Journey of a betrayed soldier in a apocalyptic fantasy world. No string attached, he will decide his own fate prevail or perish. Not every fantasy world is a good place. Sometimes, it's worse than where we came from.
"Hah~ ...Robert... don't you think this is kinda overrated... sending my own men to kill me..".
In the midst of flying bullets and hail of fires, inside a half destroyed building. A middle aged man, wearing full combat gear resting his back on the blood painted wall, blood puddles on the floor where he at. In the same room, 20 bodies lay lifeless soaked in their own bloods on the floor, and all of them wearing the same color uniform as him.
"[ Colonel, I'm sorry my friend...I already told you before, just follow the should just comply you know....]".
"Comply?....I know what you did, you f&$@*r... democracy?.. stopping civil wars?.. everybody know what you guys really wanted here... listen, you fuck better kill me right here right now...cos if you don't..hehehehe".
"[ Don't you worry about that Colonel..its all will end tonight...with you label as traitor..]".
The communication line severed as the other side turn their radio off. The middle aged man was furious but he know this is his end, he no longer has the energy and means to move, both his leg severed due to a grenade explosion, even talking were hard for him.
At first he came here in order to stop the civil war, he's higher-ups said it's to save the democracy and it's people. But in reality they come to slaughter and plunder this nation. The dying middle aged man was a Colonel in this so called righteous army, he was the highest rank in this place. Yet all the order he made was from his nation central government, he fought wars after wars, battle after battle. He never complained, never questioned, he is after all a full pledged soldier, follow the order!, that's his job, Right or wrong never questioned!, But after 40 years of meritorious service, he finally had enough. 2 months prior, he contacted the UN to expose his nation hideous crimes, he even exposed several highly classified files to the media exposing all the facade to the world.
As a result, the meritorious Colonel were marked silently by his nation. His own men which he wanted to save from this sinful battlefield, betrayed him, in this war both side want him dead. The side he called terrorist want him dead because he was an enemy, the side he call Ally want him dead because he was a traitor. Tired of fighting, tired doing a dirty job for others, he chooses to do the right thing by exposing the dirty secret his government. At least for him, this is the way he pays for his sins, in hope by revealing the truth, the world will do something about it.
Slowly he reach inside of his pocket, and takes all the things outside, phones wallets, pack of cigarettes and a lighter, all littered on the floor. Lighting the cigarette, and look at the sky, the sound of battle around him faded.
Shouts of panic echoes in the battlefield, people starts to run, tires screeching on asphalt, all of them have the same objective leaving the Area. Only he's still relaxed, puffing a smoke alone. At that moment, the smartphones that drenched bloods light up.
"...Hmm? strategy game?... never heard of this one before...Fuu~~ ..might as well try it....ahh, already here huh...".
As his finger tap the download button on his phone, a large intercontinental Missile fall directly on his head. With loud explosion echoes for a kilometers, the heated battlefield was wiped clean. Buildings, cars, people all of it burned to the ground and in the end all that's left was a 500 meter crater and that's was the only scene left there for the whole world to see.
- Two Weeks later -
" Breaking News!!..N.A.C, summoned to International Criminal Court, Charged with Multiple charged on it's involvement in middle East conflict. ".ACC
"Colonel James Joon of N.A.C Killed in Action, Multiple claims said it's an act to silent him, Betrayal?, Scandal?.Hero or Vilian?.".CMM
5 years later N.A.C President, Robert along with 100 High ranking government official charged with Multiple charged one of them was the Murder of war hero Colonel James Joon.
( James.... James..wake up..).
Dark. That's is all that I can say about this place, I can't even see my own hands. I remember getting headbutt by a 1 ton Missile, so I know for sure that's a game over for me. But apparently it wasn't, seeing that there's me and a orb of light hovering in front of me.
( This isn't do I say this?...hmm.. let's just say it's a universe different from earth....)
"....well that's, what now?..".
( Hmm..why are you so calm about this?..based on what other's said, people used to panic in this situation..)
"Well.. that's normal people, not me... I'm guessing that all you've summoned before was Asian nerd...right?..".
"...based on how this is goes, you're a god.. offering me to be reincarnated in the world of sword and magic, you going to give me some special previleged, and ask me to defeat some kind of demon king or something like that...".
(....u..umm...well, this is awkward, when you put it that way...).
I've read this before, they even make an anime out of this. Isekai, Reincarnation or something like that. I remember one of my staff addicted to this stuff, of course since I've got nothing to do in office I also been indulging myself in it. I remember at one the point where I started to curse at the novels main character indecisiveness. Beside some games do have this kind of plot so, I know about it. But experience it myself, it was kinda mind boggling per say. I've played games, read manga and novel, but I'm not an otaku, I just like them, beside it's far more productive than doing drugs, right?.
( ...'Chough' said, that's pretty much it.....but as for defeating the demon kings...if you can, it's great but I won't force it on you.....).
".. thanks?..I guess?, what you want me to do?....".
Hearing the word 'Kings' I guess there's more than one demon king, that's unexpected. But since he said it's not mandatory to defeat one, I guess I can live with that.
( I want you to bring stability in this world...well, I don't expect the whole world..but at least a small part of the way, if by all means you don't succeed..please have your heir continue it....)
"Hmm...okay.. I expect something worse than that.. but stability?..what happened?..".
( do I put this to word... it's kinda long story to you want to hear them?..)
"....well, technically I'm already dead..I suppose I got a lot of time to spend... it's not like I have anything to do now....".
( Okay then...)
To summarize the orb 3 hour's long story, was the world where he going to send me 'Altenna', were recently experience a Doomsday, all due to God's fighting on each other's. At this time Altenna were filled with dangers, undeads, plague, rampaging Monsters, you name it they got a full set of mess down there. Thousands civilizations falls to ruins, trillion of lives lost, nature defiled, all because of the war in God's plains, not enough fighting by themselves, they brought their quarrels and rage down to that world urging their believer to fight against each others. Altenna apparently got too many God's governing over it, Old God's, New God's, and both side hates each others. So to stop all of the useless banter from those two faction, the God of Creation @ 1st God@ The Boss, made a new set of rules to prevent anyone or anybody from God's Plains to interfere in the mortal realm businesses. By the way, that was over a million years ago, even so the situations in mortal realm doesn't changed, for the better instead it's getting worse.
To improved the Mortal realm state, God of Creation once again give a task to all Gods, to send their chosen champions to help restore the world. Every 100 years a champion will appeared with one task, restore the world to order. 10 million years already passed by, countless champion born on Altenna, but none has managed succeeded ( more even wreaking havoc in there), and this time, it's 'his' turn, Orbot The God of Time turn to send his champion.
(That's pretty much the whole story..)
"....hmm, I got a question though..".
( What is it?..)
"..why me??.. I'm not from your world.... can't you get your own believer to do it for you?.".
(... believe me, I wanted to..but it seems so I don't have one..)
" Not one?..".
Well this is awkward, what kind of God don't have their own believer?. Is this even a good idea to accept this guy offer?.
(..Yep..not one... I'm one of the First God.. I'm already here from the Start, but who will remember me...I control time, but who would be thankful for that..they never thank for the time they live, all they did was complained that their time was short...even then they still said other God name's....look, I'm not complaining, but can I at least get something..if not, at least just remember that I existed..look at me, I don't even have an image..even God of Death have a skeleton and robe..I'm just a dimly lit orb...'sigh'..T_T..)
Wow he just said 'sigh' to express it. Well I guess I can understand that no one will remember him, probably no one know that he existed.
". So, because of your none existed follower you decided to take me here from earth..right?..".
( Yeah..I got some connections there, and they send me how it's going to be?..I can't return you back..just so you know.... )
"I don't have any choice now do I?.....hah~..okay then.. let's just do this...but, you know that I don't like to be pushed around..I already get tired of it...also, I might do something bad down there..".
( I know.. I know...I already see through you memories..also, even if you do something bad..just..please..don't go around nuking the whole the way, I know you're not that bad..)
"We never, how do we do this?..".
( I'm just going to replicate your body back on earth....unless you wanted to add want to?)
"Hmm....make me more attractive, longer life Spand..and...ehem..".
(Okay I this?..)
"..Longer..and add some more grith to it..".
The conversation above, it's private, so no comment. Every man know what I'm talking about. Hehehehe.
( Hehehehehehe...I got you man, there..just check them yourself when you got your ability..what do you want?.. remember only 3 skills..)
" want me to bring stability right?..".
( Yeah, that's the main point...).
"I have one in mind...also, can I kill Monsters with hot weapon's?..".
( Pretty much....based on what I saw in your can kill everything in that world....)
" Okay..1st, I want an ability to buy anything from earth..".
(Oh..kinda like that online shopping mall
"2nd, I want to be able to build has to be simple..".
( Like those RTS games you've been playing right?...okay done.....last one)
"For the last one, I want those double experience skills...based on how this goes,I guess that world have a gamey like vibe on it right..".
( Yeah, it does have a gamey vibe to it.....I can let you have those double experience skill..but, just so you know..the only magic you can master or use was time for can't use them....)
( Well... because, God of Magic and me aren't really a good pal per say.....but hey, at least you can use a time magic.. it's the first time ever I gave it away you know..)
"I'm not complaining.. I'm just asking..".
This God doesn't really good at hiding his emotions, Everytime he feels emotional the light would flickers. In all honesty I do wanted to see what a fireball would look like, still, one can't have it all right. After a few times flickering, The light orb @ Orbot finally done the details.
( Look, I'm going to send you down now.....first of all, I just wanted to say sorry for dragging you into this mess....I just hope this time, this time life would treat you well....)
"I know..thanks, I do look forward to see this new for what you ask, don't worry, I will try my far I can achieved....well, we don't really know right..".
( Yeah...Just do what you can.. also, if you have some free time....can you pray to me?..that way I know how you were doing....and maybe...let some people know about me.....hehehe)
"...sure, but just so you know..I won't be forcing or preaching about you... I'm not that kind of a guy...".
( Yeah, yeah.. I know...just do what you want..then, I guess see you later?..)
"....yeah, see you later..thanks for choosing me....".
That's the last word I ever utter in that dark space, what comes next was a bright light shine on me,it blinded me, warm and fuzzy feelings engulf my entire being, and I fall asleep peacefully for the first time in a long time.
- Back in Dark space -
"Orbot, that's a good man you got there..but also a dangerous man..".
A man wearing a golden robe with white beard stood next to a orb of light, in that dark space both of this being shone with radiance.
"I know..but, I don't have any other know how lacking I am compared to others..right?..beside, he's a good guy..and I believe he might be able to change something there.."
Upon hearing Orbot reasoning, the old man cup his hand and massage his full beard.
"I guess there anything interesting in his memories?..".
"Oh..of course!..look here, I got a thing they call TV drama, movies.. wanna see?".
" Share them with me...hohoho..".
Both of the orb and the man, start to laugh in the darkness for a while and then, disappeared from there leaving only vast empty darkness.