

"Well, Hearts any suggestions here you may not give me any extra powers here, but surely advice is within you preview."

"Ok Nathen given the master of masters temper start questioning is prophesy. He already showed displeasure when you carlisy tossed his book in the trash can no point then to double down at this point and hope for the best or be honest with him. What's that saying honesty is the best policy."

"Grate I guess I don't have a chose."

" Exqusme young man but I do believe i asked you a question right? Now, what are you doing here."

"Well, then mister in the black hood I was wondering if you would tell me how to mack a keyblade like the foretellers."

Nathen was a lot smater then most when he was playing the kingdom hearts union he noticed that even though Luxu hade No Name the keyblade with the master's Eye all Fortellers hade a similar eye on their keychain and it was probably a fail safe to make sure thing went to plan. So unless it was a last resort, he didn't want to have the master personally forge his keyblade. Not only could it make his heart verbal but the master could leave a hidden defect or tracking tool in his wepon, and that was a big no.

"Hmm, what any interesting kid. "

The master of masters thought to himself even though he had the book of prophecy and new the general outline of the events. He was getting pretty brood but he was also a bit annoyed with his book being thrown in the trash. then an idea struck him he just happen to have the perfect experiment in mide that he hadn't got the chance to test yet. If the boy died then no biggy. But if he lived then fin just one more body in the war and he could get a solid solution for his own keyblade. Despite nearly everyone around him the master of masters still didn't have one to call his own. the closest one to his own was No name that he gave to Luxu, but that module was strictly for him to look into the future with and was not strictly meant for combat like the foretellers was and even there's were not perfect. Besides the kid in front of him was no one important if he was then he would be in the book, so he had nothing to lose in this case.

" Well, my boy fin you'll get your way, not every day some one gets in here or has the guts to ask there's room for a reward."

The master said in a rather whimsical voice

The master slapped Nathen on the back nearly knocking im over in the proses.

Nathen utterly stupefied by this point by the sudden change in direction and was even more suspicious than when he started. But just sucked it up, after all, we were talking about a keyblade here the only weapon capable of striking and defending against the heartless effectively.

"Well, since you didn't ask for me to help you forge it, here you go."

the master of masters tossed a scroll to Nathen like the serious mood from earlier was just a bad dream.

"Bet you wish you had asked me to do it hu hahahahahah."

The master laughs with his hands on his waist and head back."

Nathen utterly immune to the master's remark takes the scroll and dashes out like he was on fire.

As luck would have it the tunnel that he came from was still devoid of heartless still. Taking a mere 20 minutes, he emerged from the tunnel.

Walking in the street now he took out the scroll in one of his cargo pockets in his pants. Wondering what to do now, he keeps walking around intill he finds someone and asks if there an inn near. to his surprise there was an inn and to make thing better as long as you said you were joing a union then the first night was free. It was mostly because the unions keep the darkness out of town and to make shere any way werd travelers on their road to here didn't sleep outside only to get eating by a stray shadow or two, and it was all done in the name to keep the numbers up. After all one more possible keyblade wilder meant one less heartless romming around town. Nathen utterly excited by the news got the directions and belined to the inn.

" Hello, I'm new in town and plane to join the one of the uoins cane I have a room please."

The Innkeeper with shoulder leght brown hair and a smile that showed experience. Simply smiled and said "certainly but just as a reminder if by tomorrow you do not join a union you will be found and conscripted to a random union on the front line to fight. So please keep that in mind."

The Innkeeper now looking like a demon in human skin game Nathen the key and a loaf of bread on the house and then proceeded to ignore him.

Nathen looked at the key and saw the number 24 written on it and proceeded to find his room and the intier time wondering why the heck everyone was so strong.

" Nathen it, not that every one is strong, but you are so week this town so regularly has at least one or two heartless running about so everyone that's left is either gon or has at least some ability to fight."

Nathen could do nothing as he realized his own weakness now more than ever.

" Sigh."

Taking one look around his room for the night he notes that there is nothing but a desk on the right and a bead on the left with barely any place for two people to stand side by side. But there waasnt any complates after all the room was free for the night after a made some cash and joined a union he could get an even better room or maybe a house if he was lucky.

Nathen not able to hold it any more took the scroll from his pocket and opened it. It described the method to forge a keyblade. Describing a way to enter into the realm of sleep. your mind is sleeping your inner darkness and light in you heart clash and the two forces are what forge the keyblade and enables you to summon it in the form of your spirt animals head shown on the cross section of the of the keyboard like the foretellers.

"Heart can you take a look at this and see if there's anything wrong with the method please."

" Nathen when did you get so polite it seems that not long ago you were swearing every five minutes like a sailor. But seans you asked so nicely, of course, I'll look."

Nathen could just hear the sarcasm and smugness from Hearts voice but kept quiet so as not to bug them to make shere everything went perfectly.

This was the real start of his journey, and he will be damned if it's cut short by an oversite because they were arguing.

" Well, Nathen my boy I have good news and bad news what would you like first."

" I knew it no such thing as a free meal without some strings. Give me the good news first."

" Ok good news the techniques possible, and I can even put you to sleep and into the world of Dream and the keyblade could have the potential to surpass the foretellers if trained right. Because unlike theam you won't have someone to control your light and darkness forces in the collision. The bad news is that the constant fighting of light and darkness in your heart left unchecked could make you go boom. Like someone going to have to get a mop for the ceiling boom, it won't be pretty."

Nathen not knowing whether to laugh or cry at the moment gritted his teeth. He would not settle for average in this life. NEVER! He will rise to the top and uncover the misters of this universe. Wall all these thoughts were running through his head he went to bed laid down and said.

" Heart do your worst."

Are hero finale is finale getting his keyblade what will it look like what ability will it hold will it work at all find out next time.

Title: start of the forge

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