
Chapter The First

The cheers were loud as Landon Colfield traversed down the center of the throne room. His heart thumped violently, threatening his stomach with nausea. He began to take deep breaths as to calm the anxiety down, however, it was to no avail. Despite the teachings from his childhood and the intensive learning in the last few months, He still felt ill prepared to become the next monarch of Eastern Atrasea.

Although, what was he to do? After his father's untimely death three months ago, and his elder brother Kaiel's selfish absolution of the crown, Landon was left in a tight spot. He knew that he was to become king one day, but he did not expect it to happen ten days before his 18th birthday. He also didn't expect Kaiel to selfishly give up his responsibility in favor of "freedom".

Then again, life never really went how Landon expected in general. Suddenly, Landon was brought back to the present as the Master of Ceremonies loudly announced his name.

"We now announce the arrival of Landon Miguel Colfield the Third, our new king of Eastern Atrasea." At that moment, the cheering become impossibly louder. Landon wanted to cover his ear and run back to his quiet study, but he remembered that it would only show cowardice, something truly unfit for a king. He swallowed harshly and made his way to the throne. Once he sat down, Ronald drew upon the king, gently placing the crown on Landon's head. While he was doing so, he leaned into the king's ear.

"Have no fear, son. I have helped raise you and have seen the potential that you carry. There is no doubt that you will continue to do as great as your father." With that, Ronald straightened and nodded to the Master. The Master nodded back.

"His Majesty the King will now say a word." The room went silent immediately, once again throwing Landon into a state of mental panic. Now, he was sure everyone was watching him. As Landon shakily cleared his throat, he stood up to begin his speech.

"People of Eastern Atrasea…Your king is humbled in your presence." Landon paused to take a breath, then continued. "It has been a rough three months, starting with the death of our late king, and the absolution of Prince Kaiel." There were silent murmurs among the crowd. Landon sighed. That piece of news was still hard to come to terms with. But he could not stop here. Kaiel was now a distant memory in the present moment. Landon inhaled deeply, then spoke more.

"However, even with the disadvantages and situations that I must navigate alone, It will not stop me from becoming a king worthy of this country. Though, instead of copying my father's rule, I will make my own legacy and spot in our history books." Landon looked to the stool in front of him and grabbed the sapphire scepter upon it. After inspecting it for a second, he thrust it into the air, the light of the afternoon sun shining onto the top-most gem.

"I hereby declare on this day, Cyra the 18th in the Imperial Year 500 that I, Landon Colfield the third will support this land and protect it with my body and soul until the day I die." Landon looked to the crowd of people before him.

"LONG LIVE EASTERN ATRASEA!" The people cheered loudly and responded with their own chant.

"LONG LIVE THE KING!!" Landon looked to the side of the room, where Ronald and his mother Seraphina stood. Both looked onto him proudly as they clapped along with the rest of the spectators. Landon exhaled. It was done. He was now king.

Now…The hard work truly begins…