
The Foreboding Feeling When it came to Money

"It's a win-win for the both of us, you need companions and I do to so join us. So what would it be, Yes or No?"

Mada gave the pressure to Sol without him realizing it, but what he said was at the end the truth that they both need each other in order for the both of them to move forward. Mada need someone to help him because he knew that he would face more hardship in the coming future so having companions wouldn't be so bad.

Beside as a mercenary group he needed members so it can be properly called a group him and Rayious was not enough although he like the sound of the Dragon and the human combo it was still inconvenient if seen in the long run.

And as for Sol she also knew that Mada was right, she needed people around her to help her in the coming future and if the people who were chasing after her found her she would as good as dead the moment that she was caught.

Not having any better option to pick on Sol gave any of her previous ideas that she was planning on doing and gave the answer that Mada and Rayious waiting for and her answer was a resounding "Yes."

"Alright, member get, you are now officially a member of the Dragon Phoenix Mercenary group. Just so you know I am the leader of the group as I was the one who established this group." Mada pointed to himself and raised his nose to the sky as he showed off to Sol.

Sol paid no heed to him, in the short time that she had spent with Mada when she was being treated made her realize what kind person Mada was and the thing that came onto her mind was that he have an eccentric personality.

He would jump from being a very serious person that made him looked like he was some kind of dignified gentleman and in the next moment he would become someone that was like a child that was full of energy moving all over the place all in all it was rather interesting.

"So who is the little Dragon? And I mean who he truly is." Sol asked.

"Like I said he is my big brother, his name is Rayious he likes meat or he need meat to survive so when he eats meat make sure that you don't take any from him without asking or he will held a grudge against you, don't that I'm joking here." remembering that time in the Mist Valley Mada subconsciously started rubbing his left shoulder as if he had an itch.

Sol nodded her head as she continued her inquiries "Then how about the Dragon Phoenix Mercenary how big is this group are there any other member of this group?"

"No, currently the people in this room is the only member if the mercenary group. But don't worry we are plenty strong if you don't believe it besides you are added in the mixed although you are not able to take care of those guys in the Mist Valley your strength is still essential." Rayious was the one who explained the situation and as he said about the event of the Mist Valley gloating became apparent on his voice.

Sol became offended when she heard these gloating words so she immediately rebuke Rayious "Don't belittle me, those trashes are only small fries and even if they are at the Late stage of the Earthen realm I can still take care of them if I want to you know?"

"Then why didn't you? You still had to ask little Mada here for help didn't you, stop bragging I know that it is embarrassing but since we are going to be companions now well at least according to him, so if you need my help just call out 'Big brother Rayious help me' if you do that I will go to you right away." As he somehow made a thumbs up with his claws Rayious mocked Sol once more.

Sol was incense on how Rayious was treating her so she gave a hump "Don't worry in the future you won't be hearing that from me, that time I was only tired from running away from the truly strong pursuers all those time so my energy was exhausted."

Seeing the two of them bickering Mada smiled as he stop the two of them he then looked at Sol as he said "Now that you are a part of us whether you like it or not that veil has to go, now as the leader I command you to take it off."

"I know that I have to take it off don't act high and mighty in front of me will you! Stop pointing that finger at me…." Sol didn't complain about the whole taking the veil off but when she heard Mada giving out the order to her directly she felt conflicted inside her eart.

But regardless of what she felt Sol still took of the veil that was covering her face, and the moment she did the beauty that can topple and kingdom and any empire was shown to Mada and Rayious.

And because of the moonlight that was coming from the open window accompanied by the wind blowing her hair showing her nape and neck she was like a goddess that had descended on the world from the heavens Sol looked truly beautiful on the eyes of Mada making him sucked in cold air subconsciously.

Noticing the reacting of Mada, Sol felt a little sense of accomplishment out of nowhere as if she had won from something. But the moment that she notice how she was feeling she scolded herself inside her head.

[What are you feeling all happy Sol, it is only natural for people to get mesmerize by your beauty even without you taking off your veil.] Rubbing her own back with this words Sol regain her self-esteem.

Mada was not able to say anything he was speechless but Rayious on the other hand was not as mesmerized as Mada so when he saw him looking like an idiot he gave him a slap across his face. Woken up by the slap he was given Mada was not even mad when he realize that he was slapped he was only embarrassed.

Releasing dry coughs Mada retracted his gaze from Sol as he secretly took the wooden sculpture of the flower making his emotions stabilized. He then started talking to Sol like nothing happened "Who are the people chasing after? Just in case we run into them we can immediately avoid them."

Sol who was having a great suddenly felt her mood become down all of a sudden when she heard Mada as she didn't answer him. Noticing the reaction of Sol Mada became panicked "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

Sol gave a nod and spoke "Thank you, but it's alright. If you want the name of the place it would be Nebula Sect." Sol grit her teeth and clench her fist as she said the name of the [Nebula Sect], it was apparent to Mada's eyes just how much Sol hate the [Nebula Sect].

Mada gave a distant look in the sky, he was not an alien to the feeling that Sol feeling at the moment he knew what she was going through the hatred that she had. Mada didn't made any more remarks to Sol as he left her alone in the corner as he gave her space.

Walking towards Rayious he notice him smirking about something making him curious on what was going on so he called out to Rayious "Hey what are you smiling for big bro?"

Rayious gave him a look but didn't say anything but the smirk that he had on his face became bigger making Mada quite irritated, but before he could make another question to him he heard the voice of Sol behind him.

"Sir Mada did…."

"Just call me Mada like how you did before don't act all formal on me all of a sudden okay?" Mada gave Sol a quick reminder "We are companions from now on right? Even though we only met earlier it wouldn't matter as we will face many things in the future so it's better to make ourselves more acquainted with each other."

Sol smiled when she heard him so she corrected herself "Okay Mada, what happened to the 3 men that were chasing me before?"

Mada tried remembering what Sol was referring to and the moment he did he made a gesture with his hands, he swipe his hands across his neck and spoke "We killed them already don't worry about it, oh, if you're worried about that being a problem we also fed them to demonic beasts in the Mist Valley and we also…"

Mada pointed at the sleeves of Sol and when she saw what he was referring she questions him "What did you do? You can't have, did you do something when I was asleep?" Sol covered her body as she showed a face of being wronged.

Mada laughed at her jokes making the mood inside the room lighten up "Don't worry I didn't, I took out a piece of your clothes to make a fake cover of you being eaten by some demonic beasts with the three so we wouldn't need to worry for the time being."

Hearing what had said Sol became enlightened about what happened "Well if that is the case, why aren't we going to get farther away from here?"

"We weren't able to go farther because of reasons, the first was because you needed help so do you think that we would leave without taking care of you and your problem, of course we could've done it later on but the normal medicines wouldn't have worked then making it troublesome.

"The other thing was that we didn't have any money. So we weren't able to continue, we also need money to help us in cultivation so were currently waiting for the auction to be finished tomorrow after we are done there we will be able to move out the following day." Mada explained their situation to Mada.

Which Sol responded with "Is this the reason why you ask if I know how to make money earlier? So were currently broke huh, I don't know if I'm lucky or not when I was save by the two of you."

Mada gave dry laughs showing his embarrassment "Don't worry he mission pay a pretty big price even for the easy ones. I mean we both got 10 level 1 spirit stones for killing 1 Unihorm Saber Tooth Tiger so how hard could it be."

Sol was now feeling worried inside her heart the more she listened to Mada speak, [What the 10 spirit stone is enough to make him happy? Does he even know anything about business in the martial world?]

Feeling the worry inside her heart and the foreboding she was having Sol couldn't help but asked Mada "Do you know how much a basic weapon in the martial world cost, just so you know the currency use in the martial word is spirit stone."

Mada thumped his chest "ten thousand spirit stone am I right?"

"Then how can you say that we can just earn easy money in doing Mercenary jobs if we go by the regular pay that you are saying we will need one thousand missions before we can buy basic weapons." Sol was now acting as if she was some kind of accountant in the group.

Sol still wasn't that welcoming in the idea of being a mercenary, but she was a diligent person so even if she didn't want to be a mercenary the task that she was ask to do she would do it with the best of her abilities be it fighting or in this case being an accountant for the group.

At this very moment the Dragon Phoenix Mercenary that will be renowned in the various realms gain its very first member, officially.

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