
New discovery.

(Writer's note: sorry for not mentioning this earlier. This sign ' is for thought, while this sign " for statement to make the work a bit easier for me. Continue reading to explore the hidden miseries and enjoy the story 💖💖💖💖 you)

At Tinsley's home. Tinsley sat comfortably on the chair playing a game. She has now become one of the most famous model. She broke up with Ken and now they live in their own apartment. Mike is in his final year and Mrs Williams is on a vacation in Mexico which left Tinsley all alone at home. She was going through some pictures of top celebrities and multi billionaires on Instagram. And what she saw next blew her mind. It was the same guy that Eddie and Clara talked about. Rian Jackson, but this time he had green eyes. What the heck! I must be hallucinating. I need to call Eddie and Clara.After some rings. "Eddie, Clara, where are you right now"Tin said. "At home what's the rush"Clara asked. "Please I need you guys now, don't waste a minute it's very important."Tin said and cut the call.

(30 minutes later)

"Knock knock"

"Come in girls"Tinsley said

"Hey Tin what's up"Clara said

"Just come and see what I saw on Instagram"Tin said. "What the heck! you called us here for Instagram?"Clara asked. "When you could have just told us on phone"Eddie said. "It's something very important"Tin said. She opened the full picture of the guy. "Who's this?" "What!"Eddie and Clara shouted at the same time. "How come he has green eyes now"Clara asked. "This guy is not ordinary. I don't even know what to call him"Eddie said. "What kind of creature can change eye color"Clara asked. "Werewolves"Tin said. "No"Eddie said "Were wolves just have yellow eyes." "Vampire"Tin said. "No vampires just have red eyes." "I think he is a witch"Clara said. "Yeah witches can change eye color"Tin said. They all started laughing. "Will it shock you if they are totally different people"Eddie asked. "We don't know"Tin and Clara said. "That reminds me,we have a honourable invitation. Three CEO's from China knows about our story of how we were broke and actually brought up this offer. They are trying to establish a company here,they have companies all around the world and wants us to head the ones in Nigeria."Eddie said. "How can these mighty CEO's trust us and where are they presently, how did they even get to know our story."Clara asked. "Don't they know that we have other Careers already?"Tin asked. "We've always loved white collar jobs before we found our careers and we can merge the both of them which will be a plus on our side and fetch us huge money, the CEO'S are presently in Nigeria waiting for our response,we can't just say no."Eddie said. "Well they can pick someone else"Clara said. "The truth is that I already said yes,so pleeeeeease"Eddie said. "Okay it's not a bad idea so where do we start from right now"Clara asked. "Okay we'll have a board meeting next week Monday and they'll test our capabilities. Thanks girls for accepting."Eddie said and hugged them.