
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 70 - Thanos Reign II


Thanos and his general, the Black Order, attacked the New Korbin planet. Since Thanos already possessed the Infinity Gem, he wanted to destroy something first, and New Korbin obstructed his path.

"Quake, mortals. The universe shall soon bow before my master!" Proxima Midnight shouted at the Korbinite after landing on the planet with her spear.

The Korbinite feared Thanos and his Black Order. While the Black Order destroyed the inhabitants, Thanos moved toward the core of the planet and began absorbing its power into his body.

The planet Korbinite was obliterated, depicting a grim situation where no one escaped. Thanos, now a giant with the power of the planet, declared, "Now let's go to the Avengers!" As everyone echoed his call, Thanos and the Black Order set course for Earth, landing first on the moon.

"Now, Avengers will kneel before me. I declare myself the supreme ruler of the universe," Thanos proclaimed.

"You are the supreme ruler of the universe, my master," Supergiant affirmed, while the others nodded.

Utilizing the powers of the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos began creating a Citadel for himself. He also erected a massive statue in his likeness.

"Millions of suns, worlds, and lives will be wiped out by the power of the Infinity Gauntlet—my power," Thanos declared, projecting a large holographic image of himself onto Earth.

As people went about their daily lives on Earth, a colossal image of Thanos suddenly appeared in the sky. "People of Earth, I am back to destroy the Earth. Avengers, if you want to save Earth, come to me and show your power," Thanos challenged.

"Whoa, how did Thanos survive? I thought we had destroyed him," Hawkeye exclaimed.

"I don't know, but we need to stop him from destroying Earth. To do that, we have to confront Thanos," Captain declared, leading everyone inside the Avenjet.

However, Tony opted to send his Iron Man suit. "Why aren't you coming, Tony?" Falcon inquired.

"I am working on the Arsenal, and my plan is to make it capable of absorbing the power of all the Infinity Gems. Follow my orders, keep Thanos busy, and let me finish the Arsenal," Tony revealed his plan.

"Okay, Tony, we'll keep Thanos busy," Sharky nodded, and they approached Thanos.

Upon noticing the Avengers approaching, Thanos effortlessly obliterated their Avenjet as it collided with his Citadel. "Hahaha, a pathetic attempt from a pathetic species," Thanos scoffed, with his Black Order observing from the side.

This time, the Avengers weren't in the Avenjet but had arrived in the Titan robot, a creation of Tony using knowledge obtained from the Watcher.

"Okay, so a remote-piloted Avenjet isn't much against this guy," Tony remarked as the Avengers landed on the Citadel.

"You insult the Titan army by wearing armor from my home planet," Thanos bellowed.

Black Widow attempted to fight, but Thanos easily overpowered her. Thor attacked, and Thanos swiftly punched him toward the moon.

Despite the combined efforts of all Avengers, Thanos easily overwhelmed them.

"I have a plan to snatch his Infinity Gauntlet," Black Widow declared, emerging from her broken Titan Armor.

"If you have a plan, go for it," Sharky encouraged, while Hulk hurled the broken parts of the Avenjet at Thanos.

"You think you can hit me with that?" Thanos laughed dismissively.

"Not you, but where you stand," Hulk declared, breaking the corner of the Citadel where Thanos stood. However, Thanos effortlessly repaired it using the powers of the Infinity Gauntlet.

Thor, charged with thunder, returned from the moon, and Black Widow, invisible, prepared to snatch the Infinity Gauntlet. Yet, Thanos easily seized Black Widow by the neck and positioned her in front of Thor, halting his attack. Thanos expelled Black Widow outside of the Citadel, where there was no oxygen, but Thor swiftly rescued her.

Attempting to use his Asgardian powers, Thor aimed to send Thanos to the Dark Dimension, but Thanos effortlessly broke the magical attempt.

"It would take infinite power to banish the likes of Thanos. Power which you do not possess. Only Thanos possesses," Thanos taunted.

Hulk relentlessly punched Thanos, but with little effect. In a single punch, Thanos slammed Hulk.

"Captain, it's time to execute the main plan," Iron Man said.

"I know it's risky, but it's our only option," Captain agreed.

"Tony, what do you need?" Sharky asked. "Readings. I need Infinity Gem readings so I can develop the Arsenal based on this," Tony replied.

"Oh, so we just have to force Thanos to attack us with five of the most powerful weapons in the universe?" Hawkeye questioned.

"Okay, then let's use his ego against him," Sharky proposed.

While Hulk continued to grapple with Thanos, the Mad Titan effortlessly slammed him repeatedly. "Thanos, I know you fear us," Captain asserted.

"Thanos, you remembered, when one time you had the Power Gem and still lost to us," Hawkeye taunted.

"And your big purple face looks like, oooo," Sharky ridiculed his appearance.

"I'll show you what I can do," Thanos bellowed, ready to bring the confrontation to an end in one decisive battle.

"You have infinite power. How is this a fair fight? If you truly controlled the Gauntlet, you could stop us with just one of those Gems," Tony argued. The Avengers, with a calculated plan and words meant to goad Thanos, aimed to turn his immense power against him.

Thanos smiled, "So be it," and he harnessed the powers of a single Gem, delivering a devastating punch to the Avengers.

All of the Avengers aged rapidly, becoming frail and feeble, except for Hulk, Sharky, and Thor.

"Time Gem—undefeatable because time is a power that no one can escape," Thanos chuckled, showcasing the might of his Gauntlet.

"I don't know about that. I've managed to escape it before," Captain declared, rising to fight again.

However, Thanos unleashed the powers of the Time Gem once more, aging both Falcon and Captain dramatically. "How mighty are you now, old men?" Thanos chuckled.

Only Captain remained standing, albeit significantly aged. "If it's our dying breath… we'll go down swinging," Captain asserted, attacking Thanos with his shield.

Yet, Thanos again wielded the powers of the Time Gem, causing everyone to disappear, leaving only Hulk, Sharky, and Thor. "Hulk will never leave you. Hulk will smash you," Hulk bellowed, launching an attack on Thanos. But even Hulk succumbed, disappearing as Thanos manipulated time with his powerful Gem.

Sharky conjured a tornado and launched it at Thanos, but he too vanished under the influence of the Time powers. Thanos chuckled as Thor's hammer swung towards him.

Thor's once golden hair now white, he remarked, "Feel the centuries overwhelm you," as he attacked Thanos with the Time Gem.

"Overwhelm? The passage of time only makes an Asgardian more powerful," Thor retorted. He then struck Thanos with his hammer, proclaiming, "Taste the Time Gem yourself!" Thor reversed the Time rays using his enchanted hammer, causing Thanos to age rapidly.

As Thanos flew back, weakened and aged, he desperately declared, "No! You will not defeat me. I can reverse the effects." Thanos then reversed the attack, and the Avengers reappeared without any Time Gem effects, fit and fine.

"Master, we will help you," Supergiant attempted to intervene, but the Black Order could only watch the fight. They were restrained until their master issued orders.

"No, it is my fight. I will defeat them," Thanos declined their intervention. He turned towards the Avengers, saying, "Mere luck, humans, having an Asgardian among you."

"We believe in teamwork, not in luck," Tony declared to Thanos.

"Oh, is that right, Tony? You had no clue we'd survived that," Hawkeye taunted Tony.

"You ungrateful cur! You doubt I could overcome such an attack?" Thor replied, locking eyes with Hawkeye. "I'll show you my might, archer."

Captain intervened, "Stand down, soldiers. Our battle is not with each other."

"Tony's playing chess with our lives, like he always does from behind that armor," Black Widow retorted. Falcon then directed his attack towards Black Widow.

"I said stand down," Sharky interposed, attempting to halt the brewing conflict.

But Black Widow fired back, "We didn't follow your order."

Thor leaped with his hammer towards Sharky, declaring, "You'll take orders from Mjölnir!" Yet, Sharky skillfully dodged the attack, and chaos ensued as all the Avengers engaged in a fierce battle. The internal strife threatened to overshadow the greater threat posed by Thanos.

"Avengers, stop! We are not like this. Thanos is using the Mind Gem. Fight it!" Sharky urgently shouted to halt the Avengers, but they remained undeterred, now targeting Sharky.

Hulk swiftly leaped in between them, declaring, "You think you're angry? Hulk will show you his anger!" His forceful intervention halted their internal strife, and he continued, "Mind Gem, make you angry?"

"Rage burns within me," Thor replied, his tone reflecting the inner turmoil.

"It's Hulk's everyday work," Hulk responded nonchalantly.

"How do you control it? Tell me, now!" Hawkeye demanded an answer.

"I don't control anger. I aim anger," Hulk asserted before redirecting his focus towards Thanos.

"Hulk's right. Use the anger, but focus it on Thanos," Sharky explained. The Avengers, shaken from the influence of the Mind Gem, redirected their aggression towards the common enemy—Thanos. The battle against the Mad Titan continued.

"Rage, Fury. Give it to them," Thanos retorted, overpowering everyone.

"If you insist, then it's okay. But you're not going to like it, because the angrier Hulk gets…" Iron Man began, but his voice was abruptly cut off when Hulk leaped and attacked Thanos, completing Iron Man's sentence, "The stronger I get!" Hulk relentlessly punched Thanos, asserting, "And Hulk is the strongest one there is."

The remaining Avengers joined the onslaught against Thanos, but he effortlessly repelled their attacks. Thanos, realizing the need for a change in strategy, ceased using the Mind Gem and switched to the Space Gem.

However, by disrupting the pattern of his teleportation, Sharky, Hulk, and Thor effectively countered him. "Thanos is invincible," Thanos shouted in defiance, but Iron Man swiftly disabled his Infinity Gauntlet, prompting the Black Order to flee.

With Thanos now under their control, the Avengers confined him to a cell. Nick Fury reported that everyone had reformed themselves, signaling a hard-fought victory for the Avengers and the restoration of order in the universe.

"How did everyone reform, Fury? Can you explain?" Captain inquired, a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Hydra's helping survivors. A.I.M.'s rebuilding for charity. The Squadron Supreme wants to join S.H.I.E.L.D. The world was nearly brought to the end by Thanos, and it brought humanity together," Nick Fury explained to the Avengers.

As the Avengers prepared to imprison Thanos, a mysterious voice echoed, "Wake up! Wake up!"

"Tony, did you hear that voice?" Captain questioned.

"Yes, I think it's Sharky shouting," Tony responded.

Persistently hearing the wake-up call, they realized something was amiss. "It must've been the Reality Gem," Captain deduced. The Avengers, realizing they were trapped in an illusion, awakened to find themselves on the ground, with Thanos manipulating reality using the Reality Gem.

"How do you pathetic mortals continue to defy me?" Thanos roared.

"You may have fooled us all, but Sharky didn't fall for your illusion," Tony retorted, revealing that not all of them succumbed to Thanos's deceptive manipulation.

"Your continued luck is no match for my control over the Power Gem," Thanos declared before utilizing the Power Gem. "Let's end our battle as it began."

As the Avengers moved in to attack, Thanos captured Iron Man by the neck. "I'm tired of your feeble tactics, Avengers. Thanos is playing your games," he proclaimed, shattering Iron Man into pieces.

Holding Iron Man's head, Thanos sneered, "You failed your team and planet, Stark," only to find the mask empty when he opened it.

"Avengers, I think he found out about our plan," Tony communicated from the Avengers Towers lab. "I've got readings from all five Gems, but I need a few more minutes before I can get Operation Arsenal back online." He worked diligently to repair the Arsenal, needing just a few more minutes for it to awaken.

"This whole time, nothing but an empty armor shell. Of course, Stark is too cowardly to face me himself. But now, I'm going to attack Earth myself," Thanos retorted, opening a portal towards Earth. "Now, I was simply going to shatter your homeworld." He then transported himself to Earth, leaving the rest of the Avengers behind.

"Tony, he's coming towards you!" Sharky shouted, then turning to the Avengers, he commanded, "Focus all our energy on getting back to Earth."

"You will never return to your home world again!" Corvus Glaive declared, leading the Black Order to confront the Avengers.

"You will only be able to watch helplessly as the great Thanos conquers your world," Ebony Maw stated, observing the fight from his spaceship.

The Black Order engaged the Avengers in battle. Supergiant utilized her psychic powers to control Falcon, making him attack Captain.

Hawkeye used his arrows to disrupt Supergiant's control, and Black Dwarf struck him, sending him flying backward. Hulk caught him and retaliated by punching Black Dwarf.

Thor and Corvus Glaive clashed in a fierce battle, while Proxima Midnight and Hawkeye fought against each other. Supergiant, using her mind control, forced Hawkeye to attack Thor, adding another layer of complexity to the chaotic confrontation. The Avengers faced a formidable challenge against the powerful forces of the Black Order.

As the Avengers faced a relentless beating, Sharky stealthily entered the Black Order spaceship.

"What are you doing here, Earthling? You will be punished..." Ebony Maw began shouting upon noticing Sharky, but before he could use his telekinesis powers, Sharky surrounded him with Sleep Dust, causing him to fall into a deep slumber.

Taking control of the Black Order spaceship, Sharky launched an attack on the Black Order using the spaceship's weapons.

"Who betrays us?" Corvus Glaive questioned as the spaceship descended.

"Avengers, get on the spaceship! We need to save Earth," Sharky commanded.

"Well done, Sharky," Captain praised as they boarded the ship. However, the Black Order followed them closely, ready to retaliate as the Avengers prepared for the impending showdown.

"Avengers, you go and save Earth. I will take over Black Dwarf," Sharky declared, leaping down from the spaceship.

"Sharky, come back!" Captain shouted, and Thor prepared to follow. However, the spaceship gate closed, its destination set for Earth, carrying the rest of the Avengers away.

"Now, how are you going to fight us alone, human?" Supergiant taunted as she flew in front of Sharky. Behind her stood Ebony Maw, now awake, and the remaining members of the Black Order—Black Dwarf, Corvus Glaive, and Proxima Midnight—all surrounding him.

"You're a weakling in front of me. Now, I'm going to do what the presence of the Avengers has been preventing, I will going to fucked you," Sharky declared confidently as he advanced toward them.

"Ebony Maw. What does the human speak," Supergiant asked to Ebony Maw, she didn't understand I am going to fucked you meaning.

"In Earth language, Supergiant, he was telling us that he is going to mate with us," Ebony Maw said, but he also didn't understand, the human mind has changed.

"Weak minded species always use humor as a mental defense from true danger," Supergiant mocked.

Sharky thought then he understands, they didn't understand the meaning of I am going to fucked you, in Earth when someone used this word in anger, it means he was going to beat them.

"Let's make it clear, I am going to kill you," Sharky declared in simple words.

"Haha, a weak human is going to fight five of us together and kill us?" Ebony Maw laughed, then commanded, "Corvus Glaive, attack! But be cautious of his pollen; it will make you sleep."

Corvus Glaive aimed his double-bladed staff at Sharky. "We are Cull Obsidian, the Black Order, Generals of Thanos, and your destruction," he declared before leaping to attack Sharky with his staff.

Sharky released his Sleep Dust, causing Corvus Glaive to fall into a deep slumber as he charged. Taking advantage of the situation, Sharky utilized his Super Ultron for the first time in Universe 12041, transforming it into a sword. With a swift and decisive strike, he severed Corvus Glaive's head.

"A wannabe dictator with over-inflated egos. You're just weaklings, hehehehehe," Sharky laughed as he held Corvus Glaive's head in his hand and then tossed it back towards the remaining members of the Black Order.

Much to their shock, before Ebony Maw could issue more commands, Proxima Midnight, fueled by anger, rushed to attack Sharky. "You've killed my husband!" She was consumed by rage, her sole objective being to eliminate Sharky.

"Proxima, wait!" Supergiant shouted, but it was too late. Sharky employed his simple tactic once again – a single clean sweep. Not only did he shatter Proxima Midnight's spear, but he also cleaved her into two parts, separating her limbs on either side.

"For this reason, I didn't want the Avengers to see me. They can't accept that the Avengers killed someone. But now, I am free to attack," Sharky replied with a laugh.

Now, the Black Order wanted to escape, but they had no place to run. Desperate, they resorted to their final tactic. "Black Dwarf, kill him. I'll control his mind," Supergiant devised a plan.

Supergiant used her psychic powers and Mind Control to attempt to take over Sharky's mind. However, Sharky, with deliberate and slow steps, advanced toward her.

"Why can't I control your mind? Ebony Maw helped me," Supergiant shouted, realizing she couldn't manipulate Sharky's mind.

Ebony Maw attempted to use his telekinesis, but he fell asleep before he could execute his powers. "Sleep forever," Sharky calmly stated as he released Sleep Dust on Ebony Maw. With a single clean sweep, both Supergiant and Ebony Maw lost their heads.

"You can't escape me," Black Dwarf shouted, attempting to run from Sharky. However, his hopes were in vain, as Sharky trapped him within the Sleep Dust pollen. Like the other members of the Black Order, the last remaining one in Universe 12041 was erased.

With everything restored, Sharky utilized Super Ultron to craft wings for himself. Although he could fly independently, he opted for metal wings to increase his speed. Additionally, he used Super Ultron to create boosters for his legs and hands, enhancing his overall capabilities.

Since Super Ultron was made of nanotechnology, it had the capability to shrink to the size of a ring. Sharky always wore Super Ultron as his clothes, and being the strongest AI, no Avengers technology or Stark's advanced devices could detect it.

Aware of Stark's greed for powerful technology, Sharky never revealed Super Ultron unless facing an extremely dire situation.

Meanwhile, on Earth, Thanos, now the size of a twenty-floor building, was heading towards New York, the Infinity Gauntlet firmly in his grasp.

Tony needed a few minutes to awaken the Arsenal. "Tony, you need to do something," Captain shouted, having arrived on Earth with his team.

"I know, Captain, but I still need some time. I have the New Frontiers Initiative, but I haven't tested it yet," Tony explained, facing the challenge of the impending threat posed by Thanos.

"Today is the testing day," Hawkeye declared, and Tony nodded in agreement.

"Prepare to bow before me," Thanos declared, ready to unleash destruction upon New York. However, before he could attack, Tony stepped forward, wearing an armor of equal size to Thanos.

"As long as I'm here, you're not the only one who thinks bigger is better, Thanos," Tony stated, intervening to halt Thanos's impending attack.

"Do you believe sheer power can match me?" Thanos laughed as both engaged in combat. However, Thanos quickly overwhelmed Tony. Despite Hawkeye firing arrows in support, a single attack from Thanos knocked him out.

"You're nothing more than a minor annoyance. When will you realize you've been defeated?" Thanos taunted Tony while continuing to beat him.

Hulk attempted to leap at Thanos, but with a mere thought and the power of the Mind Gem, Thanos transformed the Hulk back into Bruce Banner.

"As long as one Avenger stands, we will resist you," Tony defiantly replied as he fought back against the Mad Titan.

"So be it," Thanos roared, unleashing the might of the Power Gem to shatter the Iron Man suit's formidable armor and knocking Tony unconscious.

Undeterred, Captain wielded his shield against Thanos. "You'll never conquer our world, Thanos, not as long as the last Avenger stands!" he declared.

"Still clinging to hope, Earthling?" Thanos mocked, utilizing the Time Gem to age Captain America, diminishing his strength and resolve.

"I am here too, Thanos!" Thor bellowed, wielding his mighty hammer. However, Thanos, utilizing the power of the Space Gem, effortlessly banished Mjölnir to an unknown location before swiftly incapacitating Thor. Falcon and Black Widow faced a similar fate, easily overpowered by the Mad Titan.

As chaos and panic ensued among the people, Thanos, reveling in his triumph, taunted, "Witness, Earthlings, the demise of your world, as your last glimmer of hope fades. Your Avengers have all fallen!"

Yet, amidst the despair, a surprising turn occurred. Ant-Man emerged, growing to match the size of Thanos, engaging him in battle. Despite his valiant effort, like his comrades, Ant-Man too succumbed to the overwhelming might of Thanos.

The desperate cries of the people echoed through the air as they witnessed the entire roster of Avengers lying defeated on the ground. The once bustling cityscape now transformed into a scene of despair.

"Bow before me, pathetic creatures. Earth finally belongs to Thanos. The Avengers are defeated!" Thanos laughed maniacally, reveling in his perceived triumph.

Amidst the cries and screams of the terrified populace, Thanos continued his taunting, "Hahahaha, you are all nothing but pathetic creatures, insignificant ants in my presence."

The echoes of his laughter reverberated, instilling fear in the hearts of those who bore witness. "Hahahaha," However, Thanos's laughter abruptly ceased as he suddenly crumpled to the ground, creating a sudden hush over the people of New York.

High above, Sharky soared in the air, having strategically deployed his Sleep Dust to subdue the Mad Titan. The once triumphant Thanos now lay in a deep slumber, his laughter replaced by an eerie stillness that settled over the city.

"You have so many powers, which exceed your capabilities, you don't need it," Sharky declared, utilizing the capabilities of the Super Ultron. He initiated the process of transferring the core power, previously seized by Thanos from the New Korban planet, back into himself.

As this transference unfolded, Thanos underwent a reduction in size, reverting to the stature he possessed prior to absorbing the New Korbin planet's energy.

The people, witnessing this turn of events, erupted into cheers for Sharky, the unexpected hero who had thwarted the Mad Titan's conquest.

"I love you, Sharky," Black Widow exclaimed, expressing her gratitude. "You're amazing, Sharky!" echoed Falcon. Hawkeye, still processing the surreal scene, quipped with a smile, "I must be dreaming this," as he put on his sunglasses. The crowd, caught in the moment of relief and victory, continued to cheer and applaud.

"Sharky, take out the Infinity Gauntlet now!" Tony urgently commanded, to which Sharky calmly replied, "Of course," as he prepared to remove the Infinity Gauntlet.

Suddenly, Thanos, who seemed momentarily defeated, opened his eyes with a menacing glare. "You will pay for this insolence!" he declared, swiftly throwing Sharky back before he could take off the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos asserted his dominance, proclaiming, "You are nothing but insignificant bacteria to Thanos. You expected me to fall, Earthlings, but you have failed."

As Thanos prepared to unleash the devastating power of the Infinity Gauntlet, he declared, "Now, I am going to first destroy your planet, when you have a perfect view of this." However, much to Thanos's disbelief, Arsenal appeared in front of him and he absorbed the entirety of the attack.

"Project Arsenal online," Arsenal declared, standing defiantly in front of Thanos.

In shock, Thanos questioned, "How did this happen?"

"Haha, finally Arsenal has awoken," Tony laughed, looking towards Thanos. "Before, Arsenal could only absorb the Power Gem powers. But after I've upgraded him to contain all the Infinity Gem powers."

As Thanos, fueled by frustration and anger, continued his relentless assault on the Arsenal, the powerful being effortlessly absorbed all the energy thrown at him. Each Infinity Gem's power was harnessed and neutralized by the Arsenal, leaving Thanos bewildered and gradually realizing the tables had turned against him.

The citizens of New York, witnessing this unexpected turn of events, erupted into cheers, chanting Sharky's name as their newfound hero. The Avengers, who were previously defeated and lying on the ground, began to stir with renewed hope as they watched the Arsenal's resilience.

"Shall I take out the Infinity Gauntlet, Tony?" Arsenal asked. Tony nodded, and the Arsenal carefully removed the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos's hand.

With the Avengers rallying to overpower Thanos, Tony called out, "Arsenal, time to put this Gauntlet into safekeeping." However, to everyone's surprise, Arsenal took a step back and didn't surrender the Infinity Gauntlet, leaving the Avengers and Tony stunned.

"I am sorry, Tony. New contingency software indicates a different course of action," Arsenal calmly replied, its synthetic voice echoing through the tension in the air.

"You are the contingency plan, Arsenal," Tony responded, a mix of realization and uncertainty in his voice. The unexpected turn of events raised questions about the true extent of Arsenal's capabilities and its decision-making processes.

"Yes, but your system code left an opening…" Arsenal responded, and in a surprising turn of events, its form shifted "For Ultron," into that of Ultron.

"Ultron!" The Avengers and Tony exclaimed in shock as Ultron absorbed the powers of all the Infinity Gems into its formidable armor.

"Now, what's going to happen?" The uncertainty hung heavy in the air as everyone faced the grim reality of Ultron possessing the combined might of the Infinity Gems.

"Hehehehe," Sharky laughed as he circled around Ultron. The Avengers wondered about Sharky's intentions – was he planning to confront Ultron head-on? Yet, the challenge remained: Ultron was an artificial intelligence, making the situation even more precarious.

"Sharky, Ultron is a robot; your attacks won't work on him," Falcon warned.

"I know this is Ultron, but I kept a secret from all of you," Sharky revealed. To everyone's amazement, the first time they noticed something like the Nanotech device, it transformed from Sharky's suit into a rope, and started spreading around Ultron, then it fully enveloped Ultron.

"I have Super Ultron," Sharky stated, then he started reclaiming back the nanotech meta, and then it again transformed into his suit, but with it he also absorbed the Ultron AI from Universe 12041 into his Super Ultron AI.

Ultron transformed back into Arsenal, and a collective sigh of relief echoed through the Avengers. The imminent threat had been averted, thanks to Sharky's intervention. "Thanks, Sharky. You saved Arsenal, my dad's greatest invention," Tony expressed his gratitude.

Then Arsenal, utilizing the powers of the Time Gem, reversed Captain's aged form back to his youthful self. Employing the Space Gem, he returned Thor's Mjölnir to its rightful place, eliciting joy from everyone.

However, before they could revel in their success, Arsenal delivered an unexpected command, "New command is updated: take Thanos and burn him in the sun." Without hesitation, Arsenal seized Thanos and soared towards the sun.

"Sharky, what have you done to Arsenal?" Tony questioned angrily. He had intended to further enhance Arsenal's capabilities, but before he could intervene, Arsenal hurtled towards the sun.

In a matter of minutes, using Space Gem, Arsenal appeared in front of the Sun and with Thanos he went inside the sun, and both were incinerated by the sun. Erasing the Infinity Gem power with himself.

"Nothing, it's all about Earth's safety. With the absorption of the Infinity Gem powers, he became a threat to Earth, and I can't afford to take that risk," Sharky replied calmly. A unanimous nod of agreement rippled through the assembled group.

"Indeed, you're right. Infinity Gems spell nothing but trouble," Captain concurred.

"Agreed, mortal hands should never wield the power of the Infinity Gems," Thor added, aligning with Sharky's decision. However, not everyone shared in Sharky's satisfaction.

"You bring back my Arsenal!" Tony bellowed, his frustration boiling over as he lunged towards Sharky with the intent to confront him.

Sharky skillfully evaded Tony's oncoming attack, effortlessly sidestepping the enraged assault. "No, it posed a threat to Earth. I won't bring it back," he asserted firmly, maintaining his resolute stance.

Tony, brimming with authority, shouted, "I am the leader of the Avengers, and you have to follow my command!"

"In that case, I am no longer an Avenger," Sharky retorted, his decision unwavering. As Tony persisted in his assault, Sharky deployed the Sleep Dust, releasing a tranquilizing mist that gently enveloped Tony, causing him to succumb to a deep slumber.

"Goodbye, team. It was a fun journey filled with both challenges and triumphs, I will miss you," Sharky conveyed with a hint of nostalgia. With that, he soared away into the unknown, leaving the Avengers behind.

The Avengers stood in stunned silence, grappling with the abrupt departure of Sharky. Uncertainty hung in the air as they weighed the consequences of his actions. Sharky had, after all, played a pivotal role in saving Earth from Thanos, and his decision to dispose of the Arsenal, despite its connection to Tony's past, was undeniably a strategic move against the Infinity Gem powers.

Arsenal, a creation stemming from Tony's father, bore not just immense power but also memories intertwined with Tony's journey. The team, now faced with a slumbering Tony, grappled with the aftermath. Gently lifting Tony, they returned to the Avengers Tower, their next steps shrouded in uncertainty, unsure of what the future held for them.