
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 33 Sharky Tennyson - A Mystery

In the days that followed, the Marvel Multiverse continued to unfold with a tapestry of events, each more intriguing than the last. One such incident unfolded as Spider-Man's team embarked on an investigation of the mysterious remains of an object that had crashed into the Hudson River. Little did they know that this seemingly innocuous encounter would thrust them into a transformative adventure.

The object, unveiled to be none other than the mighty Destroyer, an Asgardian weapon of immense power, held within its metallic core the key to an unexpected twist. As the team touched the Norn Stone embedded on the Destroyer's chest, a surge of mystical energy enveloped them, causing a remarkable metamorphosis. The heroes found themselves transformed into childlike versions of their formidable selves, their adult prowess replaced by the innocence and curiosity of youth.

The plot thickened when Loki, the mischievous Asgardian trickster, took advantage of the altered circumstances. Disguised as a young boy, Loki launched a surprise attack on the childlike heroes. However, amidst the chaos, Thor, also affected by the enchantment, emerged as an unexpected savior. Despite his diminutive form, the child version of the God of Thunder unleashed a valiant defense against Loki's onslaught, showcasing the resilience that transcended age.

Undeterred, Loki cunningly seized control of the Destroyer armor, turning it into a formidable weapon under his command. The child heroes faced an escalating threat as they grappled with the once-protective Asgardian construct now turned against them. The battle intensified, presenting a unique challenge for the diminutive but determined heroes.

As the conflict reached its zenith, the team's ingenuity came to the forefront. Through a coordinated effort, they managed to retrieve the Norn Stone, the source of their transformation, and released Loki from the malevolent grip of the Destroyer armor. In a surprising turn of events, Loki himself underwent a transformation, assuming a childlike form. The once-mighty Asgardian found himself experiencing the vulnerabilities of youth, adding a touch of irony to the situation.

With the Norn Stone safely secured, the enchantment lifted, and the heroes returned to their normal selves. The incident left an indelible mark on their collective experiences.

After these events, Sharky found himself drawn into the involving Danny, known as Iron Fist, and the ever-adventurous Spider-Man. Their destination was K'un-Lun, a mystical sanctuary shielded from the outside world for centuries, its monks harboring a deep distrust of outsiders.

As Iron Fist and Spider-Man navigated the ancient city, they uncovered a plot by Scorpio, a power-hungry foe seeking to dethrone Iron Fist and claim the title of king over the monks. The duo faced off against Scorpio, defending the sacred city from his treacherous ambitions. The battle unfolded against the backdrop of K'un-Lun's mystic landscapes, a testament to the resilience of its protectors against external threats.

Amidst the serenity of K'un-Lun, Spider-Man's troubles persisted, each challenge presenting a unique blend of danger and humor. Sharky couldn't help but chuckle as he anticipated the next issue, which unfolded with a villain named Mesmero. In a bizarre twist, Mesmero managed to swap the minds of two formidable beings—Spider-Man and the Hulk.

The consequences of the mind swap became apparent when the Thing, in the body of the Hulk, began a destructive rampage, pitting two powerhouses against each other. The clash between the Hulk's raw strength and the Thing's rock-solid resilience sent shockwaves through the city, testing the heroes' ability to contain the chaos.

Mesmero, attempting to escape the havoc in a cab, used his mesmerizing powers to control the Thing. However, the ever-indomitable Thing broke free from the villain's grasp. In a climactic moment, the Hulk seized Mesmero, compelling him to reverse the mind swap. The city, momentarily caught in the crossfire, bore witness to the clash of titans and the resolution of the bizarre twist of fate.

As S.H.I.E.L.D. arrived on the scene to apprehend the seemingly rampaging Hulk, a surprising turn of events unfolded. The Hulk, displaying newfound control and a hint of increased intelligence, managed to elude capture, leaving the authorities and the heroes alike to ponder the implications of this unexpected development.

The escapades in K'un-Lun and the mind-swapping ordeal showcased the dynamic nature of superhero life, where humor intertwined with perilous challenges. As the heroes regrouped and the city recovered from the havoc, Sharky Tennyson observed from his vantage point, appreciating the resilience and unpredictability that defined the world of these extraordinary individuals.

Amidst the ongoing escapades in the world of superheroes, Sharky found himself thoroughly entertained once again as Spider-Man became entangled in the unpredictable and often chaotic realm of Deadpool.

Spider-Man's usual routine took a surreal turn when he was thrust into Deadpool's madcap world. In this alternate reality, Deadpool revealed himself as a fearless mercenary unburdened by rules or moralities, willing to take down anyone, especially those deemed as villains.

The topsy-turvy encounter escalated into a face-off between Spider-Man and Deadpool, a battle that showcased the unpredictable nature of their interactions. Despite the chaotic nature of Deadpool's world, Spider-Man emerged victorious, navigating the madness with his signature agility and quick thinking.

As the day unfolded, Spider-Man delved deeper into Deadpool's backstory, uncovering the mercenary's true origin. Deadpool, once an ordinary teenager, had endured bullying and torment from thugs. Nick Fury, recognizing the potential within the young boy, had taken him under his wing and enrolled him in the Young Heroes program alongside Nova, White Tiger, Iron Fist, and Power Man.

However, Deadpool's journey took a darker turn as he became disillusioned with Fury's goals, adopting a philosophy that emphasized humor in the face of pain and sought retribution against those who had wronged him. Spider-Man's exploration of Deadpool's past provided a nuanced understanding of the complexities that shaped individuals and the divergent paths they chose in life.

In a surprising twist, Deadpool, acknowledging Spider-Man's victory, decided to release him from the chaotic world. Spider-Man, ever the voice of reason, attempted to persuade Deadpool to return to S.H.I.E.L.D., but the mercenary, true to his unpredictable nature, scoffed at the idea and made a daring escape with a jetpack.

Sharky, thoroughly amused by Deadpool's irreverent banter and unexpected twists, couldn't help but appreciate the unique flavor of this encounter.

Despite the entertaining distractions of Deadpool's chaotic world, Sharky soon found himself drawn back into the pressing issues facing Spider-Man. The focus shifted to an ongoing problem involving Spider-Man's pursuit of the elusive Goblin, none other than Norman Osborn.

Optimism turned to apprehension when the Goblin executed a sinister maneuver, releasing a capsule containing the Venom symbiote from his mouth. The symbiote, with its malicious intent, swiftly spread and attacked the Helicarrier, throwing S.H.I.E.L.D. into chaos.

The insidious symbiote began to bind and take control of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, enveloping them in its dark tendrils. Nick Fury, quick to act, made the harrowing decision to separate the affected section of the Helicarrier and took it into orbit to prevent further contamination. The stakes heightened as the symbiotes continued their assault, leaving no one untouched.

Even Agent Coulson, a stalwart member of S.H.I.E.L.D., fell victim to the symbiote's possession, adding a personal dimension to the crisis. Spider-Man, undeterred by the escalating chaos, engaged in a desperate struggle against the symbiotic onslaught. His nimble maneuvers allowed him to narrowly evade their attacks, showcasing the agility that defined his superhero persona.

Nick Fury, recognizing the severity of the situation, intervened with an energy weapon, temporarily incapacitating Spider-Man. Seizing the opportunity, Spider-Man managed to trap Fury in a trash chute, a strategic move to contain the symbiotic threat. However, the moment of relief was short-lived.

As Spider-Man turned to express his gratitude to Fury, the unexpected occurred. Fury, too, succumbed to the symbiote's influence, becoming a one-eyed symbiotic entity. The chilling transformation underscored the gravity of the situation, leaving Spider-Man to grapple with the haunting realization that even those in positions of authority were not immune to the symbiote's insidious control.

The Helicarrier, now a battleground of chaos and possession, set the stage for a high-stakes confrontation. Spider-Man, faced with the daunting challenge of combating not only the symbiotes but also his possessed allies, stood at the forefront of a struggle that would test his resilience and resourcefulness in the face of an unprecedented threat.

Unable to idly watch the crisis unfold, Sharky Tennyson felt a surge of determination. The absence of his son Ethan was keenly felt in this moment; Ethan's powers would have been a potent tool to command in the face of such chaos. Nonetheless, Sharky couldn't stand on the sidelines. He had to act.

S.H.I.E.L.D. agents on the Helicarrier were left astounded as someone seemingly bypassed their defenses. The Avengers, monitoring the situation from their headquarters, also took note of Sharky's unexpected arrival. Questions swirled among the agents and superheroes alike, curious about the newcomer's capabilities and intentions.

Upon landing on the Helicarrier, Sharky tapped into his AmpFibian alien power, releasing a potent surge of electricity from both hands. The energy targeted the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, swiftly neutralizing the symbiotes that had ensnared them. The electrifying display showcased Sharky's prowess as he systematically dismantled the symbiotic threat.

With precision and speed, Sharky moved through the Helicarrier, freeing S.H.I.E.L.D. agents from the clutches of the symbiotes that had manipulated them. His actions drew the attention of both Spider-Man and Nick Fury, who were caught in the web of the symbiotic crisis.

Entering a room where Spider-Man and a seemingly recovered Nick Fury were located, Sharky unleashed a controlled surge of electricity from his hands. The electrifying display served a dual purpose—destroying the remaining symbiotes and restoring Nick Fury to his normal state.

The sudden intervention left both Fury and Spider-Man in a state of shock. The questions reverberated within the confined space—Who was this mysterious benefactor? How had he achieved such a feat? Where had he been hidden from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s vigilant eyes? The enigma surrounding Sharky Tennyson deepened as he stood amidst the aftermath of his electrifying intervention.

"I know you have more questions about me, but first, we need to cure everyone," Sharky declared, garnering nods of agreement from both Spider-Man and Fury. The urgency of the situation took precedence. "I'm going to get Doc Ock to prepare the Anti-Venom. I've found that the Goblin has also become Venom/Goblin, twice as powerful. It's a challenging task."

Spidey, still processing the revelations, questioned, "So, you need the Anti-Venom? I can make it?" Sharky, with a surprising display of scientific knowledge, responded, "Really, you know about science too?"

"No, but all I needed was Gutrot," Sharky explained casually. With the mere mention of Gutrot's powers, renowned for swiftly deciphering any chemical formula, Sharky initiated the mental process of formulating the antidote. A blue gas exhaled from him spread throughout the Helicarrier, instantly curing everyone and reverting Norman to his human form.

The revelation left Spider-Man in awe; Sharky didn't require a chemistry lab but could create the necessary formula and release it with a breath. "As for all your questions, I'm not in the mood to answer them now. I'll tell you another time," Sharky playfully teased, maintaining an air of mystery.

"I am a mystery, but you can know my name, Sharky, Sharky Tennyson. And Fury, don't even think about spying on me. Big Chill," Sharky introduced himself and issued a warning. Tapping into the power of Big Chill, he rendered himself intangible, slipping out of the Helicarrier and soaring back toward his home.

Left bewildered, Spider-Man and Fury could only watch as Sharky Tennyson, a mysterious force with a blend of alien powers and unexpected scientific prowess, departed.

Fury scrutinized his computer screen, a furrow forming on his brow as he sought any trace of information about the mysterious Sharky Tennyson. To his frustration, the computer yielded no results; there was nothing saved, and it seemed that no cameras had recorded the recent events. It became evident that Sharky had taken proactive measures, likely disabling the cameras upon arrival and erasing any digital footprint of his intervention.

The realization left Fury grappling with a new layer of intrigue. How had Sharky accessed the security code, a system that required not only knowledge but also a fingerprint and thumb impression? The absence of a digital trail hinted at a level of skill and cunning that surpassed their initial assessments. Sharky Tennyson, it seemed, was more than just an enigma – he was a formidable force adept at navigating the shadows.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man was deep in contemplation. While he had encountered many individuals with electric powers, what truly set Sharky apart was his ability to create compounds and formulas on the fly, without the need for a traditional laboratory. This unconventional approach to problem-solving left Spider-Man genuinely astonished, recognizing that Sharky possessed a unique set of skills that extended beyond the typical superhero toolkit.

As Peter pondered the name "Sharky Tennyson," he watched the enigmatic figure depart the Helicarrier. Peter had a destination in mind – meeting Harry and sharing the news of his father's cure. With a flick of his wrist, Peter displayed a hologram, revealing Norman Osborn resting in bed, the transformation from Venom/Goblin reversed.

Returning to the comfort of his home, Sharky couldn't shake the awareness that he had exposed himself to Spider-Man and potentially placed Fury on his trail. However, with the formidable powers of Upgrade and Super Ultron at his disposal, Sharky knew that evading detection was well within his capabilities. No one could find him without his explicit consent.

Acknowledging that even the Avengers might attempt to locate him, driven by their nature as a superhero team, Sharky remained confident in his ability to remain hidden. The prospect of being discovered remained an impossible task unless he chose otherwise.

Yet, amid the secrecy and solitude of his powerful existence, Sharky grappled with a more immediate concern – the absence of someone to share his enjoyment of the action-packed adventures unfolding in the life of Spider-Man. Despite the extraordinary powers and advanced technology at his disposal, the loneliness lingered. His desire for companionship extended beyond mere company; he yearned for someone to share simple pleasures like serving fruits and popcorn while reveling in the excitement of superhero exploits.

As Sharky navigated the complexities of his extraordinary life, he recognized that even with his unparalleled abilities, the fundamental human need for connection and companionship persisted. The solitude weighed on him, prompting contemplation about the possibility of finding a true companion who could fulfill the void in his otherwise action-packed, yet solitary, existence. He could use his Dragon to explore their Sacred and Nether Region.


Initially opting to stay on the sidelines regarding Sharky Tennyson's affairs, Tony Stark found himself compelled to reassess his stance after the recent Symbiote attack on the Helicarrier. The display of Sharky's extraordinary powers during the crisis demanded Stark's attention.

"So, it seems that Sharky can also use electric attacks," Stark observed, his analytical mind processing the footage of Sharky releasing electricity from his hands to combat the Symbiotes. The undeniable prowess hinted at a power set that extended beyond what Stark had initially anticipated.

"And he's a tech genius too," Clint acknowledged, recognizing Sharky's ability to infiltrate and manipulate their system. The realization that Sharky had successfully hacked into their advanced technology raised the stakes, emphasizing the multifaceted nature of this mysterious newcomer.

"And we've learned that he can easily pass through solid objects, just as he did to enter Nick's Helicarrier," Sam chimed in, his amazement evident. The footage displayed on the screen showcased Sharky's intangibility, a skill that added another layer to the enigma surrounding him.

"However, the most astonishing aspect was his ability to create chemical formulas without needing a lab and release them like he had his own chemistry lab inside his body," Natasha pointed out, her keen observation highlighting a facet of Sharky's capabilities that left even seasoned superheroes in awe. The screen displayed Sharky utilizing this unique power to dissolve the Symbiotes, showcasing a level of ingenuity and resourcefulness that defied conventional superhero norms.

As the Avengers collectively absorbed the revelations about Sharky Tennyson's capabilities, Stark couldn't help but reassess the significance of this mysterious figure in the grand tapestry of superhero dynamics.

"All of these things show us just how dangerous he is, how easily he could kill anyone," Clint contemplated, his concern palpable as he assessed the potential threat posed by Sharky Tennyson. The multifaceted nature of Sharky's powers painted a picture of a formidable adversary capable of lethal outcomes.

Stark continued the analysis, highlighting another layer of danger by pointing out that Sharky could effortlessly control his own armor, Clint's arrows, and Sam's wings, as demonstrated in his previous system hacks. This revelation left Natasha and Steve vulnerable to Sharky's electrical attacks, as he didn't rely on conventional weapons.

Steve, the strategic mind of the group, acknowledged that even their strongest members, Hulk and Thor, faced challenges in effectively combating Sharky. Sharky's intangibility allowed him to evade their formidable attacks, and his power to create chemical formulas introduced an unpredictable variable that could potentially turn the tide against them.

Bruce Banner, the voice of reason, chimed in, acknowledging the daunting truth that when all of Sharky's powers were combined, he constituted a one-man army. The prospect of defeating him seemed insurmountable, and the more pressing challenge became locating him in the vast expanse of the world.

"It's better that we refrain from getting involved in his matters unless he veers off the good path. If something goes wrong, then we'll need to intervene. But for now, it's wiser to leave him alone, as he wishes," Natasha advised, her pragmatism resonating within the team. The consensus among the Avengers was clear – monitoring Sharky from a distance, respecting his autonomy, and intervening only if circumstances dictated a deviation from the path of good. The enigma of Sharky Tennyson remained, and the Avengers chose a cautious approach, recognizing the complexities of dealing with a force that defied easy classification within the realm of heroes and potential threats.

Sharky's curiosity led him to explore Earth 606, a reality that housed the renowned Avengers, a superhero team with a core group of seven iconic members.

Thor, the mighty Asgardian, stood tall with his enchanted hammer Mjölnir. Steve Rogers, known as Captain America, exemplified leadership and unyielding determination. Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, showcased unparalleled skills in espionage and combat. Clint Barton, alias Hawkeye, exhibited remarkable precision with his bow and arrows. Bruce Banner, the brilliant scientist cursed with the transformation into the Hulk, represented raw strength. Sam Wilson, the Falcon, soared through the skies with his winged suit. Finally, Tony Stark, the charismatic Ironman, donned his technologically advanced armor.

No introduction was necessary for this formidable group, as Sharky had encountered them across various universes, their exploits leaving an indelible mark on the multiverse.

Moving on, Sharky discovered the Fantastic Four, a quartet of superheroes recognizable by their blue and white suits adorned with the iconic '4' symbol:

Reed Richards, also known as Mr. Fantastic, sported a bespectacled look with short black hair. His power lay in elasticity, enabling him to stretch into various shapes and lengths. Reed's intellect surpassed even that of Tony Stark, making him a scientific genius.

Susan Storm Richards, the Invisible Woman and Reed's wife, possessed blonde hair. Her abilities included turning herself or others invisible, creating formidable force fields, and emitting energy blasts.

Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, with spiky blond hair, could transform into a fiery, flying being. He was Susan's brother and brought a blazing presence to the team.

The final member was Sharky Grimm, known as The Thing, an orange rock-like figure in human form. Despite lacking the cleverness of some teammates, The Thing stood as the team's powerhouse, showcasing immense strength.

Beyond the well-known teams, Sharky's exploration of Earth 606 revealed a diverse array of superheroes that captured his interest.

The X-Men, a group of mutants led by Professor Charles Xavier, each possessing unique abilities and facing the challenges of a world that often feared them.

Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme, who delved into mystical arts to safeguard the universe from supernatural threats.

The Inhumans, a society of genetically altered beings with extraordinary abilities, ruled by the silent yet powerful Black Bolt.

The Eternals, an immortal and super-powered race, hidden among humanity, fulfilling cosmic responsibilities.

Howard the Duck, a small anthropomorphic duck from another universe, navigating the absurdities of Earth.

Devil Dinosaur, a gigantic red dinosaur with a symbiotic bond with Moon Boy, exploring a unique dynamic between human and creature.

Yet, what fascinated Sharky the most was The Hulk group, a distinctive ensemble of four members (or three, considering Bruce Banner's dual role with the Avengers):

Jennifer Walters, She-Hulk, a green-skinned, muscular beauty with impeccable control over her mind, displaying both strength and grace.

Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross, the Red Hulk, a crimson-skinned powerhouse capable of absorbing and releasing energy, though not matching the Hulk's raw strength. His uniqueness lay in his ability to maintain control over his transformations.

A-Bomb, Rick Jones, a blue-gray-skinned Hulk with energy-releasing abilities, adding a dynamic element to the Hulk family.

Sharky delved into the intricacies of these superhero groups, marveling at the diverse powers, personalities, and dynamics that defined each. The rich tapestry of Earth 606's superhero landscape unveiled a myriad of stories waiting to be explored, and Sharky found himself drawn to the unique connections and tales that made each team and individual stand out in their own right.

Sharky's interest lay in finding a companion among these superheroes to join him in watching action-packed Spidey performances. His eyes were firmly set on She-Hulk, the strongest and single, making her the ideal choice to share his powers and enjoyment.

She-Hulk is the best candidate for getting fucked by him, since she is big, she will serve him, and since she was Virgin, Sharky wants to know, how much a monster feels pain, when her hymen broken. He can use his Humungousaur alien abilities and broke her hymen, in her monster form, and he wants to truly enjoy that monster.

Sharky had devised a plan to visit She-Hulk, impress her, then they will do some date, and then he have her join him as his protege, so they could engage in their mutual passion for crime fighting and fuck each other, and if possible he wants to impregnate her, he will continue fuck that monster until he was satisfied, he will broke her both virginity of her vaginal and anal in Humungousaur form. He decided.


Meanwhile on Universe 125, Sharky, Elina Lansherr and Peppi Maximoff were still recovering the planet. They have even used time to fast forward it. And if you now see, on the whole earth there were three statues present. It was not the statues for some praying or wishing. They were statues of their mother and father.

The statues show the image of Sharky, Elina Lansherr and Peppi Maximoff. Meanwhile, Sharky was inside a mansion and in front of him were two nudes girls. They were none other than his wives, the mother and daughter duo. They were continuously getting ravaged by Sharky. They have done time fast forward, and till now, each one has born 1000 children.

It was really a painful work, but since they have Wolverine healing powers, they both always heal, and become ready to give birth to the new children. And for the thousand years they loved the getting fucked by Sharky.

Even now their children have children, and their children have children. In 1000 years, the Universe, which was devoid of life, now has millions of people, and it is increasing every day, since they have to fill many planets.

If someone has read the same story, on the fanfiction.net.

so please understand, both are my story

both pen name is Sharky Monster

and since Fanfiction has very limited audience than the Webnovel

So, I am transferring my work here

From now on all my story will be posted here

And this also Includes Ruler Of Beasts Multiverse

Sharky_Monstercreators' thoughts