
Burning the Midnight Oil

"The beginning is always the same. One drop here, one drop there... slowly soaking the world. In times like this I like to stand still and feel the drops tapping on my forehead. I imagine myself melting into the ground and blending in with the rest of the world."

Reading the passage out loud, Rin closed her eyes and pictured herself standing in a rainy storm. She imagined her clothes glued to her whole body and her ears muted by the raindrops hitting the ground.

"...melting into the ground... and blending in with the rest of the world..."

She repeated it over and over, trying to be one with the image in her head.

"Melting...melting into the... Or soaking? No I've already used that word. Melting...disappearing....flowing away....."

Rin cupped her cheeks with her palms and stretched out her fingertips. This was her so-called "Inspiration Pose," where every time she found herself stuck in her writing, she would squish her cheeks, flex her fingers outward, and imagine rays of inspirational energy beaming out! This was something her mother used to do every time she could not find her car keys. Growing up, Rin was always next to her mother, so it was no surprise when she began using the pose as a part of her vocabulary.

But tonight, the pose failed her and she scratched off the passage with her pen. She then took the paper and threw it over her head. The crumpled page made a light thud as it landed among the pile of her previous attempts. The "failed pile" as she liked to call it, was growing quickly for she has been stuck on this passage for almost two weeks. No matter how many times she revised it, something was little off and unsatisfactory.

She saw from the corner of her eyes the piles of homework and readings she still needed to complete. After slouching back in her chair, she closed her notebook and dragged her school work to the center of the table.

"How am I supposed to write this..." Rin whispered to her self.

Her words slowly turned into a long sigh as she gently laid her head on top of her school work. Even though it was a cool and breezy evening, she felt like a withering flower under a blistering sun. She needed inspiration, but where was she supposed to get inspirations for a romance novel? She was a photography major after all, and on top of that, she has never been in a serious relationship. Her highschool years consisted of only few movie dates and shared lunches; none of which lasted for more than a month at a time.

She turned her head to the side and concentrated on the cool surface of the laminated workbook on her right cheek. She let her heavy eyelids drop and let her arms swing from her shoulders. She remained in this slouched position for several minutes, feeling sleepy but too lazy to move.

As if to tell her to get up, she felt a vibration from the back of her head. Without turning around, she searched for the phone behind her head with her right hand. When the tip of her fingers finally found the corner of her phone, she turned to look at the screen. Her eyes ached as the bright light casted her face. It was Jiji, her "new friend."

With her right arm stretched and her hand barely reaching the phone, she answered the call and put it on speaker. After several painful blinks, Rin mumbled slowly to the phone.


"Rin? Hi it's me! Did I wake u?"

Jiji's energetic voice entered like a blaring horns of an ambulance to Rin's ears. She closed her eyes again.

"No I'm still awake. What's up?"

"Oh not much. Just wanted to check in on the story. Have they kissed yet??? Omg what if it was like New Year's and they're on a veranda and these bunch of fireworks... Or, or or maybe a bittersweet kiss at a airport?? Gosh too many ideas! I was also thinking..."

Jiji's voice soon trailed away from Rin's mind. She was not in the mood for her useless ideas. With her eyes still closed, she imagined herself standing in the rain again. The endless sound of raindrops hitting the ground; gradually erasing away the high-pitched rambling. Occasional wind changing the direction of the rain. Her hair glued to her face and her lips slightly pale...

"Rin? Rin, are you there?"

Jiji's voice pearced through Rin's mind and her heavy eyelids swung open.

"No, they haven't kissed yet," Rin said coldly. "They haven't even met each other."

"What do you mean they haven't met each other? Didn't you say you were done with the intro?"

"The intro I finished was for introducing the main character. I'm actually working on their encounter right now. I'm thinking of..."

"Omg really?" Jiji interrupted with her squeeky voice. "How are they gonna meet? Did you write it already? Read it to me!"

"Well I'm kinda stuck to be honest. I have an idea but I can't seem to make it work. Honestly I'm not sure if I'm the right person for this."

Part of her regretted saying this out loud. Writing had always been a personal hobby of hers and was something she enjoyed doing on her free time. However this novel was nothing like she had ever done. Her expertise was in poetry and short stories. Novels, especially a romance for that matter, was out of the question.

"But you're a fantastic writer!!"

Jiji's voice scarred Yuja's ears. This was Jiji's catch phrase. Every time Yuja showed a sign of discouragement, Jiji would shreak and tell Rin how wonderful of a writer she is and how much better it is compared to hers.

"Jiji this is stressing me out. Writing is not even my major. It's only an occasional hobby of mine. I already set up the story for you. I'll give you the outline too. You can write the rest."

"Rin that's not what you promised! You said you would do this for me! I'm your friend! You know how bad my writing is. Please help me!"

Rin did not say anything. Despite her stubbornness, she was not skilled in arguments. When Jiji did not hear a reply, she continued to blare through the phone.

"He's only asking for the intro. You said you already finished the intro right? The first chapter isn't due till October 2nd so you have plenty of time! Please don't give up on me like this! I'll help you write it too!"

Rin let out a weak, silent sigh through her nose. After a long inhale, she gently lowered her eyelids and as it closed, she mumbled slowly:

"...fine. Just make sure you read it in case he asks you any questions."

"Yes of course! Omg thank you Rin! You are the best! I'll treat you to dinner next time!"

"Yeah... whatever." Rin's voice trailed off and the tiring call came to an end. She stared at the phone screen as it turned dark. It reflected her squished cheeks resting on top of the homework and her messy hair. Even on the colorless screen, she could see the dark circles under her eyes.

She let the phone flop onto the table, face down, and dragged to fatigued body onto the bed. Her body sunk into the matress and before she could put on a cover, her mind drifted off and her eyelids sealed heavily. Once again, as she was sound sleep, she found herself standing in a middle of a rainy storm, waiting for something... or someone.