
jjk cursed technique creater

guy goes to the world of jjk after receiving wishes from a primal being (chapter will be short 150 to 500 words, 1000 to the most) [FIRST 5 CHAPTERS ARE SHART BUT PICK UP PACE AFTER THAT] there will be small changes to the Og story of jjk

Cursedking · Anime und Comics
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23 Chs

starting training part 2

Sitting on my couch, feeling bored, I stated to think of all that happened since I started to train my six eyes .It has been three weeks since I started training my six eyes, and from where I had started, I sure have improved. At first, I started training it by looking and reading the cursed energy levels of curses and humans alike, but it gave me little progress.

Till the idea came to me well was given to me by [great sage] to use high cursed energy consumption techniques such as infinity then along with my six eyes also use [cosmic adaption] to enhance all my six eyes functions plus my cursed energy sensitivity and output. For context three weeks ago when I just started training my six eyes I could only sense cursed spirits and humans from about 200-320miters away and could only use the infinity cursed technique neutral application infinity for about 20 minutes but now after training I could sense humans and curses from about 700-1300miters and could use infinity for about 2hours before running out of cursed energy even though I had the same amount of cursed energy as three weeks ago .

With all that has been happening these last three weeks, I was kind of bored doing the same thing over and over, though it did show good results. But due to not hunting cursed spirits for the last few weeks I was not able to test out [cursed shadow] but today that would change thanks to having infinity and a more refined six eyes I felt more confident to hunt cursed spirits.

But that was for the latter during the night, but for now, I decided to simply relax at home and do something I dearly did since coming to this world, which was relaxing. With that thought in mind, I turned on the TV I bought a few days ago. The TV itself did not look anything special when compared with the tv I had in my old life but considering the currant year it can be considered top of the line after turning it on I began to let myself and my worries slowly sleep away as I relaxed .

::::::::::::: a few hours later:::::::::::

After a few hours of watching TV I did not even realize the time which was currently 7pm.after seeing the currant time took off the TV and changed from my blue shirt and black shorts to a black turtle neck jersey and light black long pants. After changing, I ran back to the cemetery.

::::::10minuits later :::::::::

After running at full speed for about 10 minutes I made ot to the cemetery and as usual it was full of curses seeing this I asked great sage to count the amount of cursed spirits and their levels/grades.

[REPORT] The grade of the curses in this area are between the level of grade 3 to semi grade 2 with a combined number of 320. With there being 120 semi grade 2 cursed spirits and the rest being grades 3.none of them pose any eminent harm to you.

Hairing the [grate sage] replies without a second thought, I went to fight a semi grade 2 cursed spirit that looked about 12 feet tall with green skin and about 4 or 7 eyes .The reason I went for one of the stronger cursed spirits is so I can have a strong curse under my control. Using my full speed while also using [cosmic adaption] and [infinty] I appeared behind the cursed spirit before it could even react and place my hand on it activating [cursed shadow] at the moment of it activation the cursed spirit started to distort like it was being stucked in by a black hole till it turned into a blue orbe of cursed energy.

Without a second thought, I dropped it on the ground and allowed my shadow to absorb it. After doing that, I summoned cursed spirit back as my servant. Looking up at the cursed spirit that I could now control I felt happy thinking all the things I could do if I had enough curses but for now I decided to lend two cursed techniques two that cursed sprit I just tamed them being [cosmic adaption] and [cursed shadow] the reason for give the newly tamed cursed spirit these cursed techniques were simple I gave it cosmic adaption so that it can fight better of course the cursed technique I wanted to give it instead was infinity but that would be to cursed energy consuming for it to handle. I also gave it cursed shadow so that it could help me increase my army faster.

After giving it the cursed techniques, I gave it very simple orders to deafeat and use the cursed technique i gave it to expand my army of cursed spirits. mostly all the semi grade 2 cursed spirits it comes across with that I told it to in the opposite direction from me simplely to cover more ground.after parting from my newly tamed cursed spirit I decided to test one of the options I inputed when I created [cursed shadow] that is to manipulate/ control the shadows though I did input that option I did not put any limitations to this and left it very vague so the only way to truly know what it is capable of is to test it. With that in mind, I went to hunt another cursed spirit since my plan was to tame all 120 semi grade 2 cursed two spirits in the cemetery.

Using my six eyes, I was able to find one fairly fast it stood about 8 feet high with green skiin and a large round body .unlike the first I made my presence known Seeing it started running at me seeing this I turned on infinity the moment it tried to make contact with me it stopped.seeing this I began my test of shadow manipulation concentrating I imagined the shadow of the spirit in front of me grew into spikes that shot up wards and just as I imagined the cursed spirits shadow took the shape of spikes and attacked it living the cursed sprit very close to death feeling satisfied I disabled [infinty] and touched the cursed spirit activating [cursed shadow] as it turned into a blue orb of cursed energy and I allowed my shadow to absorb it. After defeating my second cursed spirit, I went on with my momentum and continued to expand my army.

:::::::: 30 minutes later:::::::::::

After about 30minutes I along with the cursed spirits I absorbed, was able to bring all the semi grade 2 curses in the cemetery under my control. Within that time I was able to test shadow manipulation in various areas and in one word it was very versatile and I even came up with a way to make weapons out of shadows all in all I find that this was a success so I decided to leave the cemetery but before I did I told the cursed spirits under my control to kill all the remaining grade 3 cursed spirits and absorb its cursed energy to bring it to me. after that, I had left to go home and rest feeling satisfied with everything that had happened.

::::::::::END OF CHAPTER:::::::::::