
Chapter 1: Magical Elements

There was a small tale about four strong elements. Together, they were stronger than anything and anyone.

All four together can possibly destroy the world. But only if they use their power for good will they save the world.

On planet Ciler there were five kingdoms. The Fire kingdom, Wind kingdom, Water kingdom, and Earth kingdom. But the Fifth Kingdom was the most important because Kingdom Queen and Kingdom King ruled it.

Kingdom Queen had four children. Those four little girls held great, strong power of fire, water, wind, and earth. Kingdom Queen wanted her four daughters to become leaders of each kingdom.

But one day before the four daughters could ever grow old enough to become the leaders of the kingdoms. A war broke out between them.

Kingdom Queen know that planet Ciler couldn't last long and that the war was going to destroy the planet and everyone on it.

So Kingdom Queen sent the four daughters to a planet named Earth.

As all four rockets set out for Earth, the planet Ciler was destroyed.

All four girls took four years to land on Earth. All four rockets landed at the same time. But the rockets landed on different parts of earth.

The element fire landed in Texas. The element water landed in Hawaii. The element earth landed in New Jersey. And the element Wind landed in Pennsylvania. But it's been 10 years since they've landed. And they have no idea that their sisters or that their not from Earth. They don't even know about their special powers.