
Journey to the Absolute Peak

Eastern Fantasy
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What is Journey to the Absolute Peak

Lesen Sie den Roman Journey to the Absolute Peak des Autors Bon_Tabona_skhona, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Our normal, Plain, Boring earth. the planet we all love, well.. most of us love it.some even consider it to be our mother, however something extremely unusual happened after a loud book sounded all ov...


Our normal, Plain, Boring earth. the planet we all love, well.. most of us love it. some even consider it to be our mother, however something extremely unusual happened after a loud book sounded all over the earth, as if something exploded. But here’s the weird thing! Nothing was exploded, everyone across the earth looked and lookrd for a gigantic crator but none were to be found. except no one knew that this explosion was a gate being opened between worlds, changing the destiny of our lovely Earth forever…

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