
"Hang on Kitty,"

Arthas's face paled dramatically and he yanked his spear back up and pointed it at Kitty and me. Even Dythar who seemed to be the smarter of the two took the threat seriously and took a step back bumping into the wall. I thought I was obviously joking but it seemed to have gone over their heads. I turned to Kitty and tapped her side causing her to look down at me. Her vivid yellow eyes seemed to question my intent too. 'Does no one have a sense of humor?' Kitty snorted and blew a breath of air in my face as if she knew I was doubting her mental capacity. I ran my hand over the soft light tan scales near her belly trying to sooth her and turned back to the dimwits.

"I was obviously joking, if I wanted her to eat you do you really think you'd still be standing there?"

I turned back to kitty and pointed at me and then her back. Kitty rolled her eyes in disdain in stood up displaying her magnificence. She side eyed me and she stretched her body and shook all the dirt off herself like a dog making her bright red scales shine in the sunlight. If you could look past the meat ornaments for teeth Kitty had she was actually quite the beautiful dinosaur. I knew any paleontologist from earth would've killed to be in my place. Trying a different approach I pouted my lip and blinked my eyes a few time. I knew I probably looked ridiculous so I ignored the reactions from the men standing off to the side in shock.

"Damnit Kitty, do you want me to end up with bad feet again?" I pouted.

Abruptly Kitty swung her head toward the forest and inhaled flaring her nostrils. A bad feeling immediately sunk into my bones. I looked at the men and motioned them to come toward me without opening my mouth.

Dythar looked at Kitty studying her body language, Kitty seemed to have sensed something and from her stance it wasn't a good thing.

Getting impatient with the two dimwits I rolled my eyes and mouthed the words " Do you wanna die?" Dythar grabbed Arthas and quickly made their way to stand by Kitty. I slapped the spear that Arthas was pointing at Kitty to the ground and glared at him.

"CCCCRRRASHUNG" The sound of a loud crash suddenly rang out from the forest, it seemed to echo in ominous waves making heart jumped into my throat. I made grabby motions as Kitty begging her with my eyes to let me on her. Kitty side eyed me for a brief second before half crouching her attention was completely on the forest.

I turned to Dythar and whispered " You guys need to get on Kitty after me or you can rely on your own luck." I quickly climbed up Kittys leg and onto her neck just after her shoulder blades. It was probably uncomfortable for Kitty but I needed to make room for the other two idiots. Patting her side I genuinely hoped having a few more people on her wouldn't hurt her. I glanced over my shoulder at the two to see if they were coming. Arthas face was slightly green as he sat behind me with Dythar sitting directly behind him. I patted Kittys side signaling her she could go. I don't know what caught her attention but I'm guessing by her body language that it's not a good thing.

Silence echoed through the forest as Kitty took one careful step at a time, seeming like she was avoiding something or trying not to alert something of her presence. I felt goosebumps travel across my body, and I gripped Kitty's neck like it was the last life line I had. If you ever heard the quote "Silence is deafening" I was definitely feeling that sensation right now. Each animal chirp would send a shock of fear through my system. Soon even the chirps from variously creatures seemed to completely stop.

A slight drizzle of rain silently fell from the sky each drop felt like a ice cutting through my skin.

I cuddled into Kittys warm skin and didn't bother looking at the two behind me, they can take care of themselves. Kitty suddenly came to a stop and lowered her head inhaling deeply. I slid a few inches forward caught off guard and bonked my head on a bigger spine protruding from her neck. Kitty stiffened and whirled around to look behind her. I gripped tight to her neck and tried my best not too hinder her movement. I glanced in the direction she was looking but failed to see anything.

Vibrations reverberated through my chest as Kitty started that utterly terrifying humming of hers. The feeling was like standing really close to a speaker at a concert that was so loud you couldn't hear the actual sound but you could feel it. Kitty abruptly stopped her humming and started running diagonal to the spot she was staring at. As Kitty was a juvenile Rex starting to go through adolescence and not yet an adult, she was able to run faster than most adult Tyrannosaurus Rex or she should have been able too if she wasn't weighed down a couple hundred pounds by humans.

A huge force roared through the trees besides Kitty and slammed into her side. I screamed and pulled my right leg up trying to avoid the humongous pitch black Tyrannosaurus that was at least 2 times the size of Kitty. Fortunately I was fast enough, but unfortunately for Arthas he was not. He let out a heart wrenching scream as his leg was slammed between the two Tyrannosaur and made an audible crunching noise. As the bigger Rex pulled away Arthas slipped off Kitty and landed in foliage, but Kitty didn't stop running forward.

"Dythar leave!" I screamed knowing I might be condemning him to a horrible death, but I could also be saving him if the Rex decided to chase Kitty instead. Dythar locked eyes with me as I screamed and was already jumping down for Arthas, it seemed he'd already had the intention to abandon ship. I didn't let the guilt get to me as I knew Kitty wouldn't be able to survive if she had that much weight on her.

Fortunately for Arthas and Dythar the Tyrannosaur didn't even take notice of them and seemed to focus completely on Kitty. Kitty picked up her speed and managed to pull ahead of the agressing Rex. I glanced back at the Rex as pure adrenaline was surging through my body and made eye contact with it. I thought meeting kitty was the scariest thing to happen in my life, but just the look in it's eyes. They were... just empty of anything but the need to dominate and kill. The Tyrannosaur opened it's jaws and lunged forward seemingly aiming at me and I opened my mouth to scream and nothing came out. Kitty suddenly swerved to the left avoiding the bite but severely cutting down on the momentum she had. The bigger Rex slammed through the trees and flipped over itself. Out of sheer luck it landed back on its feet, it shook itself but quickly locked back onto Kitty who had put a bit of distance between the two. It's piercing eyes sent chills to my core.

The other Rex resumed the chase but never regained the distance and actually seemed to be losing ground. I clung onto Kitty and helpless tears formed in the corner of my eyes. Kittys chest heaved in effort as she started to slow down.

"Hang on Kitty," I whimpered clinging to her. I knew she had strained herself, she was only a juvenile Rex but she had traveled and ran with 3 humans adding extra weight onto her back for a large amount of time. On her own I knew Kitty would have been able to outrun this Tyrannosaur easy.

"I'm sorry Kitty," I said the tears slipping out, " It's my fault, without me forcing you to carry me let alone other people you would've easily outrun the other Rex."

A crash in the trees sounded fearfully close behind me and Kitty, I turned to see the black Rex closing in on us. It seemed to have been saving a speed burst just for this moment, how cunning. It opened its terrifyingly big jaws, each tooth glistening with rain and full of rotting flesh from previous kills and with one last burst of speed it lunged toward Kitty's back... where I was sitting.

"Adults were so 'robust' ... they could probably only pound along 15 mph to at most 25 mph, according to the latest calculations. ( A pursuing adult tyrannosaur running at the faster end of that scale would still catch most humans," -Dinosaurs The Grand Tour, by Keiron Pim Page 323 paragraph 5

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