
Kill la Kill: Path of Power

A not so normal teen wakes up in the body of the boy who stole a Goku Uniform... Suzuki, read on as he rises to the top driven by the thirst of power

God_Of_Degeneracy · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Some damn cool eyes

I could barely sleep last night, and the reason is because I had injected the fiber blood into the veins near my eyes and they hurt alot and still do, yes they hurt even though I'm supposed to not be able to feel pain which is really weird, my eyes also went from brown to an orange red.

And I can barely see, but that wasn't really problem since I'm already used to being blind, still sucks that I am actually blind but whatever I don't even know what I expected from this.


I wake up to a burning sensation in my eyes, I sit up on my bed and hold in a scream since my eyes can actually feel pain now, after what felt like hours it stops and wanting to see what happened I make my way to the bathroom connected to my room since y'know bigger house.

I unravel my bandages that now have a iron smell, meaning my eyes where bleeding, and to my surprise my vision is ok now, no its way better and my eyes look even more different. They are orange with a even darker orange pupil and a thin ring around the pupil which is also dark orange.


"That's pretty cool but the light actually strains my eyes goddamnit" I say and squinting trying to limit the amount of light seeping into my eyes, "This brightness isn't natural" I mutter before turning off the light and to my surprise I can see perfectly.

"Damn" I say before leaving the bathroom and heading to our backyard to test anything else I can do now.

Arriving outside I just try straining my eyes, and my eyes hurt even more before the veins around my eyes light up, suddenly everything seems to move in slow motion, "This is just flash time but I am still slow, still pretty useful" I mutter and try to move around only to be just as slow as everything around me.

I turn around and notice a dark orange silhouette of a human through the walls of out house with lighter orange inside it seemingly highlighting every organ and vein in their body and if I try hard enough I can see the muscles in their body.

"X-ray too this is just getting better and better, I say before willing my eyes to turn off since they hurt really bad, the world starts moving at normal speed again and I can't see through walls anymore.

"So I cant deactivate the night vision? Well that sucks" I complain before going to bed with a content smile on my face.

I jump into bed and fish out some bandages from the drawer next to me and wrap them around my eyes, making the stinging vanish like it was never there.


I have had these eyes for 2 months now and I am even harder to beat now, I can see everything, I can somewhat predict your moves by seeing which of your muscles contract but its not perfect yet, I can see your brain and all the nerves in a body since the are a different shade of orange so I might be able to see your brain give commands to your body when I figure out a way to inject more blood into my eyes without exploding them.

I can tell when you are lying by just monitoring your heart rate and face muscles, and I can slow my perception of time giving me really good reaction speeds, but that's only when I remove my bandages since I cant do any of this while my eyes are covered but I have been walking around without a blindfold more often to get used to the pain my eyes are always feeling when open.

People are interested in them but I just tell them that they have always been like this, which they cant confirm since they have never seen me without a blindfold, well they have in the video of me fighting Uzu but I was far from the camera so you couldn't make out what my eyes looked like.

I've also been experimenting with more Fiber Blood and have found the effects of it are purely random, I injected a rat near its eye's to see what happens and instead of getting what I did it just seemed to get smarter, probably at the intelligence of a dog now so I just gave it to Ryo and Tatsuo to keep.

So what I got out of this was it just gives you a random enhancement depending on the area it was injected in, I decided to stop the experiments for now since I cant just keep removing fiber from my uniform since I still do need it, and I might have to hand it back in when I get my 2 star.

It would be suspicious for there to be alot of missing Fiber so I aint risking it, I also have and idea when Canon starts since Ryuko got here before No Tardies Day and that was in during the 2nd month of school so I have about 4-5 months before she gets here, and I have done everything I can so I guess I'll just train alot.


Since training has been boring I decided to ask Uzu to fight me again since I have already beat every club president that can fight and he is the only one who gave me some sort of challenge.

He did agree and we have been fighting on the regular, and it seemed me beating him humbled him but he just blindfolded himself instead of removing his eyes for now.

Uzu is a pretty cool guy, we sometimes fight without Goku uniforms and when we do I sometimes lose, since he has had more physical training then me and has had a similar amount of martial training, I also asked him to fight me with a 2 star and I got beat into the ground multiple times but it is really good practice.

"What are you even training for" he asks watching me crawl out of one of the many craters we created with a smug smile on his stupid face.

"What you so happy about this was an unfair fight anyway" I grumble before standing up and tie my bandages back around my eyes.

"I want to become strong enough to be deemed worth enough to get a 3 star without having to join the student council" I say knowing Uzu is probably gonna tell Satsuki what I just said, I think the only reason he even agreed to fight me was because he was told to.