

"Issei. Are you alright?" Asia asked worriedly while still in her pajamas. Issei rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked at his tsundere alarm clock he never threw away. It was exactly morning.

Asia had woken up and found Issei looked into the distance with a blank face.

"Asia..... You're still here... Thank goodness..." Issei whispered and hugged her tenderly. Asia hugged him back.

"I'm right here, Issei. Don't worry. But what's wrong? You were calling my name repeatedly." Asia asked him. Issei rubbed some of his tears that were threatening to fall from his eyes.

"I was having a dream about you getting married to this kid named Diodora Astaroth. " Issei explained. Asia gave him a confused look but said this with a warm smile on her face.

" Issei, you worry too much. I'll never get married to someone else besides you." Asia declared lovingly with a blush forming on her face. Issei smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I love you." Issei whispered. Asia blushed deeply.

"I l-love you t-too, Issei." Asia whispered back. Issei smiled.


Issei blinked and looked at the person that was moving under the sheets. Koneko woke up while yawning hugely.

She smiled at him. "Nyan~! Good morning Issei!" Koneko meowed happily at him. Her cat ears were twitching cutely while her cat tail was waving in the air. Issei smiled at her cuteness and patted her head.

"Good morning, Koneko." Issei replied to her greeting. It was decided that after training camp that Koneko would come and live with us.

That was fine for the girls but whenever she got a chance, she would sit in Issei's lap and sneak into his bed.

"Anyway. I'm glad that Asia getting married was just a bad dream." Issei let out a sigh and kept patting Koneko's head, making her purr and lean into him even.

" I seriously wish we could leave it as a dream." Rias muttered while entering the room while holding a bunch of letters in her hands. It seems she woke up earlier than them.

Issei looked at the letters curiously. "The one who sent them is Diodora Astaroth. They're definitely love letters towards Asia. Not to mention movies tickets, invitations to dinner and product tokens. Not to mention the big presents at the entrance. Damn, I have to burn those again? Ugh.... " Rias groaned, clearly feeling irritated by this nonsense.

Issei clenched his fists tightly. 'This shitty bastard has a death wish! I wouldn't mind killing him though!' Issei grinned maniacally.

"Issei. You're acting kind of weird right now." Koneko commented with a deadpan. Issei chuckled.

"Don't worry about it, Koneko. I'm just thinking about how to kill him when I meet him next time." Issei replied while smiling warmly at the wall. Rias giggled.

" Rest assured Issei, we will never hand Asia-chan over to that creep. "



The summer has ended, and it's already a new term, the second term. The opening ceremony has already ended and Kuoh Academy has begun the September event, the Sports Festival.

A lot has changed, the women's boobs and asses were bigger than they were before. Some men were more chubbier and some were more muscular.

The most shocking part to Issei was that someone informed everyone that there was a transfer student coming to their class. And it was a girl too. Issei grinned maliciously and licked his lips.

Issei closed his eyes and sensed something surprising. The girl was an Angel and he knew who it was. Judging ny Xenovia's and Asia's surprised reactions, they were familiar with her too.

The teacher explained that although it was unusual at this time of the year, there will be a new student joining them.

"Come on in." The one who came in with the teacher's word is none other than Irina Shidou, who came to retrieve the stolen Excaliburs before summer with Xenovia.

Irina was the Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform, with black short shorts under her skirt and the addition of white sneakers with blue accents. Irina bowed at her new classmates.

"My name is Shidou Irina, let's get along everyone!"



" Come with me for a sec, Irina. " Issei whispered and grabbed Irina who was receiving a lot of questions from the guys and girls.

"Ooh~~" Kiryuu smirked slyly at Irina who blushed deeply as she was being dragged away by Issei.

"The Harem King of Kuoh Town strikes again!" Motohama shouted with a grin on his face. Unbeknownst to Issei, word about him having a harem spread throughout town. Everyone and their Grandma knows about his harem. Some say he was going to have the same infamy like the Demon of Karakura Town, Kurosaki Ichigo.

"It's been a while, Issei-kun! Xenovia! HUG!!!" Irina squealed excitedly and hugged her old friend happily.

"Xenovia! I'm glad you're doing okay! It might be awkward due to our positions, but I'm truly happy!" Irina shouted happily. Xenovia giggled and hugged her back.

"It has been a while, Irina. I'm glad you're doing alright yourself." Xenovia replied happily, hiding the pain in her head she was feeling due to the cross Irina was wearing.

"What brings you here again, Irina?" Xenovia asked a straightforward question.

"I transferred here due to Michael-sama's order. I'll give more details after the lectures, I'll be in the old school building, okay? " Irina said while giving them a cute wink. They nodded.

"Bye, guys! Bye Issei! I'm gonna go make new friends! Muah!" Irina sent him a flying kiss before running back to her new friend group. Issei was smiling dazily. Xenovia chuckled.

"She sure has changed a bit. Hasn't she, Issei?"

" Yeah. She sure did."



" Irina-san. I welcome you to our school." Rias smiled warmly at the Angel. Irina smiled back.

All the members of the Occult Research Club, Azazel and Sona were there to welcome Irina to Kuoh Academy. By the way, Koneko was sitting on Issei's lap, it has become her personal seat now.

"Yes! Everyone, my name is Shidou Irina. I came here to Kuoh Academy as a messenger of the Angels!" Irina declared. Everyone gave her applause.

Irina then began her speech about 'Gratitude to the Lord' and 'Michael-sama is great'. Everyone smiled bitterly but listened to her nonetheless.

'Strong faith in her teachings as always.' Issei chuckled to himself.

"You do know about the death of God right, Irina?" Azazel asked bluntly. Issei looked at him with a deadpan.

"Of course, stupid. Why wouldn't she? Her stepping foot in here means that she has basic knowledge about it. Right, Irina?" Issei asked her.

" Dude I was just trying to confirm if she knew about it or not. " Azazel grumbled but was swiftly ignored.

"Yes, Issei-kun. I already know about the absence of the Lord." Irina replied.

" I never imagined Irina, who has such a strong belief in the teachings, would come here without being shocked at all." Xenovia commented. There was a very uncomfortable pause that followed.

Many tears started flowing out from both of Irina's eyes. She shouts while getting closer to Xenovia.

"Of course I'm shocked! My spiritual support! The centre of my world! The Father Of All Creation died! I was living while believing in all of the teachings so I spent 7 days and 7 nights sleeping when I heard the truth from Michael-sama! Aaaahhhh, Lord!!! " Irina started crying as she hugged the table.

'Damn. I don't know how it feels, but Asia fainted when she heard about God's death so it definitely is pretty important.' Issei thought. Kiba was thinking about something similar.

"I understand how you feel, Irina-san." Asia whispered while approaching her.

"Me too." Xenovia whispered while also approaching her. The three girls hugged each other. 'Asia and Xenovia continue to pray to God till this day. They're definitely still feeling grateful to God. ' Issei thought to himself.

"Asia-san! I'm sorry for calling you a witch last time! I even said horrible things to Xenovia when we said our goodbyes! I'm so sorry!" The two girls smiled at Irina's apologies.

"I don't mind. I'm hoping we can get along since we all love the same Lord. " Asia replied.

" Same here. But it was also kind of my fault since I became a devil without thinking properly. But I'm happy we're reunited like this. " Xenovia whispered. Irina sniffed and looked at Issei.

"Issei-kun! I know I've been a very bad friend to you! I never called you, I've never even tried to visit! I don't deserve to be your best friend! But can you at least, forgive me? " Irina asked while giving him the puppy doll eyes. Issei hummed and palmed his forehead.

" Why the fuck not? But promise me that you're never going to abandon me ever again. Or else I'll really never forgive you. This is your second and last chance, Irina. " Issei told her with an extremely serious face. In truth, he had missed their friendship a lot and maybe she did too. He will forgive her, but they won't be buddy buddy just yet.

"Yes! I'll cherish this second chance! Thank you! Thank you so much!" Irina squealed and hugged him tightly. She started crying again. Issei smiled a little and started patting her back and saying soothing words that'll calm her down.

"It'll be alright, Irina. You don't have to be alone anymore. Because I am here...

To be continued...

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