
Vow's of Eternal Love

[Caster's Pov]

When the feeling of being pulled passes, I knew that I have been summoned again from that place. Dread assailed me, the feeling of fear still fresh from my mind. Am I to suffer again night after night..? Please! I..-

As I opened my eyes, what lay before me was a vast open field? A strong breeze passes through me, making me shiver in it's coldness. I was still feeling dazed from the summoning, and when my focus returned to me, I finally notice the man in front me.

Before that familiar dread overtook me, it stopped and once again, I was in a daze, looking at the man's smiling face with his fierce red eyes. On them, I do not feel the usual greed and lust. There's only gentleness and care? Like a kindred spirit..

I'm confuse.. why would this man, that I met for the first time, would have this feeling, and care.. for me? The man's voice woke me up from my musings. "Are you okay?", asking me in concern. He must have seen the fear and confusion in my eyes. The next thing I knew, the man was before me, placing his coat on my shoulders. This has driven away the cold, but most of all, I feel warmth in my heart for his concern.. what's wrong with me today, the fear that I was expecting is not there. I'm a servant, and my specialty, my skill "Counter Hero", I'm able to tell at least, someone's motive, yet this man only has care for me.. and the feeling is... wonderful!

Unknowingly, I smiled at the man. For the first time in my life of a servant, I gave a genuine smile that came from the bottom of my heart. I still don't know why, but my intuition tells me to follow and trust this man, and it has not failed me yet. I may be lucky this time.. and found the one I was waiting for. A wonderful master and... husband!~~

[End of Pov]

A voluptuous woman appeared in the middle of the summoning circle. Why voluptuous you ask? Because she have a huge rack on par with Megumi's. As the light of the summoning circle receded, the woman's features was revealed. Her skin has a darker shade with a long dark hair running all the way to her beautiful legs. She's wearing those costumes similar to female Arabian dancers, just more revealing than normal, and her face is currently covered by a thin veil.

The woman is staring at my face without blinking. She never takes off her gaze off my face. Do I still have blood in my face from the fight? I thought I have cleaned myself before summoning a servant.. But her gaze looks different.. but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.. no matter.

I already know this woman's background. Base on her background story, she is the "Caster of the Nightless City" or known as Scheherazade. The narrator of the One Thousand and One Nights story. I noticed when she has just been summoned, she was terrified. I almost forgot about what she experienced in her past life. Yggdrasil said that this unique servant that we summoned will not have memories of their past. I guess their 'true' past life is still remains, and she was terrified from it, but now, I'm confuse, there's no more of those dark and terrified aura, it was replaced by pink aura.. what..

"Shin! You don't have to think on it deeply. She's love at first sight!" (Yggdrasil)

"Etto.. may I know what is my Master's name is?" (Scheherazade)

"Uh.. ahem! I'm Shin.. I'm glad to make your acquaintance.. Miss Caster?" (Shin)

"My Master, please call me by my name.. I'm called Scheherazade." (Scheherazade)

"(speechless, Yggdrasil! I thought I have to prove myself to them before they can tell me their true name??)" (Shin)

"(Ehhmm.. It's like this Shin, if a woman is in love with someone, they will lay bare with everything they got. Giving their name is just simple matter for a servant and bypasses any requirements. According to a book I read (shrugs))?" (Yggdrasil)

"(What! That, that does not make any sense!! (sigh) ... but I guess she's ain't bad and a perfect wife material to boot.. hmmm..) (Shin)

"(blush) My Master~ Is something wrong?" (Scheherazade)

"Ahem! Nothing's wrong Scheherazade. I'm honored that you allowed me to know your true name." (Shin)

"I feel that giving you my name like this is natural as you're my master and... (blush)." (Scheherazade)

"(She's adorable~) I'm happy that you're the one that was chosen and assigned to me. I'll be counting on you from now on Scheherazade." (Shin)

"Please do.. I'll do my best for you my master. I'll be in front to fight for you!" (Scheherazade)

"(smile) You don't have to be so serious. As you can see, there's no grail war, no singularity. We're on a completely different world, so I want you to enjoy yourself as much as you can, I'll support you as you will support me." (Shin)

"This.. this is just like a true husband and wife was meant to be... " (Scheherazade)

"(smiled)....." (Shin)

Tears started to form on Scheherazade's beautiful eyes. As she stares at her new master. She feels different with Shin, and started viewing him as her Hope. Right now, while beside Shin, her fear vanished, like it never existed. She was now at peach, and can even think of love and romance. Her eyes right now were full of resolved to follow Shin and make sure that she gives him everything she's capable of giving. Although it's against here original motive of protecting her life, or making sure that she survives at all cost, this time, even though she only met this man for the first time, would not mind giving her life for him. Scheherazade did not know that because of this resolved, her path ahead will be the most wonderful life she will ever had of all her past lives.

Shin explained to her about the One piece world. This amazed Scheherazade, that she would be traveling and be present on another world, aside from the Fate world, where it's all about the Grail war. In this world, she will follow her heart and Shin's suggestion. Well, for her, Shin is her heart, which she will follow unconditionally. She even shamelessly held Shin's hand while the latter were explaining everything to her about the world. Shin did not mind. He knows what she had went through, and also happy, if he could remove those burden from her heart. She can see Scheherazade's soul, and it's tinge with the dark despair that was corroding her soul but are now slowly diminishing.

After telling her everything, Shin looked straight into Scheherazade's eyes and asked her if she really wish to follow him. If she changed her mind and decline his offer, he would not shackle her and let her go her own way. Shin did not have to think as Scheherazade without a second thought declared that she will follow Shin weather he likes it or not and said that she will now follow her desire. Shin just scratch the back of his head, and did not know if he will be happy or embarrassed and she still have not released her hold on his hands. Shin doesn't mind though, her hands were as soft as the best pillows and it's also pretty relaxing.

He won't let Scheherazade fight in the front though, like what she declared earlier. He'll leave his back to her as support. He knows what she is capable of. Even though, she does not look it, she's pretty powerful, and her ability itself is to bend reality at her will, or base on her stories. If she could expand her story repertoire, she'll be more flexible, even in other worlds that they will travel to. He wondered if he could tell her stories about other worlds, or if she will create new stories when they travel to other worlds or realm. He'll just leave it for now, and see what happens in the future.

"My Master, what are you going to do next? From what I understand, since you have just started your journey in this world, and just fought a legend from this world, if you have a hard time with the fight, I recommend to train for another year, but try to pickup companions first, so that when you start your training, they would train too. It will be hard if you do all the fighting and cannot depend on anyone else to back you up." (Scheherazade)

"You're right, then I'll follow your suggestion too. I already have some prospects for a crew, so we'll pick them up later. By the way, you don't need to call me master, since we're not on any grail war, and I don't see you as a servant. More like a companion, a friend or family.." (Shin)

"But.. I'm still a servant that you've summon to help. So even if there's no grail war, I'm still..." (Scheherazade)

"(sigh) I know I can't change your mind on this. How about you tell me what you wish to call me. It may be better than master. You know that calling me a master on this world may also mean that you're a "slave" and I don't want anyone to think of that." (Shin)

"En! (smiled brightly) Then if you don't mind, I would like to call you.. Husband!! No going back on your words!" (Scheherazade)

"W-what? Husband, that's even.. (sigh).. you got me there Scheherazade, (smirk)." (Shin)

"Hohoh~ It seems I did. Thank you for indulging my wishes.. my husband~" (Scheherazade)

"(sigh, Scheherazade is the best first servant. She's wise and gives the best advice with the thought of our safety. She'll be my right hand from this point). Wait for a bit, I still need to do a few things before we go." (Shin)

"En!" (Scheherazade)

"Yggdrasil, looks like I will have two adviser from now on. Hope you can work with Scheherazade, I will still listen to your advice similar to another opinion." (Shin)

"Haihai~ Rest assured Shin, I think, similar to me, she will protect you fully utilize her mind to the best to serve you. What a wonderful servant you summoned." (Yggdrasil)

"Great, now, time to integrate with the blood line. Open up both, I can take it! While at it, go ahead and integrate the new system to yourself. Don't mind me Yggdrasil" (Shin)

"I understand, time to upgrade the both of us, Ting! Initializing Bloodline integration. Ting! Initializing System assimilation... Commencing!" (Yggdrasil)

"Ugh! (These must be higher level bloodlines, the pain is off the chart)!!!" (Shin)

"??!! Husband? What's wrong, why are you in pain?!" (Scheherazade)

"I'm fine Scheherazade... just awakening my bloodline is all... this... will pass soon.. don't worry.." (Shin)

"I'm here if you need anything.. " (Scheherazade)

"I appreciate your care.... Scheherazade.... Thanks for being there...." (Shin)

"En! You can always count on me, husband. Now, please focus now, and don't mind me. I'll make sure that no one disturbs you!" (Scheherazade)

The process took 12 hours straight. Shin was correct, that the two bloodlines, one that came from Alucard, and the other was from Asura. When the bloodline was being integrated into his body, Alucard's bloodline wash his whole body with extreme cold as well as he was engulf by darkness. Frost also started appearing on him, and his surrounding. Darkness congealed at the same time, which showed as a tangible aura. The air around him in a 10 meter radius became thick with darkness energy so Scheherazade had to move further away, to avoid getting devoured by darkness. Afterwards, the coldness was replaced by extreme heat. Now, Asura's bloodline started it's integration. Yggdrasil setup the integration to not happen at the same time. She's still afraid that it may cause damage to Shin. The previous frozen surroundings melted, and was replaced by heat. The air started burning and the ground melted into lava. An aura of rage spread out from Shin, which can affect weaker minds, and made them berserk.

After 12 hours, the pain subsided, and a cooling sensation washed over Shin. He gritted his teeth through the integration, and did not mutter any sound. The pain has always been familiar with Shin, so he was able to tolerate it even if it's this much. Changes also occurred on his body. First, his looks became ethereal. If he was really handsome before, then the change even made him more so. He will become more irresistible any female gender and maybe even to men.

The change is even more to his physique. Usually, the Asura bloodline would have added more muscle, but Alucard's bloodline countered that, as it is meant for more graceful look, so he did not become buff, and his muscles just slightly grew to perfection. On a micro level, his skin tissue, muscle and bone was still altered by both bloodline, becoming almost invulnerable from any mortal damage and also resistance from divine level as well. Shin's body now hides a power that when unleashed, can bring death to his enemies. Of course, he won't lose control of it like the original owner of both bloodlines. He's in full control due to his body supremacy trait. Asura bloodline become empowered by anger, Shin can also do this, but not the usual berserk and wrathful look, it was a silent wrath, that boils within, and he could unleash it at his enemy in a focus state that will ensure obliteration.

Shin was satisfied with the change, and smiled, and called out Scheherazade to come closer. When Scheherazade look over her beloved, she was in a daze yet again and proud. Her beloved should now be above all in beauty, and possibly in power. She's anticipates her future together with him, and happy that when she bear his children, they will be ensure to have the highest gene.

"Husband! Congratulations for your advance. I can see and even feel the changes in you." (Scheherazade)

"Thank you, Scheherazade, and for watching over me. (Smiled)" (Shin)

"It is my pleasure, husband (blush)" (Scheherazade)

"Shin! Congratulations with successfully integrating with the bloodlines. Would you like to see what changes they made to you?" (Yggdrasil)

"Sure, please show me Bloodlines status." (Shin)

"Sure thing, Shin! Ting! Opening up BLOODLINE status!" (Yggdrasil)


+Sovereign Spirit God Bloodline [half-awakened]

+Sovereign Demon God of Rebellion Bloodline [half-awakened]

-Shadow Monarch Bloodline [fully awakened]


-[Special] Dark Parade: Dexterity, Agility doubled.

-[Passive] All Stat + 100%

-Ruler's Authority (Psychic Ability)

-Gate/Portal Creation (Domain/Dungeon)

-Dimensional Travel

-Shadow Extraction

-Save Shadow


-Shadow Exchange

-Realm of the Shadow Monarch

-Sovereign Prince of Darkness Bloodline [half-awakened]


+[Special] Vampire Progenitor: Speed, Agility and Magic Doubled.

+[Passive] Soul+50%, Energy+50%, Strength+50%, Luck+10%

+Blood Manipulation

+Blood Aura/Domain

+Semi-Immortal (+1 Regeneration)


+Charm Lord

+Shape Shifting (Wolf, Bat, Mist)

+Shadow Manipulation/Summoner

+Elemental Magician

-Asura's Wrath Bloodline [half-awakened]


+[Special] Deva of Wrath: Attack and Defense Doubled.

+[Passive] Soul+50%, Energy+50%, Strength+100%, Luck+20%

+Mantra/Vajra/Six-Armed/Destructor Mode

+Berserk Nature

+Natural Pugilist

+Divine Flame Aura

+Semi-Invulnerable (+1 Stamina)

+Unknown Dragon Bloodline [dormant]

+Unknown Devil Bloodline [dormant]

+Unknown Being Bloodline [dormant]

"It's another boost to my strength. I need to get more stronger than this to dominate this world. It should be time for us to go." (Shin)

"Haiii~" (Yggdrasil)

"En!" (Scheherazade)

"I'll be counting on you again, Scheherazade, when we pickup some companions on the way. I hope you don't mind?" (Shin)

"Not at all husband, what's mine are yours, so please don't worry~" (Scheherazade)

"Hmmm.. you know what? It is not fair for you if you're the only one that calls an endearment. How about we seal this by becoming a true husband and wife?" (Shin)

"Eeehhh? B-but shouldn't I need to prove myself to you first, if I deserve to be your wife?" (Scheherazade)

"What? Uh, shouldn't it be the other way around? Besides, just like you, I can read people and their heart.. Then let me return the question to you if-" (Shin)

"Yes, If you'll have me, then I will be honored and happy to be your wife, Shin. (blush)" (Scheherazade)

"Oh! Really? Are you sure you're not.. uh.. (she's glowing really bright pink right now, it's best for me to not keep refusing her and being pretentious, but I still need to tell her). (breathing out) Before you agree, first, I need you to know.. that you-" (Shin)

"Shin, I know what you will tell me, and you do not have to worry. I don't mind having sisters. As long as I'm in your heart, that you care for me, then I'll be the best Wife there is!" (Scheherazade)

"Then I'm lucky to have you Scheherazade." (Shin)

Shin held Scheherazade's hand and pulled her close to him. His left hand held her slender waist while his right hand held her chin. Her massive chest was squeezed and took the shape of Shin's broad chest. Looking into Scheherazade's dreamy eyes, his first wife, he was feeling giddy, yet happy at the same time. He was thinking, so this is what it feels if a woman truly lover him. He can feel her aura enveloping his, and her true feeling was revealed. Her love is true, she wanted him dearly, begging for his love. Shin was also attracted to Scheherazade upon laying his eyes on her, and felt sad in seeing her aura of fear, hopelessness and dread. He was glad that it disappeared, and although, he became her pillar of hope, he will cherish it. Shin sealed Scheherazade's lips with his, tasting the sweet nectar of Scheherazade's love. Shin is not unfamiliar with a woman and Scheherazade is not her first girl, so their kiss lasted several minutes, and only stopped when she was gasping for breath. Shin smiled dearly to her and made a promise.

"Scheherazade, I will not promise you anything.. but I will show you that I'm capable of loving you forever.. so be not afraid anymore. You will not be part of the grail war any longer, or need to serve a master." (Shin)

"Hmmnn.. It's fine if I still serve a master, as long as it's you my husband~" (Scheherazade)

"Then I know that there's a ceremony of marriage, but it may not be prevalent in this world. Instead, I have this, as a sign of my love for you as my wife. Please accept it." (Shin)

Shin pulled out a ring out of nowhere. Shin got the ring from the equipment store that was just added very recently. Yggdrasil suggested this for him to get, and he was thankful for that. Shin got a customizable wedding care of Yggdrail. It was not a normal wedding ring, as it came from the system. It cost 10,000 system points, which was actually pretty expensive (normal wedding ring cost 1 system point). The stat of ring is as followed:

Vow's of Eternal Love [Ring Accessory]


-Indestructible ("The sign that I'm forever yours~")

-Barrier ("Our love will forever protect me!") - Creates a barrier around the owner which can resist an attack from even a high level cultivator.

-Instant Teleportation ("You're toast! My husband is coming..") - Automatically call upon the owner of the partner ring when "Barrier" suffers a deadly strike.

-Beacon ("I miss you, my love~") - Allows communication with the owner of the partner ring and can be use to locate each other.

Shin held Scheherazade's left hand and slide the ring on her fourth finger. He had done this while looking at Scheherazade's teary eye. Before her tears of happiness fell, she said to him with all her heart, "I love you Shin!" and joined their lips once again.

Information about Caster of the Nightless City (Scheherazade) Skills and Noble Phantasm

Story Teller: A Skill that shows how skillful one is in verbally reciting tales and legends. Entirely different from the art of writing down tales in books, it is a story conveyance ability specialized in improvisation, allowing one to also take into account the mood and mentality of the audience to choose an appropriate way of reciting a story. It is likely that Rakugo storytelling Heroic Spirits possess this too.

Bedchambers of Survival : A subclass of the "Pheromone" Skill, specialized for defense. By combining "her own charm", "the charm of the place" and "the charm of her actions" in the most suitable way according to the situation presented, she can form and make use of "an area where she has the lowest probability of death in the World." Although it is a conceptual area, it is also another "sleeping quarter", a safety base that is just like her Workshop as well.

Counter Hero: A Skill that brings down the parameters of any hero on the occasion of dealing with them.

This Skill for her is being limited to "anti-king". For that reason, it acquires Rank A. In her case, it becomes something that especially demonstrates "the capability to survive against existences that have taken the title of king", grasping the king's mood, disposition, abilities, principles, state of health, etc., to make use of every art of coaxing she has so that by doing this, no matter how capricious a king can be, she can conduct herself in a way that will at least not get herself killed.

————In the moment when she has decided to confront a king as a storyteller with "a heroic tale that is about to be erased", or in the moment when she has carried out a justifiable confrontation with a story of "a hero who secretly saved the world", this is sublimated into a special Skill unique only to her, Counter-Hero (Story).

Territory Creation: One can create a position that is advantageous to themselves as a mage. Scheherazade happens to create a "sleeping quarter" for the sake of her own survival.

Noble Phantasm: Alf Layla wa-Layla (One Thousand and One Nights) : Anti-King

This is a Reality Marble of "her narrated tales". By narrating them with such an overwhelming presence/sense of reality to the extent that even the World believes in it, those "tales" are made to be materialized. It summons and gives form to the characters, tools and spirits that appeared within One Thousand and One Nights. "Harun al-Rashid", "Sinbad", a "Magic Carpet", "Aladdin", a "Jinn (Spirit of the Lamp)", "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", "Yamlika, the Queen of Serpents", and so forth. Even episodes that did not exist in the original (historically proper) One Thousand and One Nights and were written/absorbed into it in posterity are able to be employed given that they will be helpful to her survival as a Heroic Spirit. What is important is not their validity. It is whether or not the king can be entertained by these tales. Naturally, if a large number/large variety of things are produced all at once, the more that are produced, the steeper the magical energy consumption becomes. As a matter of course, the conclusion of the tale (Noble Phantasm) is brought to a finish like thus:

"————and such, was the story."

From its origin, this Noble Phantasm has an attack specialty against those with the King attribute. As long as they are an existence similar to a king, even if they are strictly not such a being, there are cases where they would be regarded as a "king" to her.

"Since it is told that she is the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven… it seems that she is a king then. I cannot read my words because she is terrifying…"

-Alucard Blooline will be the combination of Alucard from Castlevania and the Alucard in Hellsing.

-Specialty stacks on top of Passive increase.

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