
Jobless Knight

Reincarnated in a Fantasy world with swords and magic everyone dream right, But Even in this World there is Shortage of Job and my dream is to become Strongest Knight But Money and Power rules Everyworld So come with me to the Journey of jobless knight who will become the strongest.

hitesh_kumar_8387 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Asur castle

Today's weather is very nice, it's a sunny day with temperature about 22 degree celsius and if you ask me i like cold weather.

hey! said viyas

where is everyone

you are first one to arrive, I am still waiting for everyone

don't worry bro they will come


and after thirty minutes everyone started to come one by one

So, now everyone is here

lets recall our plan and our things for the trip

did everyone packed their lunch, some extra clothes, water and all other necessary things just try to remember if anyone is forgetting anything or not

Ok then everyone checked so, now let's go

to new adventure, training, treasure hunt or name it anything you want but for me it will be a new adventure.

for us it will be treasure hunt said twin mages(merry, sherry)

I don't care about name said Vlad

for me it will be training camp with friends said Viyas

for me also it will be training because its been so long since I have slain the beasts in one on one combat.

Ok then let's go

So, after that all of them went on their journey to forest.

After two hours of walk they finally reached forest entry, all trees looked so huge we were looking like insects compared to tree sizes, maybe because they are very hard to cut and it is also illegal to cut trees here because the dryad(the forest guardian) made the pact with king that she will keep the beast from going out of forest but in return she needs that without her permission no one can cut trees but once a year they can cut trees.

So, as we entered the forest , the suddenly cold breeze came to us and hit us and it was like it was telling us to stay outside of the forest but we are here for mission to become strong so, we cannot back down now

so then everyone pushed forward with their strength and after twenty or thirty steps the wind stopped us moving outside , it felt like the forest was testing our strength and now I think forest accepts us.

Now, what the hell was that wind, I never heard about this type of test said Vikram

Maybe it is different from other forests and its not for weak people that's why it is trying to save people who cannot fight by themselves said Viyas

maybe said Zed

maybe some beast is trying to measure our strength said Vlad

maybe all of you are very conscious ,it was just a fast wind said merry

Guys do not overthink just beware of your surroundings and give cover to each other said Zed

As they entered the forest lot of noises started coming from every direction like chirping of birds, winds playing with tree leaves ,animals eating something and some beasts roar and its like the forest is covered with sound proof barrier because outside forest we could not hear any sound from forest.

So as we entered the forest we took some rest in starting and getting ready for hunting

and then in starting only small animals were there so they did not attacked us but as we went more deep we saw so many races are working together in team to hunt like goblin archer is hunting with orc who is big and much stronger than goblin and bungy (they are bunnies who somehow became cannible and started to kill their own race so they made their clan and carnivore from herbivore bunny and somehow they evolved and become average 4 feet in height and they look like human with white hair all over body and red eyes with very short ears and their agility is almost insane normal human cannot even follow their fast movements with their eyes ) working with werewolves as their rider and their weapon is short sword.

(Notes: these beasts are all those who could not evolved properly and they cannot live with humans like some races like goblin ,orcs ,werewolves, vampires etc they study together and they build civilisation together. )

So, after seeing all these working together means they have developed some intelligence

and it will be little difficult to defeat them , yeah all of you are right

but that is the main purpose of this our plan to win in difficult situations because everytime battle will not favor us ,we have to make some instant decision

so, my plan is simple everyone choose the opponent you cannot win easily and if you need help just relay on your comrades ok

ok everyone said

so then merry used search magic and try to locate the enemies in five hundred meter range

its bad there are so many reinforcements nearby so according to that treasure map we have to go south-west so need to kill five archer and this is not time for training we cannot take them lightly they have full defense mechanism like militarty , I think some highly intelligent creature is controlling them so, my plan is first sherry and Vlad will kill the archers in one shot and vikram,Zed and Viyas will kill all ground patrol like assassins without making noise and i will use my telepathy and search magic together to guide everyone if any sudden incident happens .

Ok everyone spread but dont go outside five hundred range or otherwise i cannot track you

Ok everyone said

then Vlad changed into Bat and killed archer using hypnotised magic and made them kill each other.

sherry used flowers thorns and used wind magic to give them speed and they pierced through the archers heart and it was instant death.

Vikram , Viyas and Zed hunted together like Sometime Viyas will make a distraction like noise or like going suddenly from one tree to another very fast , so it will fell like something is there or it could be nothing and then they will check and suddenly they will first put knife in their so they cannot speak and then in heart.

So, after doing this continously for one day they finally reached the X mark same as in Map they found in Library and they saw there was a door on the ground and something was written but it was not properly readable so we just opened it and went inside and it was like some secret Basement and as we go down the stairs ,one room came and somehow now it was more looking like a some palace Some warrior statues are there , some divine deities statues are there

So,then after inspecting the place we did not felt any danger ,so planned to take some rest before going forward because we are completely tired because for one day we are continously hunting and as i said take some rest every one just sat down and they just slept on the floor and so i thought i will do the watch but i also slept and almost for six hours everyone slept and everyone woke one by one and we are shocked and happy that nothing happened when we were sleeping.

So then we started eating something and started moving forward and after one hour of walk we saw a Door and there was one inscription was there ,



its very old

I dont anyone is inside its just a way to keep adventures like us doubts said Viyas

I think before opening the door be ready to face enemy because from my its not a request its a Threat Just a hunch said Vikram

So as we tried to open the door one skeleton which was lying suddenly came towards merry but sherry immediately made the barrier and somehow saved the merry because that strike from the skeleton was very powerful strike it almost broked the barrier and then vikram pushed him backwards and then vikram asked the skeleton who are you ??

I am D the follower of the my great King of all Asuras 'Varasur' and he is mediating inside and all of tried to disturb him ,so as his door guard i have to kill all of you

Then he started coming after Vikram and they got into a one vs one Sword fight

as the D was more powerful and his sword skills was very strong

So we all fought together

Me(Zed), Viyas ,Vlad ,Vikram all four of us made a circle around him and not giving him time to think just attacking him from every side still he was much powerful than all of us and simultanously merry and sherry was giving us support like healing us, giving some buffs but their magic was also limited so they were some time they were using magic potion to restore magic and they had only two holy magic scroll but they has to use it properly because it can also hurt Vlad(Vampire) and it was the only way to defeat the D because his speed was not decreasing but we were getting slow and then Merry gave us the signal so then we used all of our strength and able to stopped him for a couple seconds and in that moment the merry and sherry both used the two holy scrolls on him and he died and his bones turned to ashes and soul of the D came and he was very crying because he could not protect his master wish and then pass on and he disappeared into thin air.

I cannot believe this we really defeated him said Viyas

If only i could meet him in his prime time i could have learned so much from him Said Vikram

but your swordskill improved so much Zed said Vikram you concentration was superb in that fight i was almost felt jealous of you between the fight but i was very happy to have reliable and also everyone was superb Viyas,merry,sherry and Vlad you guys are just next level i could not find better companions than all of you .

I also did not thought you to be so much emotional guy said Zed

I am not Emotional said Vikram

Then Every one started laughing

Stop it Guys said Vikram

Then Vlad Said if guard is this much strong ,then how about master

can you all imagine how much strong will he be?

Sudden quiteness , tension ,stress appeared on everyone Faces

First thing , overthinking kills you before your opponent kills you

So, then they opened the gate and all of them were prepared for worst

they did not sense anyone and they got confused and then suddenly one spirit

he was very bright,skin was fair almost looked like a angel came from heaven with silver pants and upper body naked with a chisled body

Welcome , allow me to introduce myself my name is Varasur , i was a demon in my previous life but after mediating to Shiva for hundred years

now ,i finally reached this divine energy

but i reached this state two hundred years ago and was waiting for you guys like you to free me and my follower Diablo you also know him by name of D.

I want to ask, before there was one man who reached this place and i found his book and found this place said Zed

Yeah I know ,he was a good man but he was not strong enough to defeat the D and his crew died before reaching this place and that's why i saved him using my power and asked him to share this location to people who are strong enough to reach this place.

To tell you the truth ,you all are strong but all of you lack experience and since you helped me and my Follower D

I will give all of you some powers but do not tell full extent of your powers to everyone ,even your friends because sometime your enemies use your friends to defeat you but these powers has one more feature and that is your friendship means whenever one of you level up your friends will also level up not like you but twenty percent of your level up

Its Done.

But I did not felt anything said Viyas and everyone said the same thing

then after five minutes all of them felt a sudden shock and all of them fainted