
Just before I say I do

Elizabeth is a young woman of the middle class who falls in love with a CEO. Being in love with a CEO is one of the toughest choices she ever makes as life throws a lot of obstacles in her way. After getting engaged and ready to marry him, some secrets of the past come into light and she is forced to call of the engagement. While she decides to restart her life all over, she gets caught in a love triangle. She doesn't mind as she is no longer engaged. She gradually starts to move on from her former life but is drawn back by an accident that almost killed her boyfriend. She begins to dig up the truth on her own and is forced to make a decision on who to spend the rest of her life with.

Olusola_Opemipo · Urban
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29 Chs


"Want to tell me what is really going on with you?" Adam asked his sister.

"Liam and I got into an argument" Ivy said to her brother.

"Really? I thought that was impossible" Adam said as he smiled at her.

"Caleb is his brother. You're dating Liz, someone that works in Caleb" Ivy said to him.

"Why is that your business? I mean, I don't understand why it should cause an argument between you and Liam" Adam said to her.

"Liam was attacked sometimes two years ago and he thinks that it is his brother that was behind the attack. Liz working with him and me knowing about it got to him. I don't know but he feels like he can't trust his brother and he probably can't trust me" Ivy said to him.

"I don't know, I just don't think it should affect your relationship with him in anyway whether you knew that Liz was working with his brother or not. I don't think it is any of your business or your concern. I should have a one on one conversation with Liam and it would not be about be about business" Adam said to her.

"Nah, I would like to take care of this myself. I would just talk to him and let you know how it goes" she said to him.

"If you say so. C'mon, it is past five. I would drop you off at Liz's place. How is she?" Adam asked me.

"I don't know. She left almost immediately you left. I think she was hurt" Ivy said to him.

"I know she was hurt. Well, that serves her right though I would have to make up for it" Adam said to her

"Seriously? How can you say that she deserves it? She doesn't deserve it! You should apologize for leaving her that way" she said to her brother.

"Yeah, whatever. C'mon, I should get you home but we can get dinner together before I drop you home" he said to her.

"I drove here" she said to him

"That is good. You would drive back tomorrow. Order a ride tomorrow when you're coming to work or let Liz drop you off" Adam said as he grabbed his jacket and his laptop

She grabbed her bags and they headed to his car together. He drove her to the fancy restaurant and after debating on who was going to pay, Adam eventually paid, ruining Ivy's chance of independence before they headed back to the car and headed home. On their way home, he dropped by the mall and bought a box of chocolate and flowers for Liz. He needed to make it up to her. He arrived at her house and he handed the gifts to his sister

"Give that to Liz, will you?" he asked her.

"I thought you were coming in" she said to him

"I can't. I have to head home and I am really tired" Adam said to her.

Ivy sighed at him and she headed into the house. Adam didn't move until she was gone and then he started the car. He knew that he was avoiding Liz but he didn't know why. He just wanted to be close to her and now that looked like an impossible task. He knew that she was hurt and he wasn't sure if he wanted to fix things with her because it was convenient if they were this way. He knew that he wouldn't have to make extra time for her. His schedule got to busy lately and he was tired of apologizing without making any important change in his mistakes. He was almost home when his phone beeped. He slowed down and picked it up to look at it. It was a text from Liz. He sighed and he opened it.

"Ivy gave me the flowers and the chocolate. Thank you for the gifts. I was just hoping you would drop by too. Ivy said that you had a stressful day at work and you would probably have another stressful day tomorrow so it was best for you to head home immediately. I wools really try to come around tomorrow. She said you were coming down with something. I can't talk you out o going to work but please, if you can slip the office tomorrow, you should" she said to him.

He smiled to the text and looked at it. He knew that his sister was always going to have his back. He was certain that Liz had asked why he didn't come in and Ivy had come up with the perfect excuse for him. He decided to get home before texting her back and he did immediately he got in.

"Hey, I just got in. I am sure that it is nothing serious and Ivy is just making a big deal out of it the way she does with everything else. I would have loved to drop by but I couldn't. I promise that I wools make it all up when all of this is settled" Adam texted back

"I know you would. You should really get something to eat for dinner. I could make chicken soup and bring it over tomorrow morning before I head to work" she texted back immediately

"You really don't have to. I would be okay and I wouldn't even skip work tomorrow. I can't, I wish I could but I can't. I just have a lot going on with me right now and the company needs me" he texted back, heading into the kitchen to prepare something for himself.

He sighed as he got into the kitchen, trying to prepare a quick meal for himself. When he was done, he had dinner, room a shower and headed to bed. He woke up to the sound of glass shattered in his house. He clapped and the lights came on. He knew that there was no possible way someone woops have entered the house without the alarms going off. He got out of bed, despite his guts telling him not to and headed down to the living room.

"Is anybody there?" He yelled out randomly

There was no response and he walked to the kitchen. He met the broken glass on the floor and he felt a presence and he turned around sharply. He saw a man standing in the center of the kitchen.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Adam asked him, wondering if he knew him.

Adam could not shake of the feeling that he knew him. He looked too familiar. He didn't look hungry and he didn't look like a robber. So that left Adam with the question of who his guest was. He looked at the gun and he looked back at the man. Adam could see the anger in his eyes and he knew that whatever it was, it was personal. Was this about the man that had died and his sister was blamed for his death or was it different? Adam had lots of questions and he knew that he wasn't getting answers so he dipped his hands into his pockets and speed dialed Ivy's number, hoping she wasn't deeply asleep

"Hey! Hands out of your pocket!" the man yelled at him.

"Alright. I would do whatever it is that you want. Just tell me who you are and what you want" Adam said to him calmly.

"I don't get it. Are you that ignorant? You really dot know who I am?" he said to Adam.

Adam felt his phone vibrate and he knew that Ivy must have picked up her phone so he decided to give her all the necessary information.

"You break into my house by two in the morning just to ask me if I know you? I am sorry but I am Adam Grey and I do not know you. This is trespassing and it is a criminal offense in these parts of the country, if you are not aware. I can call the police for that and for holding a gun to my face! That would be multiple charges that you would be facing. Would you mind to tell the judge that you are holding a gum to my face just because you want my attention?" Adam yelled at him but that wasn't the purpose.

His aim was to yell loud enough for his sister to make sense of the conversation. He knew that there was no way he was going to get to call the cops on his own and he was hoping that his sister was making sense of all that he was saying so she could get him help.

"You really think that I am doing this just to get an audience with you? Are you kidding me? How arrogant are you exactly? You think I would go through all of this just because you have a pretty face and a loaded account?" he asked Adam.

"Well, if this is not about the money and it is not about the attention, what the hell is this about?" Adam asked him