
Journey to You

----- There are secrets never meant to be disclosed. A mystery never meant to be solved. Questions that never meant to be asked… But things will just naturally unfold... ----- Little Oracle Eu's identity is always shrouded in mystery. A mysterious man dropped her off to the Oracle Clan Grand Elder's house, saying she is his granddaughter. Divine Lord Foeni of the Mystic Spirit Realm found something familiar in her. The Silver-haired stranger even mistakes her for someone else. Even the Divine Witch Circe of the Middle Realm seems to know her too. She can wield the forbidden element and knows forgotten Ancient spells at ease. Break Seals without restrictions. She is someone like totally out of place. She is over talented to be an Oracle. So, who is she exactly? What is her connection to all the things that are happening? How is she intertwined with everyone's fates and destinies? The story is set in the Fantasy World of Astra~ ------------------------------------------------ Content: Fantasy World, Adventure, Slow Romance, Drama, Comedy, Action, etcs~ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ *I know my grammar needs improvement, and I am working hard on it. ^^ (and typos too...) *I'm using Grammarly to proofread my work. *I am currently slowly rewriting the story and fixing errors. I'll update as much as I can, hoping to finish this book again. *English is not my first language, so my vocabulary is not very comprehensive. Still, I'm trying my best to widen and learn. I do hope you understand. Despite my flaws, I hope you'll enjoy and find my story interesting ~ ^^ Thank you ------------------------------------------------

Lumiciere · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
90 Chs

Chapter 28: “How Many Times Have You Actually Done It?”

Celesean Realm is a strange place. It is a neutral, magical zone and the center of Astra. Nothing is exceptional around this place, aside from the Oracle's City of Themis.

Oracles are mysterious, passive beings. They never involve themselves in conflict. The events two hundred years ago is indeed a mystery and beyond anyone's expectations.

Little Eu is looking at the handsome dragon in front of her. She can't blame him for not trusting or looking down on other creatures.

They are esteemed, magical creatures who governed this land, and the enemy used this to their advantage. Still, she can't help wonder, are they really the perpetrator's target?

"Are you afraid to discover something after delving into the matter?" Little Eu curiously asked.

Despite one's denial, one harbor feelings against their peers— Envy, jealousy, or as such. It is sometimes unavoidable.

It doesn't mean they have ill intentions, or it is necessarily evil. It just depends on how one acts to this said emotions.

They can use it to better themselves, find inspiration, or look up to the said person. Not necessarily mean, to pull them down.

'Am I afraid to discover the truth? Does he harbor something against me...? Have I deluded myself on our bonds of friendship...?' he continues to drown of his thought.

The drug enhances negative emotions, and it made them act irrationally. It made them act differently than they usually do as it slowly consumes them.

At least this is the reality he wanted to believe. He doesn't want to assume that he is living in deceit the entire time with his comrades.

"So, what do you propose me to do, little one?" Lord Azure finally broke his silence.

She put the small silver box on his hand as she said, "Let's discuss everything after we treat your eyes..."

"You truly have a way with words…" he sighs as Lord Azure chuckles.

"The truth is, you are the very first person I manage to convince peacefully..." she confessed as she laughs lightheartedly.

She is somehow relieved that Lord Azure Dragon is rational and easy to reason with. She can't help herself admiring him.

"Shall I begin?" Little Eu spoke once again.

He knits his brows as he tries to understand her words. He somehow felt he heard her wrong.

'Have I heard her wrong? Is she doing the transplant operation herself? How old is she again...?'

"Don't overthink. My success rate is very high." Little Eu casually said as if responding to his train of thoughts.

"How many times have you actually done it?" he anxiously asked.

"You are the first, but I assure you that the Silver Dragon has taught me well. I guarantee it will be a success." Eu confidently replied.

"So, I am your test subject. Should I worry and write my last will beforehand? You know, just in case..." he jokes to hide his nervousness.

"If it makes you feel better. Then, be my guest." she stood up as she continues, "Please rest well. I will prepare the necessities. You already agreed and can't back down."

Little Eu exits the room. Lord Azure can't hide his surprise expression, and his lips were left ajar in disbelief.

Not only he agreed to Little Eu's plans, but she also mentioned she would handle the procedure herself. He carefully looks back and wonders how the girls manage to convince him.

He has been refusing Freya for ages. He honestly doesn't like to return as he continues his life in solitude.

He can't help himself to chuckle as he gets up from his bed. He cast a cleaning spell, and change his robes to look more presentable.

He touched his braided hair as he gently smiles. He doesn't like to turn her down and disappoint her. For her, he wants to try.

It's already late past midnight. Little Eu has been very busy ever since her return. She wanted to rest a little before she proceeds.

Meanwhile, her companions are waiting patiently to know her progress. They have known Lord Azure's indifferent nature and worry that he will make their mission difficult.

Haru can't help himself to convince everyone to engage in a conversation. He knows her brilliance, but can she handle the cold-hearted Dragon Lord?

"Do you think she can manage to convince him? It will be a waste if he refuses. Lady Freya insisted she needed the three Holy Guardians. What if..." Haru rambles to start the conversation.

"I wanted to believe in her. I think she can thaw Lord Azure's heart." Triteia responded.

"You are making it sounds like he will fall in love with Little Eu..." Haru commented as he sighs.

"I am open to possibilities. Little Eu is adorable and brilliant. Lord Azure is very charming as well..." she chuckles jestingly to the idea.

Di'Anon and Eirwen decided not to join their conversation. How can they easily give comments knowing Little Eu's connection with the Divine Lord?

They stop as soon as Eu came out of the room. Her expression is unreadable as she handed a piece of paper to Triteia.

Triteia looks at her questioningly and reads the note. She can't believe the list of rare herbs in her hands.

Triteia wanted to ask about something, but she can tell Eu needs to rest. She might not say it, but her exhaustion is already evident in her eyes.

She smiles as she assures Little Eu to accomplish the task. Haru also volunteered and accompanied her.

After several hours of rest and preparations, Little Eu came back to Lord Azure's room. She can feel the change of aura inside.

Much to her surprise, he is sitting calmly and well dressed and different from his earlier appearance. She can't deny that he is a charming man.

Despite his pale complexion and his dull eyes, he is still undeniably gorgeous. The sun's rays peek into the window and lighting his face. He is simply admirable.

"How long do you plan to stand there, speechless? Have you fallen in love with me?" the Holy Guardian joked as he turned to her direction.

He can't see her because of his injured eyes, but he is obviously more cheerful.

"You can actually smile and joke. I am genuinely happy." She approaches him as she inquired, "Are you ready?"

He nods his head, and she assisted him to the reclining chair. Di'Anon helped her to readjust it for the Holy Lord.

Meanwhile, Eirwen and Triteia bring in everything she needed. They can't believe how knowledgeable this young girl while she instructed and guide them the entire time.

"Thank you. That would be all. Please wait outside." she calmly said.

The room is filled with fragrant herbs. She clapped her hands and positioned the Solas gems properly. She put on gloves before proceeding into the operation.

Little Eu drops a special medicine that will aid in his eyes extraction. It made his eyes slightly sting as he endures its effects.

After, she dipped and wrung a face towel in a fragrant water solution beside her. The scent is calming, and the effect is cooling on his face.

Meanwhile, she took out the new Dragon eyes from the small silver chest and transferred them into a vial. She submerges them to another solution to prepare it for transplant.

She starts transferring some of her magic to activate the dragon's eyes. The vial glows a warm radiant light as the Rainbow colored Fluorite started to shine.

Lord Azure can't help himself admiring the girl's precise, gentle movements. He won't even guess she is inexperienced if she didn't mention it to him.

Not long, Eu starts to sweat as the procedure reaches a critical stage. She needs to focus more and ensure its success.

She closes her eyes as she casts the incantation. A warm glow envelops lord Azure as his eyes are being replaced.

He can feel Little Eu's calming, gentle magic filling his heart with warmth.

The Dragon didn't say or move the entire process. He knows one misstep will cause everything to fail.

Lord Azure is calm as he puts his trust in her. Before he knew it, everything is done.

He can't tell how long the entire process is, and he can tell Little Eu's considerations.

"You really did well, Little Eu… You have a gift for Medical Arts. I am truly impressed." Lord Azure chuckles as he complimented her.

"Thank you for your confidence. I am glad you accepted being my first patient." she replied happily.

She poured a newly brewed medicine on a small white cup as she handed it to him as she informs him, "Be careful, it's hot. You have to take it. It can aid your body's ongoing changes."

He carefully took the small cup as he smiles. Lord Azure gently blows on it occasionally to cool it down. For some reason, he could say he had made a correct decision for putting his fate in her.

"Holy Guardian Lord Azure Dragon…" Little Eu started.

"You know, you can always address me as Brother Jin than that long troublesome title. Since we are already close and all, right?" he said with his lovely, sweet and alluring voice paired with his beautiful smile.

Little Eu only inwardly sighs and felt she had to comply with his request as she agreed, "Sure, Brother Jin. Since you are also Freya and Lady Rean's brother after all."

He smiles, contentedly at her response as he took a sip of his bitter-tasting drug. Eu is waiting for him to say anything and complain, but he never does.

He didn't mind the bitter-tasting concoction while he smiled quietly, drinking it. He is happy Little Eu is caring for him.

Eu is attending to him meticulously as she explains the process of his two-day recovery. He nods and listens attentively to her every word.

Two days quickly passed by, and everyone can't help their excitement. Lord Azure can feel their eyes fixated on him, and he isn't comfortable. He doesn't like everyone to gather around him as he requests them to leave the room.

Medicinal Herbs scent lingers in the room. It is a mixture of bittersweet scent, yet it is calming nonetheless.

Lord Azure's face felt refresh as the bandages are being gently loosened. He can feel his power steadily being restored, and he is recuperating properly.

He finally had the opportunity to open his eyes. He decided to look up the ceiling as he adjusts his gaze.

He can't help himself to smile as he looks around the dimly lit room. He never thought that his sight will ever be restored.

He quickly notices the little girl holding the bandages. Her eyes are beautifully shimmering like amethyst gems as they stare back at him.

"I assume you are my little physician, am I right? Little Eu." he said, breaking the silence.

"Brother Jin, you can finally see…" she pulled a mirror from her wizardry storage as she offered, "Your new eyes really suit you. I hope you like them."

"If you like them, then I have no complaints." he chuckles.

He took the mirror from her hands and examine how he looks. He can't deny he loves this rainbow-colored fluorite eyes.



Holy Guardian Lord Azure Dragon/ Lord Azure/ Brother Jin- one the guardian of Mystic Spirit Realm. He was blinded by his friend during the Holy War and Little Eu manages to restore his sight.

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