
chapter Two BETRAYAL

Kay walked in and greeted_

"good evening Helen"

"you??? how did you get to know my house? Are you monitoring me or what?"

Laura whispers_ "calm down girl"

Turning to Kay_ "have a sit. Excuse me guys, I need some fresh air, I will be outside"

Kay pleaded with Helen to give him a chance but Helen gave deaf ears. He got tired and walked out. Meeting Laura outside_

"Laura please help me talk to Helen, I really love her"

"Not to worry, I will see what to do"

Laura walked into the room and after listening to what Helen had to say, she tried convincing her to give the young man a chance but Helen refused saying_

"I don't want headache in my life"

One day, she finally replied to Kay's message and invited him over for a talk. During their conversation Helen said_

"I have one question for you Kay, and I want you to be sincere with me"

"Okay go on"

"I know young good looking and wealthy guys like you will always have one or two girlfriends so why don't you have one?"

"I had one but I breakup with her"

"Oh sorry about that and sorry if I'm introducing but please may I know the reason for your break up?"

"sure; I found out that she was cheating on me and when I confronted her, she agreed to it and then I decided to cut every link I had with her"

"Wow!!!! Just like that? Why didn't you give her a second chance where as she was open and told you the truth"

"I didn't because she was trying to justify her actions instead of pleading"

"But I'm sure she apologized right?"

"Yes she did"

"Then why didn't you pardon her?"

"I didn't because of some other personal reasons"

"Alright then, if it's that personal, I won't force you to tell me"

After discussing, Kay went home but didn't give up on Helen. After thinking, Helen decided to give him a chance.

Kay and Helen began dating and everything went on well. Kay was so caring and loving; a day would not go by without him calling or texting Helen. Most at times, he picked her up from campus since she was in her final year in the university. From time to time, Kay bought gifts and took Helen on romantic dates. The relationship was more of fun, joy, love and care.

One evening, Laura and Helen sat in their rooms watching a movie and discussing, Helen's phone rang and it was Kay _ they talked and taked and after the call, Helen kept on blushing and smiling so much that Laura began teasing her_ "hmm..... I can smell love in the air"

"Come on Laura, stop!"

Weeks passed then suddenly, Kay received an urgent call for a business trip which came in a short notice. He called Helen to let her know of his traveling but the young girl was unhappy with Kay's sudden departure and wished him a safe journey. Kay was out for a month and texted Helen once in a while due to his busy schedule.

As soon as he returned, he visited Helen and she was surprised to see him because she didn't know he was coming. They spent time together and he went home for a rest.

Days later, he had another urgent trip but this time, he had two days to prepare. He pick up Helen from school and took her to their favorite restaurant where he told her about his three months journey. Helen was not pleased with the news, her mood changed as she yelled_ "another trip? We haven't even spent enough time together, you just got back remember?"

"Sweetheart I know but please don't be sad, it's just a five hours drive and you can come spend some time with me when you are free okay"

Two months later, Helen had some free time and she decided to go spend the weekend with Kay. She got to the city and her lover picked her from the park and they drove to his apartment. Kay was so happy to have Helen around. Every evening when he returned from work, Helen had cooked_ she took care of him and showered him with so much love.

It was time for her to return home and Kay returned after three weeks. From time to time, they had little fights but it didn't for once affect their love or relationship_ they grew from strength to strength.

On Helen's birthday, Kay organized a surprise party. Helen was grateful and Kay used it as an opportunity to introduce her to his mom, siblings and friends. This love birds enjoyed their relationship and stood by each other.

Helen was preparing for her final exams so she asked Kay for some space as well as moral support_

"Sure beauty, your wish is my command. Your education first before anything else"

Helen was to busy with her exams and as promised, Kay gave her some time and space to focus. Surprisingly after a week, she received a message_

"Hi dear, I'm not feeling too well, please can you come and help me cook?

Helen saw the message and was worried so after class, she went to Kay's house and met him lying on the couch rapped in blanket with a messy environment.

"How long have you been like this?"

"Two days now"

"And you didn't bother telling me?"

"Please dearie, don't be mad at me, I didn't want to disturb you and moreover I thought I could take care of myself"

Helen cleaned the house and cooked for Kay. Food was ready and served; the young man ate and took his medicine. After eating, Helen cleared the table_

"Since tomorrow is weekend, I will spend the night with you; I can't leave you like this. First let me call Laura and inform her I won't be going home tonight"

As she picked up her phone she realized it had a low battery_

"Oups!!! low battery, please can you help me with your phone?"

Helen took Kay's phone and dialed Laura's number but no response, she decided to leave a message. After texting, she saw a name on Kay's phone saved as "bebe" with a female picture by it which happened to be that of his ex since he had once showed a picture of her to Helen.

This caught Helen's attention and she couldn't believe her eyes when she read the messages; they were love messages showing he still has feelings for his ex and they are still in a relationship. Some of the texts Kay sent to his ex were love messages which Helen wrote to him_ he edited some of the messages and forward it to his ex. Helen was fed up reading because the messages were endless so she returned his phone, pretended she was okay, took her bag and said good night then hurriedly walked out. Kay was surprise and confused with her behavior.

Helen got home and Laura was surprised seeing her_

"I saw your text girl, why did you come home?"

Helen burst in tears and hugged Laura who got worried. Laura spent almost two hours trying to calm Helen down. She was finally calmed and explained everything to Laura who was speechless and furious.

Laura: Kay of all people? With all the love and care he showed you? How can he do this, does this mean he was pretending?

Immediately, her phone began ringing and it was Kay.

Laura: talking about the devil! Girl why is Kay ringing my phone?

"I am sure he must have tried my line and it's switched off"

Weeks went by and Kay didn't receive any call nor text from Helen, neither did she check up on him. Helen was busy preparing for her final exams which turned out to be a success.

Kay's illness got worst and he was rushed to the hospital, he tried calling Helen but to no avail. Helen was graduating from the university as a psychologist; her graduation was awesome and Laura was so happy for her friend. Helen's family came to celebrate with her_ It was a joyous and special day. Kay was still in the hospital when he saw how Laura posted pictures of she and Helen on social media; seeing the caption she put out and Helen in a graduation robe_

"So Helen didn't bother telling me about her graduation? what's really going on?"

Helen got a well paid job in a social welfare company, and her business made her to forget about Kay. When Kay got better, he stopped by to see Helen but met Laura instead.

"What are you doing here?"

"Calm down Laura, I came to see Helen. What have I done to deserve such attitude from you?"

"You can't see her because she's not at home"

"Okay then, I will wait for her"

"Suit yourself"

"Two hours later, Helen arrived and saw Kay standing at the veranda; she frowned got inside and closed the door.

"Laura what is he doing here?"

"He said he is waiting for you, so I asked him to wait outside"

" (knocking from outside) Please Helen can we talk?"

"Girl I suggest you go out there and tell him what's on your mind and then listen to what he has to say"

Helen went out_ "what do you want Kay Johnson?"

"Please tell me what have I done to you? why this harsh treatment?"

"You know what Kay, you are a bloody liar. I asked you; why didn't you give your ex a chance and you told me it was personal, begging me to give you a chance which I did, not knowing you still have feelings for your ex and you are still dating. I saw your message, yes I saw it_ wow!!! what a romantic couple huh? Nice game, but I am done being the fool here. So now you listen to me and listen good, I want you to vanish from my life"

"Helen please calm down. Yes I admit I'm guilty of all you've said but believe me I didn't want to keep you in the dark, I really wanted to tell you the day you came to my place but you suddenly left without a word. Please give me one last chance I beg you, I really love you"

"Shut up.... you shut up!!! Don't you dare use that world_ I detest liars, gosh! Get out of my compound"

Everyday her phone rang with Kay's calls and messages but she ignored all of them. Kay pleaded with Laura_

"Laura, I admit I made a mistake, but I am sorry. Please help me talk to your friend"

"Talk to my friend? You know what? If my friend is in this shit right now is entirely my fault because I was the one who pleaded with her to give you a chance, thinking you are a good guy but i was super wrong. I don't help those who hurt and deceive the people i love, never"

As Laura sat on the couch browsing, she saw a picture of Kay and his ex and showed it to Helen_ "girl this guy says he's sorry? He rings your phone none stop to apologize but still sends out pictures of him and his ex. This is crazy! Helen dear, please I'm sorry for putting you in this mess because I was the one who talked you into dating this guy_ he doesn't deserve you and I regret ever doing that"

"it's okay Laura, we learn from experiences"

Kay stopped by Helen's house and the young lady sent him out_ "you hypocrite, you pretend to apologize and do something opposite on social media. Yuck! you disgust me and I regret ever knowing you. Who do you take me for, a fool? If ever I see you anywhere around my house, I will have you arrested and humiliated"

"Fuck you Helen or whatever you call yourself. Is it because I have descended so low to beg you or love you that you think you have grown wings? You are not even from my class and should be happy a well to do man like me is begging or dating you"

"You fool. A deceiver, that's what you are. I am not interested in your so called money_ I have hands and I am not only intelligent, but also wise and smart. I will make more than you've earned so you are free to flirt around with cheap girls because that's what you deserve. Your money can never and will never buy me for I am priceless"

After saying all this, she furiously walked in, leaving Kay shamelessly holding his cheek that was slapped"

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