3 Chap 3: Am an Asgardian





Synchronization with host complete

"What…. What's going on"

{ Host is currently adjusting to the world}

"Who said that?"

{ I said that host, I am your everything system}

Oh, the system okay, well system where am I?

{ Host is currently in the MCU in the process of being birthed}

"Hmm okay, so I wonder who's going to be my parents".

{Odin all father and Frigga the queen of all Gods will be host's mother as well as being their second child}

"Awesome I'm going to be a prince of Asgard as well as probably becoming a god, well I'm already strong enough to kill anyone in this universe so it doesn't really matter whether or not I become a God. System, show me my stats, please".


Lifespan: ∞


Stamina: ∞

Agility: ∞

Magic: ∞

Charisma: 50

Luck: 90

Titles: traveler, lucky boy, and warlock

Skills: magic manipulation

System: everything system

Battle power(Bp): ???

"Hey, what do the question marks mean?"

{question marks mean the status is still processed}

" oh okay I understand, well what do my titles mean?"

{ Host has the title traveler because he traveled from his world to another one, Host has the title lucky boy because of host's huge amount of luck and Host has warlock because of Host's large mana pool and because of his skill magic manipulation}

" hahaha seems I'm even more op than I thought, am gonna have so much fun and not have any consequences"

" Anyways system show Main page"

(Main page)







(System point: ∞)

" I really did get unlimited system points, man this is going to be epic I can't wait to be born, system please wake me up when I'm 3 months old"

{Waking host when he turns three months old see you later host}

Goodbye system.

Asgard welcomed a prince into their kingdom naming him Jackson Odison son of Odin, although the baby cried when he was born he never did so the first 2 months, he did nothing. He didn't cry when he pooped in his diapers, or even cry when he was hungry. Frigga had to make a schedule for when she would feed him.

I woke up with a shock to my bum which caused me to wail and I must have wailed louder than I thought I did because a middle-aged man who I deemed to be Odin and a woman came into my room in a rush hugging and cuddling me asking what was wrong, it felt very weird since the talked to me like a baby but I guess that makes sense seeing that my body is that of a baby although my mind is that of a 20-year-old. Odin and Frigga finally left leaving to plan for what I was going to do in marvel,

" system can you make a log of events for me"

{ yes Jackson what will you like to log}

" wait why are calling me Jackson all of a sudden"

{ Jackson was named when he was born changing how system called Jackson"

" Oh, so that means that my stats have been updated okay, well I want you to log the days any major event happens like when I was born when Thor gets born, when Odin brings Loki or when Steve Rogers becomes Captain America".

{ Yes Jackson will do}

A few days after I first cried again I started talking and walking, yeah that's right I was walking and talking when I was just 3 months old bow down to me mortals hahaha. Ehnm, ehnm you will probably bow down to me or at least one of your ancestors will be seeing how humans talked about the nordic gods. Speaking of gods I wonder if I should go and visit the elder gods later on in life, ehh I'll just forget about that for now it's not like they can harm me anyway. So let's go and ask mother when if I can start learning magic, I feel like since I can walk and talk they will let me start doing some training right.

So I knock quietly on mother's door and god she must have some sort of sixth sense cause she just opens the door and says" hey Jackson how are you must be ready to learn some magic" how has this woman not taken over Odin's throne or let Odin do whatever he wants she appears powerful enough to take over or limit what he does anyway.

I walk into the room and most Asgardians sure do have a luxurious taste for a room because this room could probably be sold for almost a billion dollars but it seems like no one cares seeing that it's a bedroom rather than a place for guests. Mother picks me up and carries me over to a table with a book called THE BASIC'S OF RUNE MAKING she sits me down and picks it up starting to read it for me.

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