and light are always at war, how much of yourself can you lose before you're gone forever?

Dodi060 · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 1: Shadows of Kagekuni

The sky above "Kagekuni" was a heavy, endless gray, the clouds thick and unmoving, like they'd forgotten how to drift. Cold mist rose from the cliffs, wrapping around the jagged rocks below. Kuru Aoshima stood at the edge of the precipice, the sharp wind catching the edges of her cloak, tugging it back and forth like it was trying to pull her closer to the abyss.

She stared down, but the darkness seemed bottomless. A quiet chill ran through her, though it wasn't the cold air. This place—her home—had always felt like this. Too quiet. Too dark. The weight of the sky pressing down, the shadows crawling over everything like a living thing.

Kuru pulled her cloak tighter around herself. Her hair, black with hints of deep purple, caught the wind and brushed against her face. She didn't move to fix it. She stood there, still, her thoughts somewhere far off, tangled in memories and questions that never left her alone.

There was a soft crunch of footsteps behind her, but she didn't turn. She knew who it was.


came the gentle voice of Ami Nishida. It was calm, as always, like Ami was trying to soothe the world just by talking. "You're out here again. I was starting to worry.

"Ami's worry was real, but Kuru didn't feel like acknowledging it. The concern was always there, but it didn't fix anything. She felt Ami's presence getting closer, but kept her eyes on the fog that seemed to swallow the world in front of her.

"I just needed to think," Kuru said after a pause. Her voice was quiet, almost distant.Ami stepped next to her, looking out over the same cliff. Her expression softened. "About what?"Kuru's fingers brushed the edge of her cloak, gripping it lightly. "I don't know anymore.

"Ami frowned, glancing sideways at Kuru. "You've been... distant lately. More than usual, I mean. I know Kagekuni isn't exactly easy on anyone, but you've been... different."Kuru didn't respond right away. She could feel the concern radiating from Ami, but she wasn't sure how to explain what was happening inside her. It wasn't just Kagekuni. It was something deeper, something she was afraid to even put into words."It's not this place," Hana finally said, her voice quieter than before. "It's me.

"Ami's brow furrowed, her worry deepening.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know what I'm looking for anymore," Kuru said finally, her voice barely more than a whisper. "Everywhere I go... it feels like I'm being swallowed by this place.

"Ami stepped closer, her hand resting gently on Hana's shoulder. "Kagekuni is dark, but it doesn't have to define you. You've always been stronger than this."Kuru turned her head slightly, meeting Ami's gaze. Her eyes were deep, filled with something Ami couldn't quite place—something more than sadness. Something darker.

"It's not Kagekuni that I'm worried about," Kuru said softly, her tone flat, emotionless. "It's what's inside me."Ami frowned, her concern deepening. "Kuru—"Before she could finish, the ground beneath them trembled. It was subtle at first, a faint rumble, but it quickly grew into a violent shaking. The sky above darkened even further, and from the shadows below, a low, ominous growl echoed through the air.

Kuru's eyes narrowed. She stepped back from the cliff, her body tensing, instinctively preparing for what was coming. Her hand hovered near the hilt of the dagger she kept hidden beneath her cloak.

Ami's voice wavered.

"What is that?

"From the fog, a creature began to emerge—a hulking mass of dark Essence, its form twisted and monstrous, born from the collective fears of the land. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent light, and its claws scraped against the rocks as it moved toward them, hunger in its gaze.

Kuru felt her pulse quicken, but her expression remained cold, calculated. She'd fought these creatures before. They were born from the darkness in people's hearts—manifestations of the fear and sorrow that plagued Kagekuni. And though Kuru had become adept at facing them, each encounter left her feeling more drained, more hollow.

As the creature lunged toward them, Kuru reacted swiftly. Her hand shot out, fingers curling in a deliberate motion. The shadows around her twisted, responding to her will. This was the power of Emotional Alchemy—the ability to manipulate the Essence that flowed through Yūgensekai. It was a dangerous art, one that required balance, but Kuru had learned long ago that balance was something she no longer possessed.

The shadows wrapped around the creature, binding it in place for a moment. But Kuru could feel it—her control slipping, the dark Essence inside her resonating with the beast's own twisted nature. It clawed at her mind, threatening to consume her along with the creature.

She clenched her teeth, forcing the power back under control, even as the strain of it tore at her soul. With a final surge of energy, she drove the creature into the ground, where it dissolved into the shadows from which it came.

For a moment, there was silence. Only the wind remained, howling through the cliffs once more.

Ami rushed to her side. "Kuru, are you okay?"

Kuru didn't answer. Her hand trembled slightly, but she quickly hid it beneath her cloak. She turned away, her gaze once again focused on the distant horizon.

"That darkness..." Kuru muttered, more to herself than to Ami. "It's inside me too. And one day... I won't be able to control it."

To be continued...