
Journey through the chaos (GOT)

A university student got reincarnated in the world of Game of Thrones. In this unforgiving place, does he have what it takes to survive, and live a life worth of living? He becomes a child of a poor family in The Reach. Can he grow strong enough to reach his dreams?

CrowWriter · Bücher und Literatur
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7 Chs

First fight

As Marcus and Albert picked Bernard up, the group, whom they stole from started going towards them. There were four men, and all of them were visibly drunk, and out of the four, one had to try his best to not fall. When they saw them, Marcus instantly know that they were fuc*ed. On the red faces, there was clear anger towards them.

-Hey rats! Did you steal our damn wines, because if you did then you are fuc*ing dead!-

The man in the middle wanted to continue the talking, but then he saw the empty bottles on the grass.

-Guys, we finally found the thieves! Let's murder their asses!-

At his shouting, one of them took out a knife and started to run towards them. Marcus felt that the adrenaline started pumping in his blood and his mind sobered up. As the man closened the distance, he grabbed the first thing that was nearby and throw that to the man's face. It was the empty "bottle" that made a sickening crackling sound in impact. It has to be said that what was called wine bottle, was in truth, tin and wood creation, that didn't contain any glass in itself as that was way too expensive for the commoners.

The running man suddenly stopped and fall to the ground while crying out in his pain. Everyone stayed still and looked at the scene shocked. Everyone, but Marcus. Even though he was at fault, he knew that he has to fight or his friend will be in danger. He didn't wait for a second and arrived in front of the fallen person and picked up the bottle that made the man stop in trying to stubbing them. Marcus grabbed it and with full power struck down the weapon to the man's head, making him unconscious. He did not hesitate during all of this, as it could have cost their life.

After seeing a twelve years old kid defeat their friend, they got even angrier. The rest of the three also took out a knife and started to slowly walk towards them. Bernard and Albert had their minds clear up, thanks to seeing their friend deed. They also picked up the bottles and started to get ready for the conflict.

Marcus also picked up the orphaned knife in his right, while holding the bottle in his lift, that had a little blood on it. Albert and Bernard each picked one person for themself, intentionally leaving the drunkest one for Marcus while taking on the two more sobber ones. The rest of the men, whom they stole from were in their fifties and already had spacious stomachs. They also had torn clothing, also eyes that spoke about murder intentions. Normally even in Westeros, there wouldn't be a lot of people who would murder or even attack some kids for stealing their property. Only the cruelest and worst people would do that.

If Marcus had to have a guess, they would have to be bandits, as they shouldn't have to have a problem with killing kids, and as they were too clumsy and weak to be soldiers and mercenaries.

Both parties were getting ready to start running at each other when there was a shouting sound from the inn, behind the bandits. The bandits fearfully looked behind themself at the sound, with this making one of the biggest beginner mistakes one could ever make in a fight: looking away from your opponent.

Once again Marcus moved first. He started running toward his first target and before the man could spot him, he had already swung the bottle into the mans' face. Marcus had to jump before making the hit because he was too short to reach the opponent's head normally. It wasn't hard enough to make the man lose his consciousness, but it was enough to make him dizzy. He quickly went behind the man's back and stabbed into the bend of his leg, making him fall. Now he only had to do a finishing touch by giving the man's head a good night kiss with the bottle one again.

After wiping off the sweat from his forehead, he looked up to see, how are the others doing. It made the blood freeze in his body. Albert was on the ground while trying to stop the bleeding and next to him was the old man's unconscious body. Bernard was still dogging the knife swinging man, who was getting slower and slower. After finally making a too big move that almost made him fall, Bernard hit the man on the face so hard, that Marcus could see the bandit's tooths flying all over. After that, both of them ran towards Albert to see how bad is the wound.

Their friend's face was pale from the blood loss, and his green eyes looked dizzy. Marcus as fast as he could he started to give him first aid to the best of his abilities, while cursed himself for staying there and stupidly fighting with the men who had knives with them.

-'Everybody knows that you do not start fighting with people who have weapons while being unarmed, yet I fuc*ing did it. How could I do something so unresponsible?!'-

Marcus continued to insult himself while making sure to not let his friend bleed out under the watchful eyes of Bernard who was worried himself to death while at the same time was fascinated with Marcus's skill in healing.

After making sure Albert's condition won't get worse, Bernard picked him up and started to take him to the inn, while Marcus picked up the fu*kers values in order to pay with it their friend's medical care. Also, a few kicks were in order.


Author's Note:

I think it is time to say my thanks to all of my lovely readers who are reading my novel. I can't thank you enough for reading it, as this is what makes me want to continue. Even if it is just a few comments, I can't describe the emotion it made me feel. I know I am not the best on this platform, but I still want to give my all and share this story with all of you. Once again I will try to start writing this story and take it till the end. I want to ask you to accompany me on this journey and help me keep going. This will be a chaotic and enjoyable ride, that I can promise.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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