
Knights of Macbeldon

Do you want to turn into a giraffe? Follow the lighthearted journey of two (former) knights who got fired due to their sheer foolishness in a world full of magic and wonder!

bananaaa · Fantasie
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4 Chs

The Start is The Beginning

Within the capital city of MacBeldon, stand a magnificent stone building with a height equal to thirteen zebras stacked on top of each other. An insignia of a unicorn holding a sword in its mouth is printed on a huge flag that is installed above the iron door. From a window right next to the door, silhouettes of two skinny men were seen to be standing in front of a man with a broad shoulder.


A loud shout can be heard from what seems to be the base for the knights of MacBeldon. Those who stood near the facility were all caught by surprise. The horses were panicking in the stable right next to the facility. People were wondering what could be the cause of the commotion in the morning of a peaceful day.

"WHY!? WHY?! WHY?!?" His voice continues to echo. It came from the man with the broad shoulder named Morgan. He was the leader of the second knight company in charge of keeping the inside of the capital protected from criminals and magical beast that might sneak in. His hands, full of bruises because they were meant to hold a sword, are now gently caressing his disappointed face. With his eyes now dreary and his long hair now in shambles, he asked the two men who is now standing in front of him.

"Mr Shetland and Mr Exmoor, do you want to know how many complaints that we have against you bumbling idiots?!"

These two men, who were once a farmer recruited for the war that ended three years ago, are now facing a threat equal to a Demon Lord who sat on top of a pony. Fearsome to many but innocuous to some, It was expected, as they thought inside of their head. The idea of getting discharged from the knight company is expected ever since the day of the army recruitment.

Due to the lack of manpower, they were forced to battle for their country with no prior fighting experience whatsoever. A rake and a sword are made from the same iron, they said. With no talent in neither swords nor magic, these two entered the warzone equipped with only their quick-wittedness.

Though foolish but wise, these embodiments of oxymorons continue to miraculously survive until the Hero brought an end to the demise of the Demon Lord. They continue to stay in the knight company because the salaries are ten times better than a countryside farmers.

While Shetland ponders on the question given by his superior, Exmoor replied with his carefree and shameless attitude.

"Enough to get us fired eh?" he smirked.

"You acted like a fool in front of the nobles and royalties!"

"We were just trying to cheer up the princess. That's all."

"She seems to be annoyed by a lot of nobles who tried to flirt with her," Shetland added to the conversation.

"Sigh... but you can't do it by bringing a horse to an outdoor banquet and let it shat on one of the noble's face," Morgan replied followed by another sigh of disappointment, and then he continued, "I know that you've been acting like a fool for quite a lot throughout these years, but, I can not tolerate this any further. The more I let you do this kind of stuff, the more trouble you guys will bring to the second company. You are now discharged from the knight second company. Go pack your stuff and leave" Morgan said with a tone as if he had no energy left to get mad at these two.

Of course, knowing fully well that their action will lead to these consequences, the two nincompoops gave their final salute to their superior. They left the room and headed to the barracks where they usually lodge during the night.

"Pheew... that was intense. We just got fired eh?" said Exmoor while walking through the corridor.

"yeah..." Shetland replied with a tepid voice.

"So... what do you want to do know Shet?" Exmoor looked at Shetland.

Shetland turned his gaze into Exmoor, and with a flat expression decorating his cleanly shaven face, he replied with "I want to be a Giraffe."


"Ever since I was a kid I've always wanted to be a giraffe."

Exmore was once again awestruck by the reply of his childhood friend. He then continued, "Let's become an adventurer! I've always wanted to explore the world, you know. Maybe we can find some weird potion or some weird wishing well that can turn you into a giraffe!"


Thereupon arriving at the barracks, they realised that, to begin with, they do not have much possession on their hands, so packing up was quite easy and quick. After they finish tidying up their belongings, they left the base and are on the road headed directly to the adventurer's guild.

"Wait!" Shetland halted the journey of these jobless nitwits on the side of a busy road filled with merchants and many folks.


"We're not good with sword and magic. How are we going to succeed as an adventurer?"

"Aahhh... you're right."

Exmoor, while saying that in frustration, began to scratch his curly and messy hair. He then continued, "Why don't we stop by a restaurant first? We can discuss it while also having our lunch."


While strolling upon a busy road, they stumble upon a wooden building. This establishment is apparently one of the most popular restaurants in the capital. Famous for its roast cockatrice. Although it is simple, the dish is loved by many. They are so proud of that dish, they even have a cockatrice spouting fire from its mouth as a signboard.

tempted by the smell of roasted meat with a hint of peppers and other spices, they entered the restaurant.

From adventurers with their thick metal armour to an elf who dressed up neatly in a government officials uniform, a scenery full of various folks from different kinds of jobs is noticeable from the entrance.

They took empty seats near the kitchen and sat in front of a small table fitting for only two people.

"Hey! How can I help you?!"

A soft and cheerful voice can be heard from a young healthy cat-folk wearing a brown apron with a white plain shirt underneath. She is the daughter of the owner of this restaurant, now acting as a waitress ready to serve these hungry hopeless men.