
Kill la Kill: Path of Power

A not so normal teen wakes up in the body of the boy who stole a Goku Uniform... Suzuki, read on as he rises to the top driven by the thirst of power

God_Of_Degeneracy · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Suzuki Kuchiki

I think I'm dead and the reason I think so is because all I see is black and I have a body made of pure blue light.

I have been here for who knows how long and I've already recounted everything I can remember so Its safe to assume I've been here for a while.

I don't even remember how I died and don't even feel sad about dying I was just some 16 year old with abusive parents who found refuge in anime, Science, Taekwondo and Sojutsu(Spear arts).

Those where the only things I did watch anime, train and go to tournaments it was an ok life and my parents left me alone after I learnt how to fight and saw I was bringing in money from tournaments, they were angry when I didn't give them any but I just told them to suck it and went on with my life.

I didn't use that money for anything since I was going to use it for university so I could cut all ties with my parents and study bioengineering if it wasn't enough I would just get a loan to cover what I was missing but I guess all that was for naught.

I look around again and notice the room is getting lighter from the pitch black to now grey, "Guess somethings gonna happen soon" I sigh and close my nonexistent eyes.

I start loosing the feeling in my ethereal limbs, resigning to my fate I let my consciousness slip and black out.


I open my eyes and sit up on the worn out mattress I was just lying down on and look around the room I'm in, "Ew this is disgusting" I say to myself and get of the matrass not wanting to catch anything.

The room has clothes lying around everywhere and half eaten takeout everywhere some of it is even molding "Is this some shady clinic my parents took me to?" I ask myself and remain standing.

"Nah hey would probably let me die and claim insurance money" I say before the previously unfamiliar room becomes very recognizable, "Suzuki kuchiki, soon to be student at Honnōji Academy, 14 years old" I mutter while staring at my very out of shape body.

"I just had to be this guy, my precious bod that I worked so hard for is just gone" I sigh and realize that my body is the least of my problems.

"Kill la Kill never thought I would end up here" I say before kicking away some clothes and sitting down on the floor.

"So I just graduated from junior high and my parents paid the school fees for the Academy just before they died, I didn't even know there was a junior high in this universe"

"So I have a year before I start Honnōji and another year before Ryuko gets here, well I think so since Ryuko and Mako are 17 and Suzuki was in the same class as Mako before he tried stealing a uniform"

"So I have enough time to get into shape and maybe become a club president so I can get a 2 star Goku uniform, I don't think I can make it into the student council though, well before any of that time to clean this house" I sigh before getting to work.


It took me awhile to clean the house since it isn't small but isn't big somewhere in the middle since the closer you live to Honnōji the more prestigious the houses get and I live about 3 quarters up the mountain this whole city is built on.

"That's way better, now since school ended about a month ago I have 11 months until I head to Honnōji that should be enough time to fix this body with calisthenics and I need get me a spear, I don't think there is a Sojutsu club so I might start one then get it popular therefore getting myself a uniform"

"I might even be able to steal some 1 star uniforms and study them to make myself a Kamui but who knows I probably wont even be able to understand them but it doesn't hurt to try" I say to myself before putting on a tracksuit and heading out for a run.


For the next 10 months all I did was wake up, eat, study for a bit to keep myself sharp then workout for the whole day then practice with a spear I made for myself, eat again and then go to sleep, It did get boring sometimes so I did develop a hobby of drawing and have gotten pretty good at it I guess.

I also found out I cant fell pain which is a plus I guess but I can still somewhat feel injuries like when I got stabbed while fighting some random thugs it didn't hurt but the wound was tingling and the more serous the injury the more it tingles.

And yes I get into fights really often and people just avoid me now and my neighbors don't even recognize me after losing weight.

My body is alot stronger but nowhere near what I want it at if I want to become a club captain, my height is now at about 5'10" I don't know why but after losing fat I just got taller kinda like how the original Suzuki got taller after activating the uniform he stole.

I still have curly brown hair since no matter what I do it just goes back to looking like this so I juts gave up plus it doesn't even look that bad on me.

Anyway I am walking around the Honno City market buying some groceries with the money I may or may not of gotten from the people I beat up on the weekly, but to my defense they keep trying to mess with me but keep failing.

I am walking back up to my house when I see 5 guys surrounding what looks to be a 10 year old boy in a alley, I walk towards them and one of them notices me and shouts, "Scram kid this doesn't involve you!" I take a good look at his face and grimace for it is the ugliest face I have every seen.

"Damn you ugly, but anyway what you doing to that boy" I say nonchalantly before following up with "5 adults ganging up on a kid pretty pathetic if you ask me".

I look behind me before noticing people are watching I guess this idiot shouting gathered some attention.

"What did you say punk!" shouts the biggest guy there, "You heard me" I respond and notice that the boy they where surrounding already ran after these guys focuses their attention on me.

"Huh guess that boy ran well whatever, so are we gonna fight or what" I say before roundhouse kicking the guy in front of me sending him flying into some trashcans.

"Damn bro really couldn't even hold his ground, guess this fight wont be that interesting" I sigh before look back at the rest of them.


Whats up my dudes! This actually isnt my first story I have a gravity falls one but Im not saying its name, but I am still not that good at writing so yeah... anyway this wont be a multiverse nor will it be harem since those are stupid and hard to write.


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