
King of the Forest

For some reason the whole population of the world was given the chance to enter a new world as starting Lords. Able to recruit troops, heroes, build buildings, and for the truly fortunate develop their own kingdom and power. Some chose not enter as this was permanent and death was an all too real fate. Others did. This story follows the story of one such man given the randomized lord skill [Evolution]. With enough resources the man named Thomas Gaines can evolve his troops, heroes, buildings, and other things. Although the cost is never cheap! *Disclaimer cover is not mine…*

DaoistvZONrZ · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Ch. 2

Excited by his luck in his first roll Edward is ready for the lords talent and the initial troop building. He asks the system to start the rolls for these next two parts of the beginning process.

[Due to you being the first lord to ever roll a golden race, you will be given the lords talent: Lord of Change.]

"Huh since it's a special bonus it's got to be good. Well with my luck I'll no doubt get at least a red troop building."

[Starting the troop building roll]

The tabs change with the golden tab saying forest dragon den. While some of the red tabs say hill giant camp and green hag hut.

Waiting for the roller to spin for a while Edward eventually shouts out, "Stop!"

His eyes giddy with glee and expectation for the troop building slowly bleed the happiness out as the ticker lands on a large group of white tabs.

[Congratulations on getting the one star grade one troop building: Bullywog Pool!]

With his face casting a gloomy look Edward curses, "Shit, the worst possible building."

Uncaring of his sadness the system continues on,

[The system will now explain a few benefits granted to the lords of Earth, First is the world and region message tab. While you can chat with no restrictions in the regional tab, each person can only send one message per day to the world tab.]

[Second is the trading function. Each lord can buy or sell resources, building blueprints, and items on the trading tab. The price is determined by the seller but can be negotiable or auctioned off.]

[Third are the last benefits granted, each lord is granted 1000 units each of stone, wood, and food. Finally each lord has an initial village granted to you. They have been notified of your arrival.]

[The villages has an initial loyalty set which will differ from the race difference rolled at the beginning. Additionally loyalty will change due to a lords performance. Low loyalty will cause your followers to abandon you or even rebel.]

[This village is an hours walk in the direction you were facing when you woke up in this world. We wish you luck and success in your journey lords of Earth!]

"Great I got the worst troop building and now I have to find a village that's in a swamp." Edward sighs and takes his first step.

He instantly sinks into the water foot landing on the bed of the swamp with the water high up on his thigh.

"Thank god I grew in height, this water would definitely be up to my chest or head high at times." Thus Edward begins walking through the swamp.

As he begins walking through the swamp Edward begins to be very grateful for his Archfey race. He can tell that most forest creatures are friendly or uncaring of him. As if he were simply a walking plant.

He's most grateful that the large leeches in the swamp completely ignore his woody flesh as they wriggle by. However with his new senses Edward can tell there is a deep ecosystem in this swamp.

A myriad of fish swim by. Water snakes slither through the water, and frogs jump from available ground and lily pads while shooting their tongues out at the various insects. And this is just the small amount of the swamp Edward has seen. It's absolutely full of life.

Once Edward even saw a giant snapping turtle that at first seemed to be a large rock. However when an alligator slowly swam by, the turtle jumped into lightning quick action crushing the alligator between its string jaws.

The gator struggled for a few moments before succumbing and dyeing the surrounding water blood red.

Edward gave a wide berth to the snacking turtle and proceeded on. He marveled at the variety of strange wildlife. When he was in the city working constantly he never had the chance to even take a simple hike.

His spare time was spent getting a few hours of sleep before his next shift at one of his three jobs. Thinking back Edward cursed his parents who died and left him with their debts accrued from loans and shady casinos.

They never treated him well and he practically grew up alone. It's a miracle he survived until the lords system arrived on Earth. However he thanks his blessings that it did.

After an hour of walking and swimming at dusk through the swamp Edward sees a fire in the distance. Guessing he has found the village he walks up an increasing slope from the deep swamp water. It seems like a hill formed underwater and this is where the village rested.

Eventually he reaches the peak, though his knees are still underwater and steps towards the light. He can make out two figures on top of a large and thick fence.

Seeing him loom into vision fear crosses their faces at his hulking figure. Although they can't see him clearly the village tells of similar horned creatures called wendigo that roam the forest at night.

One motions to the other and the guard disappears from sight to call for backup. The other remaining guard pulls a bow taut and points an arrow at Edward.

Edward stops in fear and calls out, "Hello, I was told I am this villages lord now and you were notified about my arrival!"

The guard tilts his head in confusion and calls out, "Doko trold venere pagrim set leek!"

At first Edward is worried about the language gap but after the first sentence an entirely new language forces its way into his brain.

The guard calls out again, "I'll ask again creature, what business do you have with Uruk Village?"

Edward happy at the benefit of learning this language calls back, "I was told I would find a village here and you had been notified of me! I'm your new lord!"

The guard relaxes his bow and says, "Hold on, the village chief and shaman will arrive soon. We were expecting another human… Or a creature more… Normal."

Edward waits for a while and a muscular man and hunched old lady arrive on top of the fence. Neither party can see the other clearly. For Edward due to the glaring firelight preventing him from only seeing their silhouettes. For the village chief and shaman due to their lack of night vision.

The chief calls out after talking to the guard, "Step forward creature, we must be sure you are our new lord."