
Five: New Allies

I slid down from the ice rock, looking around at the devastation. It wasn't pretty, but it wasn't as bad as the things I'd seen.

I cracked my knuckles, satisfied with what I'd done. I rolled my shoulders, and flicked out my wings.

I was surprised when Ladybug did one of those cheesy jumps and shouted, ""

I was even more surprised when everything began to miraculously fix itself. (See what I did there?)

My spots lit up brightly in alarm. My spots were weird like that. They even changed colours if my moods were powerful enough. Like, say right now, it was a bright tangerine. If my mood strong enough, it was just a plain white light.

Chat and Ladybug looked at me, confusion strung across their features. I chuckled sheepishly, and let the lights dim. "Sorry. It happens." I scratched the back of my neck.

Chat grinned, and walked over. Ladybug joined him. I felt my wings flick a little bit, getting ready for any sort of defence I needed. It's instinctive, now. The last miraculous user I'd encountered was a little more than hostile.

Chat gave a low dramatic bow.

I saw Ladybug roll her eyes, and poke him. "No need for the formalities."

I gave a small laugh. "I agree. It's a pleasure to meet you two."

"lease," Chat said. Ladybug rolled her eyes. "The pleasure is all ours." His ears flicked. I rose an eyebrow, and folded my arms.

"Cat puns, huh?" I was speaking more to Ladybug then to him, but he answered anyway. "ch! My lady, you wound me." He placed a hand over his heart.

I glanced at Ladybug. "Yes. I've dealt with this for awhile. You begin to tolerate it." She said with the smallest twitch of her mouth, which could've been a smile. "You looked like you knew what you were doing. You're old to the hero business?"

I smirked. "You might even call me a war veteran."

A small beep was heard from my chest. I touched the moonstone, but didn't need to look at it to know that I had only a few minutes left. Chat's and Ladybug's miraculous's beeped moments later.

I flitted out my wings, giving a two fingered salute. "Times up. Time to go."

They nodded, Chat looking a little less eager than Ladybug. I smiled at him, then to her, and took off, letting the lights on my suit flicker before I disappeared into the darkness.

She smiled at me. Actually smiled. It was brighter than the lights she had. She was beautiful.

I sighed, and left the scene. Ladybug had left a little bit before me.

I reached home in the nick of time, and flopped on my bed, transforming back.

Plagg zoomed around for a moment, then said, "Crush?"

My voice was muffled by the pillow, but he could probably hear it loud and clear. "Shuddup."