
The Big Day

(Message from Author: Please do let the fact that I sort of suck go, cause this is literally the first time I am writing a book, I promise to make it better over time but if you do find the topic interesting then please do stay with me on my journey to improvement, I'd also most likely rewrite the first few chapters when I do get better, thank you, and enjoy! :3)

"Your Highness, the enemy's flying fortress had broken through our inner wall defences, we can't hold them back much longer!" exhaled one of the royal guards.

"I see… then this is out of our hands now…" replied His Majesty with a sad expression on his face.

As everyone stands within the throne room, with despair on their faces, knowing that this would be their last day, for the enemy that they are up against is known to show no mercy, the tension builds up.

"Tsk, this is no time to be feeling sorry for ourselves!" exclaimed the General, "Even if times are dark, we can't just give up just yet until we have really seen the end with our own eyes!"

"Your most certainly right…" awkwardly the Advisor smiles, breathing in, whipping sweat off of his face while getting a hold of himself, "Get His Majesty and the royal family out of here–"

Just as the Advisor was about to finish his sentence, he was suddenly interrupted by loud rumbling sounds, and so proceeded multiple strong beams of light was suddenly casted upon the skies falling from the clouds heading straight for us.

"INCOMING!!!" shouted one of the guards.

As everyone shouted and screamed in fears, running and panicking even know it was of no use, father walked to us in calm manners, holding us tightly, and so as the beams of light started to hit against the Royal Palace, father looked into our eyes with tears on his face, and told us one of the most saddest words I have ever heard from him.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you…"

The flash of lights became stronger as it was getting near us, so strong that I could no more see any but the colour of that light, just for a sec, everything became white, and suddenly all was dark and black.

"Wake up! Wake up! We're going to be late!"

"Huh…?" As I slowly opened by eyes in confusion, with terror on my face, feeling sick in my stomach, coming to a realization that it all was a dream, "I see… I was just dreaming again..."

"Hey, Dom…" asked Layla anxiously, "You keep having these weird dreams of your pass right? Maybe it'll help if you talk about them? I myself would actually like to know what happened back then and why it is causing you to constantly suffer now."

"One day," replied Dominic, "One day I'll tell you… but I hope that day doesn't come soon."

"Hmph, you don't have to say it like that you know! If you don't want me to know then just say so!" said Layla as she stares at me with anger, "Oh and also, mom said for you to get dress, cause today is our big day!"

"Big day?" asked Dominic out of confusion.

"Yeah, cause today is our departure for flight school, don't you remember?!" answered Layla looking all worried.

"Shit! I totally forgot!" intensively I jumped out of bed.

"Ahh… what will you do without me, big brother...?" curving down her back as if she was tired.

"J-j-just get out already so I could get dress!" stuttered Dominic with irritation.

"Fine, I'll do just that, you stupid brother!" slamming the door as hard as she could while walking out, causing cracks within the ceilings.

As my ears are still ringing from the loud sound of the door shutting, I can't help but to wonder if I would be one day crushed by this unstable structure that surrounds me.

"Alright, I'm ready!" shouting excitedly as I stared at myself on the mirror. This uniform is not bad itself, it looks actually cool, a fine dark navy blue suit, with matching tie and white shirt underneath, it even has a peaked cap to finish its looks.

I proceeded to open the door and hurried downstairs to where everyone was eating, it wasn't a big house, but it was decent enough for our father and mother to live with their 4 children, me being the only boy and middle of age of course…

"Looking good today, son." Father said with a grin on his face holding off laughter.

"Huh? What's so funny old man?!" exclaimed Dominic.

"Now, now boys, be nice to each other, especially you Dominic!" shouted Mother.

As I sat and joined them at the table, everyone started to laugh with joy, for this was like a normal everyday morning for us, but today is different, I can feel that everyone is trying to make the most of it, because this would be our last…

Mother's food was delicious as always, but I sure will miss… But I can't back off now, cause I am doing this not just for the sake of my own pleasure but for the family, considering how much an Ace pilot gets pay, it could really help our financial situations.

"Alright, everyone get in the car, it's time to go!" shouted Father with a proud expression on his face. I could tell he was proud of us, for how we are following our dreams while helping the family, something he thought he couldn't do.

It wasn't long before we reach the Royal Palace, where they rally Aces to march and perform stunts to grab us recruits deeper into service, it may be cool, but I know about all their schemes… I know them all too well…

As we walked in, everyone was amazed, at how huge everything was, nearly everything was either covered in gold or pearls, jewellery were lying around as if it was just nothing but decoration.

I must admit, it sickens me to see how rich and wellbeing the current Royals are, but it was no different when my father was on the throne, nothing has changed as everyone had hoped since then but the rulings.

As we arrived at the marching ground, standing within the crowds of civilians and new recruiting awaiting departure, we saw tens of thousands of men, all fully equipped and ready for marching, it was truly magnificent as words cannot describe.

Just as the show was about to start, the current Royal family stepped out on stage higher than any, and quiet everyone down for their speech, but for me it was all dull, for all the speeches seemed to be the same just in different patterns.

"People of Esmaria, I, as King, have brought you all out here for today to not just celebrate, but also to see the sad departure of our love ones, on the 10th Anniversary of the successful Armed Forces Recruitment Program, I stand here today to tell you, that there is no going back after you are on board, that some of you may fail, that some of you may develop problems afterwards, but fear not, rather… celebrate this fact, for you are one of the only braves enough to enlist, for the cause of the greater good, I tell you now, rejoice! For your heroism is praised and thank by all! And so now, please enjoy the show we have set out for you all, the show that represents our Glorious vast growing nation!" announced the King.

At the very end of the speech, the crowd were screaming and cheering, as if we had just won a great war, everyone was shouting for the Royal Family, some even crying, making me realize the great difference between him and my forgotten father, for he could not even get them to smile without pressure.

As the show begins, everyone was lightened up in blaze, like it was heaven upon them. Throughout the show, the crowd kept on screaming none stop, I seemed to be the only one that did not enjoy this, as I was more worried at my hearings being lost.

And so the end came, the sun is near setting, and the sky became somewhat like a violet colour, while being sparked by stars far away, this is truly what you call beauty.

Everyone was sad at this moment, as the Drill Instructors announce for all recruits to get into the lifting platform for departure, we said our last goodbyes, our sisters and parents have us our one last hug, wishing us luck far beyond the skies for our success and safe return, it was a moment we all cherished the most.

I and my sister left in tears, walking into the carrier's lift, standing next to everybody else, we looked back to get a last glimpse at them. As the door closes, we were being lifted up into the main Flagship, not knowing what awaits us.

It was a long way up, there was barely any light for us to see, but as we were lifted, there was a shiny light up above, the closer we get near it, the brighter it gets, and so ones we reach the deck, we saw a sight truly no civilians had gazed upon.

People were moving left and right, giving instructions and relaying messages to each other, no one was idled as everyone was busy with assigned work. As everyone was still amazed, a group of strangers suddenly approached us.

"G'Day Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Heather Wallace, first born of the Wallace family, I shall be your Drill Instructor alongside these guys." stated one of the Unknown stranger.

As we were all confused at what the stranger just had said, staring at them nervously while awaiting to see what would happen next, they had then began to pass down small highly mobile equipment such as a wristband and earpiece for us all to put on.

"Alright, lets see what we're working with… I want all of you to find your way to your respective dorm, each of you should have a GUI map activation installed on your wristband which has been marked with everything you need to know, so use it wisely and show us what you got. We will be landing onto Island Battlemar within 3 days, so don't get too attach to this place, and now since I have explained everything, you have my condolences, good luck guys!" said the other stranger.

After they had stated that, all of them began walking away carelessly while leaving us out here lost, for us to think for ourselves. Everyone was panicking and worried, being unable to figure out how to use the devices given to us, everyone but one.

As I looked around our group, I saw a guy who was somewhat calm, unlike the others, he was actually keeping a straight mind while figuring out the controls of the devices given to us.

By just looking at him, it made me realize as well that we won't get anywhere unless we keep a cool head and think logically, I could tell that this now is nothing near what we would be facing in the future, and so we must be prepared for the unexpected.

Without being told, I already know that the training had begun, we are most likely being monitored at this very moment, being picked out for what we do now… I'll show them, if it's a show they want, then that's what I'm gonna give them!

(Message from Author: Thank you for reading, if you have spotted any errors or have any tips for me then please do contact me or leave a comment and then I shall reply as soon as possible, thank you (/e_e)/ )

Honestly, it could have been better... I was sort of not really ready for this cause I had in my everything I wanted during the Flight School they're about to join, but the entrance to the Flight School was something I had to wack together.

Chris_Slabbertcreators' thoughts