After a fatal accident, Azalea Thompson tries to navigate the complicated yet sappy love of the famous drama in her world, "My Heart Flutters For You". As she get sucked into its world, she assumes the identity of a supporting character as she has to monitor the main couple's love to assure for a happy ending, or she won't be able to escape this drama-like world.
The pair of lovers hugged as the sunset came upon them. Their eyes each reflecting their feelings of relief, as they felt the warmth and beating heart of the person in front of them.
The man let go of the woman's back, and kneeled on one knee, "Jenny Mary Anne Hart, I know that the adventures we've gone together were brief and fleeting. But during this little amount of time, I realized that I want nothing more, than to spend the rest of my life with you."
Jenny's eyes teared, when she realized she had feelings for this man named Alexander Liam Allard, she had thought that her feelings were nothing to him. Yet, at this moment, after so many hardships together, he was actually proposing to her.
"I-I, I don't know if I'm worth it." Jenny started to cry; she didn't know if she truly deserved to stay with this man forever.
Alexander slowly stood up to face Jenny, "I don't know what you mean, Jenny. The moment you came into my life, you changed my life forever." he wiped her tears and caressed her fair cheeks and moved her brown locks out of her eyes. She looked so cute and adorable; Alexander squished her cheeks.
"Ow! Why did you do that? It hurts." Jenny pouted.
"Because you are stupid, my dear. Though I think you know that already." immediately, Alexander was punched in the chest.
"I think you can calm down with the punches though." Alexander groaned.
Jenny sneered, "You deserved it, you pinched me!"
"Now, now. Don't you think we're getting off topic now?" Alexander kneeled again on one knee. "I love you Jenny Hart, will you marry me?"
The setting sun shined in Alexander's eyes, creating two balls of fire in his eyes. Jenny gulped, his black eyes pierced into her soul. His black hair was flowing in the wind, making him look unkempt and sexy.
Extremely flustered, Jenny mumbled, "Only if you stay by my side forever!" she crossed her arms and didn't look at him directly.
"What promise do you think I'm making? Of course, I will never leave your side as long as I'm alive. How could I leave such a beautiful and lovely lady alone?"
"That-That's what I'm saying, you better keep it Alex!" Jenny unwaveringly wanted made sure she kept the man she loved by her side only.
Jenny then kneeled down to match Alexander's level, she grabbed his tie and kissed him passionately. Alexander widened his eyes, his lips curled up. He grabbed Jenny's body closer to him. With the sea and sun behind them, it looked as though the dazzling couple were surrounded by a billion stars. It was a dreamy landscape that couldn't be defeated by other landscapes.
Jenny opened her eyes as she felt Alexander's arms let go. She looked down towards his chest, blood was pooling.
"NO! Alex! Alex!" Jenny carefully laid Alexander's body to the ground. She ripped her white shirt and tightly wrapped Alexander's chest after removing the bullet. Jenny cried so hard, all she saw was a blur.
"Je-Jenny." Alexander reached his arms towards Jenny's face.
"I'm so s-sorry I wasn't more careful." Alexander painfully smiled. His breathing hitched, and he groaned. His face contorted as he spoke to Jenny.
Jenny didn't have the energy to smile, "But you promised me. You promised me! We will stay together forever!" Jenny held Alexander's arm close to her face.
Alexander could only smile sadly, tears started to form from the corner of his eyes, "I'm s-sorry J-Jenny. I will a-always l-love you." Alexander felt his mind sway back and forth, he couldn't see his Jenny clearly anymore. The last thing he saw was Jenny shaking him.
Jenny felt Alexander's body go limp, "NOOOO! ALEX! ALEX! MY LOVE!" Jenny screamed. 'No, it can't be true.' Jenny thought, "Alex? Alex? Hey, you can't joke around at a time like this?".
Alexander stayed unresponsive. Jenny felt her body lose all control. Her heart felt empty, Alexander had taken a huge portion of her heart and took her heart with him.
Azalea's jaw dropped, "What the f**k? Aziel do you see this?"
Aziel stared at the tv screen, "Obviously, the guy just died."
Azalea threw her popcorn at the tv screen. she fumed, "What the f**k? I watched all of this drama just to watch the guy die? JUST TO WATCH ALEXANDER DIE?" Azalea walked across her living room back and forth in anger, as Aziel watched
She had waited months for this drama to come. With the best actors, production team, and budget, she had the highest hopes for this drama called, "My Heart Flutters For You". she was a true romance drama fanatic.
"I mean, you could've saw that coming, Azzy. It was obvious." Aziel showed no remorse for the
male lead who had died.
"Shut the f**k up, Aziel. I don't want to hear that from you. Get out of my apartment if you just want to make fun of me, you a**hole." Azalea furiously looked at Aziel, who was still smiling. She held her head in frustration, "I don't know why I'm still friends with you. You're so annoying!"
"Azzy, just because I don't match your energy doesn't mean you can shove me out of your life. I'm already in it." Aziel smiled like an angel.
Azalea rolled her eyes, and stubbornly refused to talk to Aziel like a little kid throwing a tantrum. Aziel swooped his black hair out of his face and smiled, "I guess you don't want me to treat you to fried chicken and pizza?"
Azalea opened her mouth immediately, "I want four trays of spicy fried chicken, and four pizzas." Aziel smiled.
"You pig." he looked disgusted.
"I don't know what you mean, I have to get rid of this sadness with food. Let's go!" Azalea grabbed Aziel's arm and happily started skipping to go grab some food.
It was Aziel's turn to roll his eyes. His eyes curved in crescents as Azalea lead him down the street.
"There's no cars, let's go!" Azalea held his arm as she quickly led him across the street.
"Wait, Azzy!" Aziel saw a huge oncoming bus, by the time Azalea saw the bus, Aziel hugged her, shielding his body with hers.
"Aziel?" Azalea looked confused as the two were hit. The impact brutal and deadly. There was no time to move out of the way. The bus was going at 90mph, hitting the two childhood best friends out of this world.
The last thing Azalea and Aziel felt was a searing pain that felt like 600 hundred bullets were hitting them from every direction. The night sky blended into their blackened vision.