
Kingdom of the winds

Prince Tyler never believed there will be a woman more beautiful than his sister Ariana neither did he believe he will fall in love with the slave girl leah

NaomiSamuel · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Chapter Three

"You may all leave"

"Yes your highness" she said while glaring at ariana

He ordered ariana to eat she wanted to refused then she realized she miss all those meals in front of her for a year now

She took a bite as he watched her she smiled as she asked him to eat

"call me by my name when no one is around"

"yes my lord'

"Eric" he corrected

"Eric lance'' she said while smiling at him

"tell me about yourself anne"

"I dont want to think about the past eric"

"its okay''

She stood up to leave before he asked another question that might led her in exposing who she really is

To her surprise he pull her close to him and hug her

"wh…at are you…." She broke off

"I miss you anne"

She was surprise by the sudden confession, she wanted to pull away but he held her firm, he let go when he heard someone coughed out behind them

"it is indeed true''


Ariana was nervous she step away from eric as she tremble when she saw beth glaring at her

"what did you think you are doing with my maid"

" she works for me"

Beth was furious and was also accusing ariana for seducing her brother

"Stop it beth please"

"Why her?"

He asked ariana to excused them, she left to her quarters when she bump into matilda who was glaring at her as she held out her whip

"I see you are now making out with the prince" she said angrily

"Am not ma'am"

She felt a sharp pain on her chin , matilda just strike her ariana was furious she wished she could strike back but she couldn't ; she don't know why matilda hate her so much despite knowing all what she was saying was nothing but the truth

Beth came in between them; ariana was scared of the worst when beth asked her to come with her

" my lady"

She was silent and didn't respond to her, for the first time since she came to Lancelot she have never been to the princess chamber before; they stopped in front of beth chamber as she asked her to come in, she hesitate a little but then she saw beth smiling down at her

"Don't be scared anne come here"

"yes my lady"

She pulled me beside her as we sat down on the bed, she held my hands as she stare at me " I want you to be my personal maid" she said to me softly

"Bu…t my l…ady" I stammer

"I insist''

I tried to protest but then she glare at me, I accept immediately

"Now go set a water bath for me" she said

"as my lady pleased" I said while heading out; I couldn't believe that beth could be this nice ,I wonder what she and eric discussed that change her attitude towards me

I was still in thought when I saw eric heading towards the horse ranch I could see the maids staring at him including matilda; the realization hit her it was obvious she was in love with no other person but eric