
It's a Complicated Family

Zeus, father of all creation and a man who's foolery knows no bounds has caused countless havoc for our young hero. Follow Maximilien as he grows from a young teen to Hero to God This story will have romance but no harem there will be action and adventure surely be plenty of danger and also comedy (or at least I think I'm funny people might think otherwise ) Don't expect to see a cruel hero who plays an anti hero he is a pure hearted man who does kind things he will grow and I hopefully will make him learn and grow quick but he's also not going to do things just for chivalrys sake he will do things for those he cares about but not everyone also not everything will be nice for him and everything might not be as it seems. P.S There is plenty of swearing and will probably be steamy scenes and hopefully I am good enough to write good action scenes time will tell. as I've thought about it more it's gonna go down a dark path in parts the MC will still be kind hearted but dark things happen I have never written before so you're taking a chance on me if you read but I hope to put out 100 chapters and see if this gets me anywhere but please I'm doing this more as writing practice so if there's any thoughts or comments even criticisms please let me know I'd love any and all feedback

Lifesuxdude · Urban
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16 Chs

Shut It

"I read the paper in bed and in the personal

columns there was this letter I read"

"Please stop."

"If you like piña coladas and gettin' caught in the rain"

"For the love of God, please please stop."

"If you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain

If you like makin' love at midnight In the dunes on the cape then I'm the love that you've looked for write to me and escape."

In the end our noble hero did not stop and so to the dismay of his companion who could no longer take it he finally exploded into a fit of rage . "That's it fuck off! go on fuck off you have pissed me off with that song for the last time I don't care if you like it! it does my head in it's so annoying. Sure it was good the first time hell I even sang along with you but now after the one hundreth time I can't take anymore please fuck off.

Our hero who is very much an average 16 year old whose only saving grace is emerald green eyes and mediocre looks but in every other aspect he is certainly a dumbass. The reason being he is so dumb you may wonder well the answer to that is the very pissed off companion who is more of a soul mate, quite literally. You see when Maximilien, our hero was born he had an unbearably heavy soul perhaps a soul that had entered and re-entered the cycle of reincarnation an inestimable amount of times you could say the soul was very unlucky to have died so often and never achieved an eternal rest yet for now unfortunately for poor Maximilien he had no idea that his soul was split into two as he should have no idea given the fact reincarnation is only believe to be apart of religious beliefs so cultivation is considered to be found only in fiction.

Thus leads me to explain how the soul companion of Maxy who has remained nameless for 16 years full of boundless knowledge and wisdom of countless lifetimes possibly even of great heroes. *wink wink* . Has now found itself in a situation where it can only hear the words of Maximilien and can offer no reply or make him fuck off as they so desperately wish.

Maxy has no idea about the soul nor does the soul containing all his rightful knowledge have any idea how to merge with the rest of the existing soul without killing poor little Maxy.

You may wonder who am I to know of such things well I am quite literally God of course not the God as there is countless Gods, so many in fact to call oneself God at this point is kind of embarrassing I mean sure it's great if there is maybe one or two but to have millions is a bit ridiculous so in my infinite wisdom I have found reprieve in shall I say watching certain mortals and as the eons have rolled by watching the soul of Maxy reincarnate has always brought great plea...

"Would you shut it please? please God shut the flip up?"

The God turned to his right to see a grumpy looking old man with a beard long white beard huffing and puffing being all disgruntled acting like he isn't a God himself hmpf.

"Listen Jesus for the last fucking time don't tell me what to do, I put you here and made you a piss ant of a God to pass the time and now I regret it, I regret it so so much so let me pretend to be a narrator for Maxy or otherwise I'll let the world know how I cucked Joseph and your tale is all a lie"

Jesus blankly stared at the man who was 8ft tall and had muscles so defined his plain white robe could barely hide them and with an air of lightening surrounding him he gave of such an aura that no mortal could dare even look at him. The God was Zeus, the God of all creation in this world who has watched over it for eternity. A God who is notorious with the rest of divinity for being a fuckwit who inteferes too much and as such has regressed his domain of the Milky Way galaxy a millenaia behind the rest of all the cosmos.