
Just in Time

Six years ago, Sky had the best summer of his life in his grandmother's village. He made a true friend who shared his dreams and adventures. But their friendship was cut short when his friend suddenly disappeared without a trace. Now, at 16, Sky still wonders what happened to his friend and why he never got to say goodbye.

Rahul_Panna · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

We sat around the tree, enjoying the silence and the beauty of the night. After a few minutes, she broke the silence.

"Hey, do you want to see my drawings?" she asked me.

"Y-yeah, sure," I said, feeling nervous.

She handed me her sketch book, and I flipped through the pages. Her drawings were amazing. She had drawn the cherry blossom tree from different angles and perspectives, as well as other things she saw in the village. She had a way of making everything look alive and magical.

I looked at her drawings for a while, then gave her back the sketch book. She smiled and thanked me, then resumed her drawing.

I sat there awkwardly, not knowing what to say or do. I felt a bulge in my pocket, and I remembered that I had my harmonica with me. I had forgotten to take it out of my clothes.

I took out my harmonica and started to play it softly, hoping to fill the silence and ease the tension. I played a simple tune that I had learned from my grandmother.

But after a few seconds, she looked at me with a puzzled expression. I realized how weird it must have looked. A beautiful place where everything was quiet and peaceful, and I was playing a loud instrument.

I stopped playing and put away my harmonica, feeling embarrassed.

"Sorry," I muttered.

She shook her head and said, "No, it's okay. I like your harmonica. It sounds nice."

She smiled and went back to her drawing.

I felt relieved and flattered. I decided to watch her draw again, but this time, I found myself watching her more than her drawing.

She was so focused and absorbed in her work, her eyes shining with passion and joy. She moved her hand gracefully and confidently, creating lines and shapes with ease. She bit her lip slightly when she concentrated, and smiled when she finished.

She was so beautiful.

I watched her until she completed her drawing. She got up and stretched, then looked at me.

"I have to go now," she said. "Bye."

She started to walk away, leaving me speechless.

"Bye," I managed to say.

She walked a few steps, then turned around and said, "See you again."

She smiled and waved at me.

"Yeah, see you again" I said, smiling back.

She disappeared from my sight, leaving me alone with the tree.

I got up and left too, feeling happy and alive.

I returned to my grandmother's house, sneaking in silently without anyone noticing. But when I opened the door of my room, my grandmother was there.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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