
Jujutsu kaisen:RE LIFE

Inzo dies while clutching two manga books in his hands and gets reincarnated in the world of jujutsu kaisen with a twist in his life

Darius_Wing · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Two Months time skip

Its been two months since i started perfecting this new technique,and to say that i have perfected it is not an understatement.

Now i am able to skillfully use this ability, though it still fuckin makes me go full tired if someone like Gojo satoru is present though i am still able to remedy the worst effects when i am using it against Someone like Yuta and he is someone who has immense level of CE ,just like Satoru.

Which means its just Satoru that has that effect on me.One good thing that came with improving my curse energy control is that i am now able to go invisible ,from the senses of grade 2 sorcerers and spirits alike.

My curse energy is now two times what it was and thats a welcomes gift,Satoru is very very pressed with that aspect of my training.

My body on the other hand is not as much improved,mainly because i have been neglecting it for while .

In these past weeks i have been assigned on several missions and am doing good,mostly on paired missions.

I am not the only one thats improved.Panda and the other also improved ,Panda's attacks have become strong as well,Toge is also become a lot better,unlike us ,he only has to only increase his CE and its control.Maki has become more fearsome,switching weapons in between fight.

Yuta is the one thats the most scary,guy gives me the creeps,mainly because of the extra ominous CE of his and the fact that he has a sursed spirit attached to him that he cant control yet,He is mainly focusing on increasing his CE control and thats coming along great due to the fact that he has a cursed weapon katana,unlike his previous normal one.

Currently i am going for another field mission,though this is a special one,i am going to be fighting a grade 2 spirit, alone.

Unlike the previous times,this is different.i wont have anyone to back me up,i am more then capable of taking one on but its my psychological brakes.


"Our shikigami have collected some data for us,according to the data,the cursed spirit is a grade 2 spirit and has no special abilities" said Ijichi-san as he drove me to the task area.

I got off the car slowly and looked around carefully,The site was a warehouse,Abandoned for more then 10 years,after a murder scandal was discovered.

'Alright! let's do this and get this over with' i thought to myself as i used my ability and entered the building,As expected,the place reaked with danger signs,

'Hope this is not a hostage situation'

As if fate wanted to roll me over,i heard the sobbing sounds of someone,

"Sniff....ph-please do-Dont hurt u-us"

"A women...and it looks like...as expected ,this is not a simple mission,there are multiple hostages"

I stealthily walked to the source of the voice and saw a bunch of bodies in the room,all banged up and possibly dead....actually they are all dead.

Only three are alive,Two kids and a women.The kids are fast asleep

A distorted organism was strangling the women as she tried her best to free herself,which means if i want to save her,i will have to act,the wait game is not possible.

'Let's just free the four and make a run for it,i am sure i can gain a big headstart with my enhanced body'

I took out my blade and went for the slash,with a swing of my blade i was able to cut the curses hand and gave it a well deserved kick,sending it hurling across the room.

"Take the children with you and get out of here"

I looked at the women and told her to leave ,fortunately she was able to hold herself together,she nodded and picked up the two kids and started making a run.

Just as the women went for the run i heard the curse spirit running towards me,

"You puny H-hymmman,i killl you "

"Only if you can see me" and i was invisible again.

I cut his other hand with blinding speed,just as i was about to go for his head ,his tail ,which was not present before came at me ,probably because i exposed my location after the previous attack,i used my sword to block,it made me slide a good 3 meters and smash me against the wall before i came to a stop.

i felt some warm blood come up my throat,looks like i am still not strong enough to effortlessly block such attacks.

"Alright you little shit,lets see what you got"

"Kill kill killl killl killlllllllllll"

Alright what the fuck.i couldnt help but ask myself ,maybe its a vengeful curse spirit.

It seems its tail is much faster then i anticipated,it is atleast twice as fast as myself.i really need to focus or i will regret it.

its a good thing i cant see it, a war of attrition it is,i will continue to slash and run then.

It took me a whole fifteen minutes to defeat this shit,would have been a different story if i knew how to use better technique,like how to project energy slashes from my blade and stuff.i think those are learn able.

i used extra curse energy just to be on the safe side while exorcising it.

With my job done,i decided to return ,i called Ijichi-san

"I have taken care of the curse,minor cuts and bruises,nothing major." i gave a short description

"Is that so,nice job for your first solo grade 2 curse"

"Haha,i guess....though this one didnt have any ability aside from its arms and the hidden tail"

"Is that so,anything you want "

"Something to eat, i am famished" i requested

"Thai good for you"


"Alright i am sending you the location,come over"

With that Ijichi-san ended the call,it seems i have finally earned someone's respect,it was becoming a really bad thing on my CV,being strong yet not being man enough to defeat a grade 2 curse.

My friends were fine with it and Gojo sensei found it amusing but the others were a little bummed out.

I quickly found the location and met up with Ijichi-san ,we enjoyed a good meal ,he praised ne a bunch while i showed him my wounds while giving the detailed report.

"Wait,you saying you did not delete the curtain"


"I thought you were supposed to do that" i asked him

"Lets not mention that in the report" he said as he pushed up his glassess.

Haha,looks like school is gonna become much better

[A/N:-The first half was a recap while the curse was present time fight,sorry of my grammar makes it hard for you]