
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Last Uchiha

Fukashi is The Last Uchiha who was born with the privilege of The Legendary Sharingan. For the first time in all recorded history The Six Eyes and The Legendary Sharingan will be active at the same time! What does this mean for Satoru Gojo, more importantly what does this mean for the world of Jujutsu Kaisen?

Stingleese · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

The Curse of Hatred

She didn't even know he had a younger brother. "You had a younger brother?"

Maki grew slightly concerned when his reply was silence, she felt his pulse start to race under her finger. His breathing turned erratic as his throat bobbed up and down.

She noticed his hand come up to his face to cover his eyes with his palm and rub his eyes. She wanted to help, she didn't know how.

So she tried something to get his attention. Nervously she spoke "We think that the higher ups tried to get you killed today" she said, his attention instantly switched.

She quickly leaned back as his head swung back down and he looked her in the eyes. "What" he said, his eyes looked slightly red.

"They should 99% of the time know the exact grade of cursed spirit we are going against," she said to the focused Uchiha. "Today on your first mission they had a 'mistake'" she said mistake with sarcasm.

"Before you came here the first years had a similar incident, they were sent to a mission with a special grace curse. If not for that case I wouldn't really suspect much but well given the person they wanted dead died I'm guessing the higher ups wanted to try again" she kind of shrugged towards the other teen.

Fukashi seem shocked "Why? Why me?" He asked.

Now Maki was shocked, had he not heard about the rumours yet?

"You haven't heard? The rumours" she swallowed "That they were the ones behind the disaster" she said the last part with furrowed brows.

It all seemed to connect in Fukashis mind, the Uchiha never had a good reputation or relationship with the higher ups.

The Uchiha were all in the compound, something that was quite rare. And with him gaining his Sharingan they may have had the motive.

His mind focused even more, his father was always stressed but at the time he remembered his father seemed strained.

His mother, though he could barely remember what she even looked like, was also worried.

His brother, his little brother who was torn apart by the explosion that according to Maki wasn't an accident.

He always thought it had been an accident, some stupid mistake someone made.

He had no one to blame.

Now he does.

Fukashis mind felt like it was tearing itself apart, he could think all the hate and misery he had felt all focused on a single target.

The Jujutsu Higher ups.

His cursed energy felt like it was roiling underneath his skin, he could feel it protesting and screaming to get out.

He stood suddenly, he ignored the sound of his chair smashing against the wall behind him and disappeared in a blur, leaving Maki worried.


He felt his cursed energy intently bursting and burning underneath his skin. He looked out at the lake, it took him a while to get here while running but he overlooked the lake he had spent much time at as a child.

He turned around and focused on the Uchiha Ruins. And for the first time he walked into the ruins, he felt his fist involuntarily clench as he walked through his past.

The previously bustling compound was now silent, the only sounds were that of Fukashi walking over top the debris.

He couldn't even tell where the streets once were, the whole compound was flat. Just rubble and more rubble where the district once resided.

It had never been properly cleaned of remains. No one truly cared enough to do so, Akira had cleaned all visible reminders of that day, but as Fukashi walked through the rotting shadow of the Uchiha district he realised the truth.

No one cared.

He stepped on top of brittle bones, he didn't know if they were a small animals or a child's.

Eventually after wandering through the rubble filled compound he eventually came to where his home used to be.

Right in the centre of the compound it was the tallest building, it was gleaming and bright red when he was last here.

Now it only stood 5 feet tall, all the red is gone, replaced with a disgusting rotting brown.

He climbed over the rubble and landed with a light thud on the unsteady ground. He felt the rubble shift beneath his feet and suddenly he fell with a crash.

His back hit the floor with a sudden thud that stole him of his breath. He looked up and saw a roof with a hole that he presumably fell straight through.

He quickly got to his feet and found himself under the rubble, but he wasn't trapped. He was in a completely new room, he never knew this existed.

He looked around the odd room and found a light switch that he tried, surprisingly it worked and the pitch black room was suddenly illuminated by the flickering light bulb.

He ignored the beautifully decorated walls and the entrancing engravings of the sharingan and past Uchiha in the floors.

He only had to focus on one thing, a stone slab in the centre of the room. It had writing all over it, he didn't understand the language but instinctively activated his sharingan.

The sharingan revealed it to him.

The curse of the sharingan.

The curse of hatred.

let me know what you think :)

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