
Kings fantasy

Dre is the only true son of king darius, and has been captured since twelve when his mother the queen fled from amsturd, the largest kingdom in the west. During the period was drought and the king has died in battle which he led again the barrans of the East. Dresans(Dre's) uncle took over the kingdom and led the war into winning to also gain the people trust. After this period he took over the throne and sought to kill Dre. Pacing a way for his own son Allan to become king when the time comes. This made the queen flee from amsturd but was killed in chase and Dre has been guarde ever since by Osward the Kings knight. Both of them was captured and taken to gath to be trained as skilled killers for Lord Ral' elot of Gath. Dre must hide his identity and grow stronger in other to achieve his revenge .

Glory_Goldlings · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Into legend. into lore

next day!


My prince...my prince!!

Dre opens his eyes slowly, lifting his head up. He tried to get up but couldn't. Osward was in the other end of someplace that looks like a cage. An iron cage!. No, it was a real cage_A cell, A prison cell.

Osward has receive torture all night. He was refered to a beasts lagoon by the soldiers of the fortress cause he would not conform to any form of pain. They could see the rage and willingness to kill despite everything and out of desperation.

The commander of the fortress, General Omar came in with his party. He looked at the dying warrior with no pity .He open the other cell and asked a soldier to bring the boy out.

'Dre was chained. hands and feet and he looked tired and I'll.

He fell faced on the ground as if dead. Here the general took no pity on the poor lad.

He Also says he see no reasons why Lord Dresans would want to murder a young boy like this and of cause 'royalty.

But at this time of war he couldn't help his pity. He asked the other knight to give food for the boy and bath, cloth him. The knight froze as surprised by the sudden affection towards the poor boy, general Omar is never like this. Though he loved his men much but he is as cruel and though. He went afterwards without hesitation not to disobey the commanders order.


The nect day was Dawn. Soldiers packed out in roles and addressed by their chief the general.

Osward could remember his army with the insight. He lamented from the cage he was in. 'A cell probably.

After a while a sword was dropped to the ground and offered as a bait by the chief.

Fight my men ! says the chief_and if you stay alive after the round ( a mocking face on actually) I will grant you your freedom...? or loose here and I'll kill the Lad first.

His gesture was good but osward didn't like it. He was weak and they knew this, he wouldn't make it.

They should just kill me instead he thought amidst himself.

..!will you or will you not,...

Another tall fit soldier spoke from the angle.

A sword was thrown in the ground in from of osward. The sun shone more brighter and pale red, as if the day of reckoning has come.

The crowd cheered and poured whine celebrating going on.

Osward first dorge some of his opponent blows and at lastly he was able to make a strike

.....the soldier is down. Everyones got surprised.

" A remark. _surprised

Another soldier Came out running ferociously toward the knight. Another round of exchanging couple blows strikes and agin, Oswald took him down.

Now they all knew that this knight is a masterpiece." A great one indeed."

The general called the fight to a end. He told the soldiers to return Oswars to the cell.


Some moments later,.

General Omar was having a conversation with another senior official of the military.

afterward he came to the cell were Oswald is in , wondering why Lord Dresans would want to kill a soldier this loyal and skilled. he asked him a few questions, which he answered without hesitation.

Seing the pity and rage the same time in his face.

General Omar took pity and offered him a chance.

Will you fight by me?....I will promise protection to the young boy and you. Or,. you don't have anywhere to go.?

...I..I do have somewhere to go,replied oswald

I can't serve you.!

Do your wish.!! I make the rules here.

You have two days to decide. i Or I will kill the lad and no exceptions for you.

The general turned and left....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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