
Just Obsession

Falling in love was never Mae's decision but what she could never imagine was falling in love with two men at the same time. °the crystal jar is hidden somewhere and I know you have it°, Eric yelled. °wherever that crystal jar Is I must find it before my brother Eric does.I didn't even act like I was bothered and that was driving him insane I have always been his opponent in everything **** I didn't need to turn around when I smelt her again she returned with the sauce and once again I was bewitched by her beautify she's everything I love in my women, she was perfect with height of about four feet tall and her milky white skin stood out among her clothes. I was caught off guard by what the moon goddess blessed me with it took all my restraint to not take her right now. "Help me with the bacon Mae," Eric said I turn to see her blush as Eric said her name. She did as Eric commanded and I swore I saw the gesture Eric pulled as he caress her hand she blushed again she was practically red from all the blushing. Seeing that I immediately did something foolish, my chair criked as I stood up I left without saying anything it was like my breath was cut off by her presence. I never imagined that I could be so childish I was jealous of the infect Eric had on her she didn't even notice me not once did she look my way. As I approach my room I smelled her again. She saw me and froze , literally, she was looking at me like an unsolved puzzle And this time I was privileged to see her well. For that moment I was caught in those green eyes that were like an emerald glowing in the moonlight which I had never seen before. Those eyes were so beautiful and gave off a strange sense of siren, witch or Fae but not human. She finally regained her scenes "good morning my lord " she greeted I moved closer and her scent filled my nose I expected her to feel frightened by my movement but she didn't move I guessed she was feeling the mate bond as well,  with my ring finger, I caressed her cheeks and she gasped at the feel of the spark she looked at the fact I wasn't surprised. Hugging her tightly I whispered into her ears MINE

Osaruese_Ehue · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
42 Chs


Mae pov

I was beyond excited, on the tray were noodles, cereals, apple pie, and salad, and a cup of orange juice it was the combination of my favorite.

"How do you know I love this" I turned to ask Elliot who's been staring at my expression.

"Umm," he asked raising his brows

"I just...I mean I had the cook make a little of everything since I didn't know what you would prefer," he stated unsure

"Well. Just. In case I love everything here, especially the juice it tastes so fresh. oh pardon my manners have some " I said offering him a piece of pie

"No, I already had something to eat. but go on don't mind me I would just watch you eat"

Rolling my eyes at him which didn't go unnoticed "isn't boring?". I asked munching the pie

"What is?"

"Isn't boring to just sit there staring?" I asked it was becoming awkward again with him just staring.

'No darling, it is always delightful to watch you .always. " he commented sounding more seductive than ever.

"Umh..." I moaned it was just so good never knew pie and cereals go together. " Elliot sorry I just love everything so don't call me selfish later..".I warned when I saw I was going to finish everything.

"Ha...ha." he chuckles " no worries just enjoy. " He added crossing his legs.

The way he sat on the sofa made him look just like a king everything about him makes him look like a king. His way of dressing and his usual cold demeanor

I didn't know I was still glaring until he cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry honey you were staring for so long I thought had something on my shirt." I could hear the sarcasm in his words.

'No...i.m sorry I just... You know what? I knew it was a bad idea for you to be here while I eat". I said feigning to be upset I had to defend myself one way or another.

"Now...I lost my appetite" I added wearing a sullen face trying to hide the blush. his tense gaze was getting my cheeks heated up.

"Ha..ha " he laughed dryly as he began pacing towards me.

"You know you are even more cute when you are upset,' he stated sitting next to me on the mattress.

"Stop smiling like that" I snapped turning the other way, his smile was breaking the walls I was building in my heart,

With his finger, he turned my face slightly to his still smiling face, "wow!" so perfect how did I not see these dimples, oh I know because he has never smiled before." wow. nice one I said to myself."

I dropped my brows to see his hand on mine I have wanted to ask

"Elliot, why do I feel a tingle in my fingers when you touch me it is..."

"It is called the mate bond," he said smiling as he grabbed my both hands and my fingers start to tingle even more.

"What is a mate bond" I question with my face in a grimace.

"It is a magical feeling you feel when you .meet your soulmate."

"Okay, so you are my soul mate or not," I questioned again

"Yes, darling I am," he said smiling brighter than a million light bulbs.

"So it is a magical feeling not real..." I really didn't understand this was more than absurd.

"Yes and no, yes it's more than magical It is fate and no it is real. "He added looking me in the eye I guess he wanted me to see how much he cared.

I looked away cause I needed to think straight Eric was still in the picture.

"Umm..." I inhaled loudly.

"Listen I know all of this is hard but I promise it will all make sense soon". he commented stroking my shoulder gently.

"Come on let's go outside " he suggested getting up.

"Okay, " I nodded getting up as well I could really need it.

Stepping out of the room I saw we were on a long corridor with only this room and another one that opposeit to it

"Let's go," he said taking my hands to lead the way the tingling feeling was still there I wonder if I would be experiencing this magical feeling for the rest of my life. "Uh..the rest of my life?" come on I can't believe I'm already thinking of a future with him.

"Here is my office," he said bringing me out of my thought.

We stepped into a well-decorated office designed to suit his dark nature, there was his working desk a black armchair, and a cellarette with all sorts of wine arranged nicely, the wall was glass giving a nice view of the outside

I wanted to go see when he spoke.

"Come on the mansion is still big."

With a sullen face, I tailed along.

Next was a dining hall just like the one back at home. I mean back at his home.

"Elliot..." I called from behind causing him to halt.

"Yes honey?" he asked walking toward me. holding my hands again.

"Where are we? All the places he's shown me in this mansion have a close resemblance to the mansion back at home, especially this dining hall.

"Just a little more patience. come " he said leading the way hurriedly

We were now outside I could see green everywhere but not a forest it was a sunflower garden. grown in form of a maze he must really like mazes the one back home was marvel of Peru

"This is gorgeous Elliot". I can't believe a cold person like Elliot loved flowers this much. like they say never judge a book by its cover.

"Come on that's not all," he said again smiling sheepishly

We made a turn and a vast field fenced with lavender stood in front of me dropping his hand I ran excitedly.

lavender has always been my favorite flowers purple was never my favorite color I don't even know why all I know is its soothing smell is the best

The wind blew and made the smell of lavender linger more it was the best thing ever so I thought till Elliot hugged me from behind resting his head on my shoulder.

His smell which I have always been drawn to ebony mixed with cedar, now mixed with the lavender I breathed it all in. best air ever.

We didn't move for the longest time this will be my favorite part of this place.

We continued our tour but this time were not holding hands. my hands went round his waist so did his huge hands holding me closer than necessary.

After walking for literally five minutes I think we finally covered everywhere except the front yard.

This place is just too big, too much land space I thought,

It was not like there were children to play in so much space.

Arriving in the front yard I thought I had seen it all but the beauty has been here all along.

A carriage as big as our house in Scarborough with a fleet of cars was at a far end then a fountain was right in front of me a wild dog or wolf black in color had water coming out his mouth ."wow " my brain screamed so this is how rich people live. Now for sure, Elliot must love flowers Tuberose was planted around another fountain of another dog or wolf but this one was white.

I turned to see Elliot smiling down at me

I quickly dropped my head I felt embarrassed for acting all childish.

"Oh, my love...no need to be shy."

He cooed lifting my face I realized I properly should have kept my face dropped cause I ended up joining my lips on his I immediately moved back I do not know why I am being so Childish

He takes my hand and my stomach flips as a volt of electricity travels between my fingers.

Still not used to his touch I immediately averted my face cause it was all heated up already.

"My love look at me " and like under a spell I obliged.

He had the most sheepish smile on his face

"All this is yours including myself so stop fidgeting cause from now on you are a queen."

Sincerity was in every word I still need to understand this uncontrollable feeling I feel since I woke up, it's not like what I used to feel more like a fire that was burning slowly was immediately fueled

"Come on," he said turning me around.

I saw people doing their own thing some gave me stares while some smiled others glared at Elliot like he was a God. but most importantly I saw wolves of different sizes I also saw tiny humans in the sky.

"This was all a dream," I thought aloud.

"No honey it's as real as my love for you he said coming to place his head on my neck, again inhaling my scent he uttered.

"Welcome to moonlake darling".