

In winter season,there are not many quest to do.Plus he did'nt want to repeat a mistake he did last winter.He also bored because he has nothing to do in world without technology and entertainment.Around a corner in his mansion,he suddenly got an Idea so he decided to visit Wiz shop ALONE.Unfortunately he party member also decided to follow him anyway.

Kazuma:"....Guys?Why you following me?Did I just said leave me alone and do your petty thing"As he ask with bitter smile on his face.

Megumin:"For fun I guess."

Darkness:"I-i--I want to visit dear old friend all of sudden.This just coincidence"

Kazuma:"Is that so.Hmmm hey Darkness.Why you sound like anticipating something that will happen to us."

Aqua:"Pusu..pusu..pusu..... ara ara ara.Is our little NEET Shut-in virgin is so eager to meet that filthy undead. Please don't tell me you going out with her or something because you love those disgusting troublesome maker Bo... It hurt! It hurt! Kazuma.. please forgive me for being so mean.Uwaahhhh"As her hair got pull by Kazuma

Kazuma:"Shut up you useless Goddess!! Just because she an undead but her personality is thousand time better than yours.Tsk.. some time I doubt my self who the  troublesome maker actually is.Her or you huhh!!"

Aqua:"Uwaaahhh...!! you so mean *Sob* *Sob* your disgusting hand has torch my godly and yet beautiful hair. Uwaahhhh!!"As she crying like little girl than her candy got snatch by some bully.This ruckus has gain intension to nearby by stander.

By Stander 1:"Ehhh...look at that  poor little girl."

By Stander 2:"Hey is that man in green cloth the rumoured Scumzuma"

As the talk among them begin to heat up.Kazuma pull his party from the scene and straight to Wiz Shop without stopping.

Megumin:"Hey..hey!! Stop Kazuma what are you doing.My hand...MY HAND!!!"

Darkness:"Such brutish man you are..{MOANING}Not just you ashamed your comrade infront of people but you also use us to release your tension.Sasuga Kazuma"


Kazuma:"(This useless teammate of mine not just causing trouble but also destroying my already bad reputation even further.Mom Dad please forgive me for my sin for what just suffer right now.)"As he cry well covering his mouth while running and pull the trio hand (D,A,M).




Vanir:"Hello trouble maker adventure of AXEL.Party leader Adventure that always do some perverted thing oozing toward other female despite having beautiful harem yourself.A blue thing Arch Priest self pro-claim goddess that only bring misfortune to those close to her.The explosive Loli Arch Wizard that have inferior complex and finally a Crusader that cannot even hit a thing despite having brute strength.Hoo.. this feeling is Sooo Delicious!!.How can I help you."

Kazuma:"*Sob* *Sob*I here for business deal about last year.You know about Kotatsu.I think we should resume and also I have some Idea about item that can help you during a summer."As he just recovering from hearth broken minute ago.

Vanir:"Hmm interesting.About the Kotatsu we still can make a deal but about this "AIR-CON" Devise from your world look interesting.Hoo... this "FAN" look nice to."As he speak wth serious tone.

Kazuma:"Your abilities for mind reading is trouble some you know.How about it,insteresting?"

Vanir:"Deal but before that there is something I want to show you."as he go back to the store searching something

Wiz:"Ara.. Kazuma long time no see.How are you today?Oh hello everyone"As she appear out of no where.

Darkness:"Long time no see to Wiz"


Aqua:"Tsk an undead like your dare to talk to me a mighty go TEHEE...!It hurt Kazuma!!You so mean"!As she scratching her head from Kazuma Punch. 

Kazuma:"Shut up you goddess of dept and misfortune.Wiz here just said hello and you just sh*t talk to her.!Sorry Wiz for this child bad behavior"As he bow down apologising to Wiz while forcing Aqua to do the same.

Aqua:"I' not A child GWAARRGHHH!!"

Megumin:"So.. can you serve us your tea and biscuit.Ahhh... your tea and biscuit is addictive.My Crimson Demon hunger could never be satisfied by any normal mean so feed me"

Kazuma:"Oi.... don't be so rude you Explosive Loli"

Darkness:"Calm down guys.*Sign* so what are you doing Wiz?"

Wiz:"Ohh.. just finishing catalogue the item I just ordered week ago."

Kazuma:"You mean those useless item you buy week ago despite having many of those item at your back.Man who the hell make this Item anyway"

Megumin:"Oi you hypocrite.What you said about my father.You want to suffer a same attack you felt during Demon King General attack last year.Huuhhh"

Kazuma:"Bring in on You Loli Shenanigans.Is not that attack you can use without YunYun and it require large amount of mana to begin with."

Megumin:"Hooo you challenge me.Despite be coward in nature you had gut to challenge me,ONE ONLY MASTER OF EXPLOSION MAGIC THE STRONGEST ATTACK OF HISTORY HUHH!!.Aqua buff me with super strenght and hight vitality so I can teach this scum of this world to know his place."As her eye glowing with Red light   

Kazuma:"Hooo.... even with help of that useless blue thing that only useful for Mana Battery and moving medic and save point is useless.With tiny brain of her that awesome power can never be use to full potential for at least hmmmm.... Three Eternity!!. Furthermore,with that fragile and petite body of yours is not AAARRGGHHH"As he just drop down to the floor.During his long speech Megumin just kick his ball of.

Megumin:"Said that again your ball with be gone for real.But kikiki.... Hahahahhahaha now this scum of the world has being defeated by me the greatest CRIMSON DEMON ARCH WIZARD!!"As she laught while putting her leg on Kazuma body

Kazuma:"..."Is he just unconscious because of the immense pain he just suffer. 

Darkness"Kyuuu.... I soo jealous at you Kazuma.How it feel after got being attacked at your the most venerable weakness of yours.Please tell me!!"As she shake Kazuma hard but still not enough to wake him up.

Wiz:"Guys please stop.Mouu"As she try to calm this troublesome party.

Aqua:"Shut up you undead.Now Kazuma is out commission but I stipl could not touch you. So I use this instead Break Spell"As some light beam head straight to Wiz but she manage to evade but...


Vanir:"Shut up you noisy creature!!Bluurrgghhh"

As Wiz just bumping Vanir while he bring item but fall down. Spell some how hit the Crystal Item with huge amount of Seal before it completely fall to the ground and move toward Unconscious Kazuma.When it hit,the item active by letting out light and consume Kazuma.The light so bright thst it temporary make people vision go blind for couple of second.Then the Item and Kazuma vanish without tracing.l

A,D,M:"KAZUMAAAA!!!"Scream the trio

Vanir:"Hmph.. this rather troublesome.I'm afraid friend of yours just got transported into another world.Ba-hah,This negative emotion is sooo Delicious!!!"

Wiz:"Can we bring him back?"

Vanir:"Hmph.. lucky for you this Item make by that Loli father so maybe he can help."

Megumin:"WHAT DID YOU SAID!!!"





There are a girl with red hair mind her own business by attending her cow.Then some light appear on the sky and forming the figure of man made of light.

After couple of minute the figure has completely finish forming and it seem young teenage boy floating to the sky 10 meter from the ground along with orb looking crystal thing.He slowly fall down to the ground as some invincible force put him down gently.The boy seem unconscious his face has forming some white bubble on his mouth .

??:"(I need to help this poor boy)As she bring him back to her house


NOTE:Just comment down below and remember I'm doing this for fun.Adios and enjoy next chapter

I truly hope some body make Konosuba x Danmachi story.

Mastar_Chefcreators' thoughts
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