
Jujutsu Kaisen: Game Changer

As the former blood lord, now reborn into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, he found himself in possession of the sacred dharma treasure known as the blood lotus from his past life. In the fetal stage, he made the bold decision to sacrifice the blood lotus, a decision that would forever alter his destiny. By doing so, he forcefully awakened two bloodline talents within himself: the Six Eyes and the Ten Shadow Techniques. The Six Eyes, a rare and powerful ability, granted him enhanced perception and insight, allowing him to see the true nature of curses and their weaknesses, and bestowed the ability to manipulate and control cursed energy with unparalleled precision. However, this awakening came with a consequence. He became the second user of the Six Eyes in the same era, a situation that was not supposed to occur. To complicate matters further, he was born as the son of a member of the Gojo clan and a mother from the Zenin clan. Both clans were renowned for their powerful jujutsu techniques and bloodline abilities, also odds with each other. However, his parents lacked any talent in the realm of jujutsu and managed to escape the clutches of their respective families through different means. This made him an anomaly, a child born into two prestigious bloodline talents. Despite his troubled past and the weight of his bloodline, the former blood lord yearned for a peaceful existence with a loving family. He despised the violence and chaos that had defined his previous life and sought solace in the embrace of a normal life. However, the world of Jujutsu Kaisen was far from peaceful. It was a world plagued by curses, where danger lurked at every corner. How far he can go with his Six eyes and the ten shadow techniques instead of the Limitless technique? *** Greetings, dear readers! I hope this message finds you well and immersed in the world of my fanfiction. I cannot express enough how grateful I am for your time and dedication in reading my work. As an aspiring writer, I pour my heart and soul into every chapter, striving to create a captivating narrative that resonates with every one of you. However, completing this fanfic requires not only my passion but also the support of wonderful individuals like yourselves. If you find yourself enjoying this fanfiction and would like to contribute to its completion, I humbly ask for your support. Your generosity will enable me to dedicate more time and resources to this project, ensuring that it reaches its full potential. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in bringing this story to life. To make supporting this fanfic easier for you, I have provided a link below. By clicking on it, you will be directed to a Patreon platform where you can contribute and become a part of this creative journey. Your support will not only help me in completing this fanfic but also allow me to explore new ideas and collaborate with all of you, my amazing readers. Once again, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your time, dedication, and support. It is your enthusiasm that fuels my creativity and inspires me to continue writing. Together, let us embark on this journey. Thank you, and I eagerly anticipate collaborating with every one of you. Link: [patreon.com/LostSoul420FanficWriter]

Lost_Soul420 · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs


His cursed energy reserves had grown to a large extent that even his parents were astonished.

With his six eyes and an immense amount of cursed energy, he could practice incessantly without experiencing any depletion.

After only three months of practice, he more or less understood the true meaning of each word of incantation.

So, Kazuhiko moved on to applying incantation and methods he learned in his previous life to the barrier techniques. 

He tried basic curtains with different incantations with the same underlying meaning to test the effect.

"Arise from shadows, darker than night, A force of darkness, ready to ignite impure."

"With eyes that pierce, like a moonless sky, A presence so chilling, it makes demons cry."

"Cleanse the impure with even more impure might, A spirit of the underworld, shining so bright."

"In a world consumed by sin and despair, This avenger emerges, with a solemn stare."

"Unyielding and relentless, in pursuit of truth, Unleashing power, like a tempest uncouth."

"With every strike, evil trembles and quakes, As the impure are purged, their souls at stake."


After five months of training, Kazuhiko developed the ability to temporarily modify the barriers around his house.

He would weaken the barriers when his parents were not home, allowing him to use his divine dogs to hunt curses without breaking his promise to his parents.

He also created his first talisman after continuous practice.

The incantation he used to create the talisman was: "They emerged from the depths in search of their origin. I offer them the way back to their beginnings, allowing them to find solace in the darkness and set them free... RELEASE!"

This incantation allowed Kazuhiko to turn weaker curses into pure negative energy and seal them into the talisman.

The first time he created this talisman, he showed it off to his mother, hoping to impress her.

However, she responded by saying, "H-haha... I-it's nothing to be proud of, there are a lot of talisman experts in Jujutsu High... T-they can do even better work..."

Kazuhiko felt hurt upon discovering that his talisman was not as special as he had thought, but this motivated him to push himself further and prove his worth to his parents.

He quickly mastered the new incantation techniques he had created, and the fact that there were so many talented people in the field only fueled his excitement.

He felt a sense of exhilaration he hadn't experienced in a long time - the feeling of becoming stronger, of learning something new, of starting from scratch, and of wanting to showcase his abilities to others.

Most of the incantations he had known in his previous life were deemed useless, with only a few remaining that had entirely different applications than he had previously imagined.

For example, "Emerging from the depths of darkness, A powerful force, ready to harness. Eyes piercing through the blackest sky, A chilling presence that makes demons cry." - a devil summoning ritual he had occasionally used in his past life.

But when he applied it to his barrier, the third-grade curse that was trapped inside of it went insane and killed itself once a certain amount of time passed.

Even though it was hard to track the uses of every incantation, it was pretty interesting for him once he started to grasp their true essence. 

He recited an incantation: "No compassion bestowed, no leniency displayed, This solitary protector remains unswayed. Amidst the gloomiest trails, it ventures, A guiding light amidst the encroaching shadows."

With this, he successfully improved the use of the talisman he created that could seal pure negative energy.

His new talisman could perfectly seal pure negative emotions with traces of his own negative emotions.

This would emit the presence of high-level curses and keep lower-level curses at bay.

Additionally, by slightly releasing the sealing, it would attract all curses within a 300-meter radius, regardless of their grade. 

When his mother saw the new improvised talisman, she freaked out and snatched it from his hands.

"Kazuhiko! Why did you make something like this?! It's way too dangerous... How did you make it?"

Instead of receiving praise, he was severely scolded. He tried to explain the process of making it and its uses only to backfire.

"Huh?! Did you integrate traces of your own negative emotions into it?! What kind of negative emotion does a kid like you have to form such a dreadful talisman?"

Thankfully Kazuhiko fended it off with some random bullshit.

After that talisman was snatched away by his mother, he secretly made several talismans of the same type and hid them in his room but they were also snatched away once his mother found them.

After a month of persuasion, his mother finally gave in and decided to allow him and practice more about talismans seeing his passionate eyes. 

Once the six months passed since the start of his training, Kazuhiko's mother learned that she was pregnant.

Kazuhiko was going to have a little brother or sister.

Their family going to have another person.

"Oh, Kazuhiko, you lucky guy! You are going to have a sibling you always wanted...", his father said.

Only at that moment, he remembered the joke his father said six months ago.

'It wasn't a joke! Oyaji was serious at that moment!'

He and his father were abuzz at the announcement.

"What will we name the baby if it's a boy?"

"What will we name it if it's a girl?"

"We still have rooms, right? Oh, we can use Kazuhiko's old clothes and hand-me-downs."

There was no end to the topics to be discussed.

In the first month, there was a shift in his mother's food cravings, along with nausea, vomiting, and a general sense of fatigue- in other words, symptoms of classic morning sickness.

Kazuhiko temporarily put a hold on his practice and stuck to his mother, so he could take care of his mother's needs.

On one particular day, his mother revealed the answer to one of the biggest questions Kazuhiko had for a long time.

'Binding Vows'


Author's Note:

Greetings, dear readers! I hope this message finds you well and immersed in the world of my fanfiction. I cannot express enough how grateful I am for your time and dedication in reading my work.

As an aspiring writer, I pour my heart and soul into every chapter, striving to create a captivating narrative that resonates with every one of you. However, completing this fanfic requires not only my passion but also the support of wonderful individuals like yourselves.

If you find yourself enjoying this fanfiction and would like to contribute to its completion, I humbly ask for your support. Your generosity will enable me to dedicate more time and resources to this project, ensuring that it reaches its full potential. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in bringing this story to life.

To make supporting this fanfic easier for you, I have provided a link below. By clicking on it, you will be directed to a Patreon platform where you can contribute and become a part of this creative journey. Your support will not only help me in completing this fanfic but also allow me to explore new ideas and collaborate with all of you, my amazing readers.

Once again, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your time, dedication, and support. It is your enthusiasm that fuels my creativity and inspires me to continue writing. Together, let us embark on this journey. Thank you, and I eagerly anticipate collaborating with every one of you.

Link: [patreon.com/LostSoul420FanficWriter]