
Hyuga Incident

Jojo was three years old now. He has awakened chakra for half a year now. He can't do much with chakra because of his low chakra amount. He can now easily perform the leaf-sticking exercise. In this half a year he also learned to recognise more than 2000 words which was a great feat. He had also read many books in this half a year.

In this half year, when he was bored, he made a baby tricycle and also a swing on a tree. As a former Nepali citizen, it would be a great shame if others knew that he hasn't played swing in these three years. He wanted to make a Linge Ping (Nepali bamboo swing) but he can't play now so he withheld his desire for now. After he becomes a little bigger he will make one for sure and let people of this world know what a real swing is.

(In Nepal, it is a tradition to make bamboo swings during Dashai, our biggest festival. It is believed that one must leave the ground once by playing the swing in Dashai. The swings are made as tall as possible. The swings may be Linge Ping, swing on a tree or Rote Ping(wooden Ferris wheel). It is especially popular among children, teenagers and male adults. The females also like them but many of them are afraid of heights. They compete with each other to reach the highest point.)

On the other hand, Akira was happy and a little sad seeing Jojo's progress.

His son was outstanding. As a parent he was happy. But, seeing him perform one miracle after another he didn't know what to do. It isn't that he didn't spend parent-children time with his son. These two years were truly the happiest time of his life. But, he didn't like his son's uniqueness. I felt like it was trying to take away his son.

As a parent, he wanted to do many things with his son. He wanted to teach his son to walk and talk. He did teach him but his son learned quickly. He was thinking of a few weeks of happiness but it became a few days of happiness. Then, Jojo wanted to learn to read and write. He was once again happy to spend some time with his son. But, once again he didn't know whether to be happy or not. Jojo turned out to be a quick learner, he learned to write properly after two weeks. By properly he means as properly as a grown-up man. He could remember words after hearing it once or twice. He learned more than a thousand words in a year. He has also read many books and scrolls.

Jojo was also physically strong. He could walk and run. So, Jojo didn't like it when he wanted to take him in his arms, play with him and walk around the house. He doesn't say no to his mother though. He feels jealous of Akio thinking about it. Jojo is very behaved, he doesn't throw tantrum. His parents also like Jojo.

When he learned that Akio was pregnant, he was very happy. He imagined a different scenario of him and his child. He has imagined how he will teach him/her to walk, talk, read and write. He would cuddle and play with them. He imagined his child throwing a tantrum and scolding him. He even imagined how he would beat them if they made mistakes and would become a strict father as they grew up.

He did manage to fulfill half of his imagination but only for less than half in time. It was a weird feeling. He was happy that his child was outstanding but sad that he was growing quickly.


"This must be retribution. I made my father worried when I was young and now I am worried twice as much as he was." Akira sighed. He shook his head and went towards the dining room to eat lunch with his family.


During the dinner, Jojo felt that he seemed to have forgotten something. He tried to remember but he couldn't.

"When are the delegates from Land of Lightning coming?" his mother asked.

"They will be coming soon. The date hasn't been fixed yet." His father replied.

"I remember now. The hidden cloud village is going to Konoha to sign a peace treaty. Konoha also wanted to sign a peace treaty so they invited Cloud village to Konoha. But, the cloud had another plan. They wanted to kidnap Hinata. If successful they will get Hinata, if they fail they will get Hiashi." Jojo thinks that Cloud wanted Hiashi from the start.

Hinata was only a medium. How could you hope to kidnap Hinata from the Hyuga compound surrounded by Byakugan users? If they obtained Hiashi then they could fulfil multiple objectives. First Byakugan, second an elite Jonin will die decreasing Konoha's strength. Third, with the death of Hiashi, the Hyuga clan will be in turmoil.

"I have to do something. I can talk with my grandfather. He is the minister of Foreign affairs."Jojo thought. He must prevent it. He already knows a way to prevent it but it may be difficult to do so. He has to think a little more.

Jojo thinks Jotaro's personality is cool, but he likes the philosophy of Satarou Gojo more. In the anime community, Gojo is the most popular character. In terms of power, he is the ceiling of Jujutsu Kaisen. He may have died but it doesn't change the fact. He has a massive amount of curse energy rivaling Yuta and Sukuna. Sukuna is said to have the largest curse energy, followed by Yuta then Gojo. Of course, alive Sukuna would be in third, Yuta first then Gojo. (Sukuna's curse energy increased after becoming a curse.) Gojo was the strongest sorcerer alive. (Again, alive Sukuna will lose because of limitless and Sukuna was the strongest sorcerer before Gojo. Yuta hasn't reached that height yet but may reach it during his battle with Sukuna.)

When Gojo became the strongest, he became very prideful and arrogant. He was brought to the ground by Toji(literally). Then his mission failed and he realised two things. First, he may be strongest now but he doesn't know in history(past and future). Second, others will rely on him so much that his absence will jeopardize the entire Sorcerer community and humanity itself. So, he thought of training gifted individuals to make them as strong as him. So, Gojo fans will tell you he never lost. His student's victory is his victory. He fulfilled his dream.

Jojo wants to do the same. He wants to make Konoha thirteen and a few other characters Kage level at the least. For this, he needs to make Hinata more confident. The child Hinata was kind but not timid. Later, her self-esteem decreased and she became timid. Besides, she is one of the stronger characters in Boruto.

After Naruto the last movie which is considered canon she became very strong. She had Kage-level strength and a very strong one at that. In Naruto's novels which is considered an extension of the Naruto universe (the events in Naruto's novels are canon), she is said to be very strong but not specified. (Yeah, sorry for Hinata haters, Hinata after the last is best waifu in Naruto. But, she is also second worst one during childhood. The first, all of us know.)


Neji was more talented than Hinata which Hiashi didn't like. How can a clan leader be weaker than a branch family member? He doubled her training and used heavy hands but Hinata was still the same. She didn't have fighting intent. Her self-esteem decreased as she thought she wasn't talented.

Later, due to the Huyga incident, Hizashi died. Before the birth of Hinata and Neji, Hiashi and Hizashi were close. But, after the birth of their children, Hizashi became dissatisfied. Neji was talented but was he made into a branch family member while Hinata being less talented than Neji was going to be the clan head. He didn't like it. This changed their relationship.

After Hizashi died Neji thought Hiashi killed Hizashi. He thought if Hinata wasn't kidnapped he would be alive. Hiashi thought he was responsible for his brother's death. He also thought if Hinata wasn't kidnapped he wouldn't die. This increased his dissatisfaction with Hinata. Hinata also blamed herself.

With increasing days she became more and more timid. The branch members don't look at her kindly. The brother she was close with now hated her. Her father didn't like her. Later her mother died, she loved Hanabi but she thought her father wanted Hanabi, fully knowing about his wife's condition because of her incompetence. Because of his wife's death and talented Hanabi, he gave up on Hinata.

Still, Hiashi loved Hinata. He didn't hate her but disliked her lack of self-confidence. Hiashi is one of those complex Naruto characters. He had lost his brother and wife. It was clan members who pressured him about Hinata. Later, they demanded a new hier because of Hinata's lack of confidence and Neji being more talented than her. They were also the ones who suggested the sacrifice of Hizashi. Hiashi was against it but Hizashi sacrificed himself. He always knew Hinata had inherited his wife's kind nature.

After his wife's death, he had enough of the clan elders. He had already decided that if Hanabi turned out to be more talented than Hinata, he would disown her. This may seem like he didn't like Hinata but it was him protecting Hinata from the caged bird seal.

So, Jojo has decided to stop the Hyuga incident. This will save Hizashi and improve the lives of Neji, Hinata and Hiashi.

The next day, he went to visit his grandparents with his mother and father.

"Grandpa must be busy now." he thought. Many people were coming and going out of the house. It must be businessmen, nobles and others. Since his grandfather was busy he and his mother went to his grandmother. She had a tan skin tone of Land of Lightning. It wasn't black, brown or even yellow but somewhere between them. The skin tone was similar to those of the tan anime girls.

"Grandma, look what I have in my hand." He said to his grandmother.

"Oh, Jojo are you here to meet your grandmother?" She picked him up in his arms and looked at the papers in his hand.

"What are these?" She asked.

"This is a surprise I prepared for Grandpa. You have to help me." He said while giving her the papers. His mother also looked at the papers. She didn't know what was written on it. He didn't show it to her.

"What is this?" She asked

"This is a bicycle." He said proudly.

(Comment who you want to be the romantic interest as I can write the story as such.)

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