
King of the east universe

he is the king of the east universe and he as to protect the east universe with his friends and his father if he fails then the east universe is doomed

samadetuyi · Fantasie
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91 Chs

020 - Betrayal

When I saw the rabbit I was happy because this meant that I have a gift for Lisa so I grabbed and brought it to Lisa when I gave it to Lisa she was happy because she has always wanted rabbits but when she saw the rabbit she saw it was a rare type of rabbit she was holding and thanked me after talking with Lisa for thirty minutes we decided to head back to the house when we got back to the house we saw that no one was in the living room so we thought everyone had gone to bed but when Lisa wanted to show Xenox the rabbit I got for her she did not see her so she checked the other rooms to see if they were in their room but no one was home , Lisa started to panic so i tried to calm her down when i calmed her down i told her that i was going to look for them and asked if she was coming she said yes but i wanted her to stay here just incase anyone had escaped she agreed to stay so i went to my room to put on my combat clothe after putting on the outfit i walked down stairs to say goodbye to Lisa after saying goodbye to Lisa i went outside and flew to the coordinate that was on the paper that i saw in garters room when i got there i saw it was the kings home and felt rage take over my body so i went inside with a battle stance when i went inside i saw garter, luigi, Roxanne and Xenox in a cage but did not see Seun in the cage so i asked garter where Seun was she said that Seun was the one that told the king that they were in the forest i did not want to believe that Seun was a betrayal so i asked the king where Seun was, the king told Seun to come out when Seun came out he was wearing the knights outfit so i asked him why he betrayed me but he did not answer he just jumped towards me when he got close i felt that his power was not the same it felt stronger almost like the knight outfit was increasing his power while i was wondering how Seun`s power increased he punched me in the chest and i flew back like i was made of air when i stood up he ran towards me and kicked me and i flew to the roof when i was falling down he caught me and threw me to the floor adding to the momentum and making the fall more brutal i was feeling defeated until i saw Lisa run in with full speed and hit Seun it made Seun move five step back when Seun saw it was Lisa that punched him he grabbed her by the neck and threw her the wall after seeing that incident i was so angry that i stated feeling metal on my body like my i was putting on a metal suit after the suit was formed i was not in the palace but in the clouds in a distance i saw king Poreisa as i was running to him i remembered that iwas still fighting Seun and tried to go back to the real world as i was trying it was not working when i opened my eyes i saw king Poreisa in front of me i fell on my back when he saw i fell he brought out his arm to help me up when got up i asked him why he was in this place alone he said he was here because he has to keep the barrier closed and if he leaves now without his son the barrier will close i tried to tell him that i was his son but he stopped me from talking and said he will have to return me to my body and pushed me when i opened my eyes i saw Seun on the floor badly injured i tried to help him up but he just brushed my arm away so i left him i ran to Lisa to see if she was still breathing when i checked i saw that she was breathing just fine and put her in a comfortable posture after putting Lisa in a comfortable posture I ran to where the king was sitting and punched him but he was just a hologram seeing as he is just a hologram ignored him and started looking for the key to the cages after looking for it everywhere I found it tied to Seun's leg i took the key and released all of my friendds when i relesed them they all thanked me i told Xenox to carry lisa and tiks them to leave when they left i carried seun and tied him to a chair and asked him why he betrayed he said he betrayed us because he wanted to be a knight i told him it was okay and left him it was hard for me to leave hi. like that, because he was shouting and when I left I released a sigh of relief and flew away when we got to the house we saw that the house was not safe anymore so we had to go to the old principal house when we got there the principals happy to see us and welcomed us it was that first time in the principal house it was as big as a mansion and it was a futuristic house so we felt relaxed after massaging our body and eating we went to the basement and talk about our on how to find the holy sword the principal suggested I find the sword with Lisa while xenox and garter find the tomb where king poresia after discussing about the plan the principal could still not believe that king poresia Is alive and I am his son

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