
Loli Dark Elf(R-18)

My name is Tomokazu Kakeru.

I was an ordinary Japanese high school student but died in a freak car accident.

Coincidentally the perpetrator was truck-san.

He felt rather odd respect for the intimate vehicle that caused his death so he held no resentment.

Anyways as I woke up, I was greeted by the sight of an old man with a white beard that claimed to be "God" but I just couldn't care less.

Now if it was a hot girl, that would've been a different story.

Anyways, annoyed by his disrespectful attitude, the self-proclaimed "God" sent Kakeru to another world quite sloppily.

He was sent to another world with a "random" cheat and his original body.

I suppose this was supposed to be my punishment?

But his looks were pretty good and he was young so there were no problems there.

In his previous life, he had a cute girlfriend which may have been his sole regret in dying.

"Oh well."

Examining his surroundings, Kakeru found himself in a forest of trees at least 100 feet tall.

Scratching his head, an idea came over him as he tried to mentally transmit a command.

With a bit of effort, a status screen appeared in front of him, showing all of his stats.

[Name: Tomokazu Kakeru

Race: Human

Talent: Slave Master

-Skill 1(Psychological Amplification): ????

-Skill 2(Sexual Amplification): Raises the sensitivity of all women during sex

-Skill 3(Branding): All woman marked by your sperm will be branded and forever

possess loyalty towards you.]

This talent...

If he remembered correctly, that shitty god had said…

So this is how it works?

An evil smirk came over Kakeru's face as he started chuckling.

"Ah, that shitty old man has no idea what he's done."

Still, Kakeru was at a disadvantage not knowing where he was.

The cliche would be to spawn inside of a village or town of some sort but Kakeru was in a forest in god knows where.

Everywhere he looked, there were large trees, around 50 feet, and the annoying buzzing of insects.


Hearing the growl of a beast in the distance caused Kakeru's heart rate to accelerate, he reminded himself that he was in a dangerous situation and in an unfamiliar area.

Kakeru spent the next couple of hours in vain as he was unable to find an exit to this seemingly endless forest.

Deciding to give up for today, Kakeru set up camp for the night.

Thankfully in his previous life, he had been camping many times for school field trips

Kakeru had learned the basic skills to make a campfire but he had no materials so he had no option but to sleep on the grass.

As night came, the cold wind caused him to shudder as he hurled up hoping it would give him some warmth.

But he was unable to fall asleep because of the cold wind that periodically brushed against him and the uncomfortable feeling of the prickly grass against his face.

Unable to fall asleep, a couple of hours passed until he heard a peculiar sound.


It sounded like the crying of a child.

Unable to fall asleep anyways, he headed in the direction of the noise and was shocked by his discovery.

A little girl with pointy ears, long black hair, and dark skin.

She was more beautiful than any woman he had seen in her life despite her young age.

And no, he wasn't a lolicon because age was just a number.

It's a dark elf?

Her beautiful appearance and smooth black skin were levels above the women of his species which further gave him confidence in his guess.

Thinking of his ability, an evil smile appeared on Kakeru's face before quickly fading away.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Hearing a voice seemed to scare her as she backed away, already preparing to run.

"I'm not anybody scary, look."

She stared hard at Kakeru's face before sighing in relief.



Unable to understand what the girl said, a certain idea came to him.


[Language Scrollx1]

[Confirm Y/N]


He suddenly got a light headache, a large amount of knowledge related to the language of this world flowed through his head.

Pretending as if nothing was wrong, Kakeru gave a warm smile as he crouched to match eye level with the girl.

"What's your name?"


"Can I call your Erika-chan?"

Erika hesitated but eventually nodded.

"Erika-chan, what are you doing out in this forest alone. It's dangerous out here."

His words seemed to have caused her to remember something sad as she started crying once again.

"This isn't good," he thought.

If she keeps crying like this, it will attract unwanted predators.

Approaching her, Kakeru took her into a gentle embrace while whispering it would be okay.

Erika started to calm down but as he was about to let go, she held onto him, unwilling to let go.

'It's already working.'

From a third-person-perspective, one could see the frighteningly evil smile of Kakeru which marked a stark contrast to his earlier gentle appearance.

Kakeru's ability was not something that needed to be activated but took effect the more he interacted with someone.

For example, saving a girl from falling is an action that might garner goodwill but most of the time, it wasn't enough to make a girl fall in love with you.

However, Kakeru's talent amplified the effect of these actions.

Eventually, their psyche will be branded, and they will willingly become your slave.

It was a power more frightening than any other in his hands.

"Can I call you onii-chan?"

Erika's adorable round eyes stared at him like a puppy begging for food.

It was a sight that would tug at any person's heartstrings, male or female.

"Of course, Erika-chan."

"You're so nice, onii-chan. Why can't all humans be like you."

Sniffling her tears, he could tell she was calming down.

"What happened, Erika-chan? A small girl like you shouldn't be alone, out in this dangerous forest, late at night."

"My dad and mom, they, they..."

Kakeru took her into a deep embrace while rubbing her head.

"It's okay, it's okay."

"Papa, h-he tried to protect me, but the humans had orcs with them. M-my mom she was…"

About to cry again, he held her tighter, while whispering empty promises, and comforting words.

In moments of helplessness, children become especially vulnerable.

Erika was still a child but she was at an age, capable of rational thought.

However, the combination of his talent and performance were superb.

Given her circumstances, she was easy prey for him, given all the factors involved.

"It's okay now." Kakeru comforted gently.

He didn't force her to continue because he could already guess what happened.

Erika's buried her face into his shoulder as she started to feel more and more relaxed by breathing in Kakeru's scent.

"Onii-san smells so nice...even better than mama."

Erika's eyes started to turn foggy and her cheeks flushed a deep shade of red.

"Erika-chan, I'll take you to the nearest town tomorrow so stay strong, and let's get some sleep for tomorrow.

Thankfully, Erika had managed to escape with some luggage which included a tent and blanket.

Setting them both up, Kakeru extinguished the fire and headed into the tent with Erika.

As if it was the natural thing to do, the two of them cuddled together.

As time went on, Erika became unable to sleep and her cheeks flushed redder.

Erika's breathing became heavy as her developing breasts heaved up and down.

Drool could be seen coming from the edges of her mouth and her eyes, clouded of lust towards the human man she had met less than an hour ago.

Desire overrode logic, she felt more love for this man that she hardly knew than her parents that she had been raised by for 14 years.

"I can't let onii-chan abandon me, that's why. Yes, it's so that he won't abandon me."

A fictional story that her mom had read to her about prince charming came to mind.

"It's destiny that I met onii-chan here. He's my charming prince. I'm still sad that papa and mama died but I think I can be happy with onii-chan."

Erika's eyes turned more and more fervent until a mix of passion, lust, and romance overcame her restraints.

"A-are you awake onii-chan?"

Hearing no response, Erika gulped in anxiety.

Rustling under the blanket, she clumsily found her way to his pants.

Kakeru had come to this world with clothing that matched the natives and such clothing was really easily taken off.

After pulling down his pants, Erika gasped at Kakeru's member.

Kakeru had confidence in his size and from a young age, he was aware of the advantage he held over other men especially in Japan where the average size was low.

Men in Japan generally have smaller penises but outgrowing your dad in 5th grade was definitely abnormal anywhere.

The big monstrosity was certainly a shocking sight for any woman, especially a young girl like Erika.

"It's bigger than papa's."

Erika's eyes blinked rapidly in surprise as she stared at his penis wondering if he was actually an orc in disguise.

Torn between anxiety and lust, the aching sensation she felt down there won over her anxiety as she began to slowly stroke Kakeru's penis.

Unlike earth, where the internet was a thing, sexual knowledge was taught to children by their parents.

Erika's mother had taught her from a young age about the relationships between men and women so she wasn't ignorant.

Following her mother's advice, she lightly brushed against his genitals with her small brown hands until it became larger.

Her hand movements were clumsy but eventually, Kakeru's penis became fully erect.

After hesitating for a moment, Erika then used her small mouth to swallow his penis but was only able to fit half of it inside her mouth.

Nearly choking, she struggled to breathe but continued to endure it as she moved her small head up and down.

The moonlight shined from outside the tent, onto her face, creating a beautiful scene that could not be described with words alone.

Erika moved her long black hair behind her ears as she continued her first blowjob with fervor.

Meanwhile, Kakeru who was faking being asleep was internally giving Erika's first blowjob an evaluation.

Given that it's her first time it's not bad at all, she definitely has a lot of potential.

Don't worry Erika, I'll train you every day until you can give a perfect blowjob.

Kakeru chuckled, internally thinking that he was such a benevolent person.

Feeling the twitching of his penis, Erika knew it was the signal that Kakeru was about to ejaculate.

Despite her fear, her mother's advice and overwhelming lust won over her fear as she kept sucking until he reached climax.

Kakeru unwillingly let out a moan as he ejaculated his load deep into her narrow loli throat.

*Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!*

An audible gulping sound could be heard as Erika struggled to drink the thick and bitter semen that kept flowing down her throat. Tears fell from her eyes but she endured until she finally drank all of his semen.

She began coughing violently after swallowing all of it and it took her a few minutes to recover.

After she recovered, the aching of her lower regions still didn't go away.

Erika then used her finger to wipe the remnants off her face and licked them off her finger, her gaze turned to Kakeru's dick as she stared hungrily at the still erect deck.

Hesitating, she became unable to handle her overwhelming lust as she got into the infamous cowboy position.

Erika was about to ride the dick of a male she knew for less than a day.

It would be a video that would've sold for millions on earth.

She slowly lowered her small pink vagina until it was touching Kakeru's dick.

Her vagina's opening was unable to cover even half of Kakeru's erect penis.

Just the sensation of his dick rubbing against Erika's vagina was heavenly as he moaned in comfort.


Thinking he had woken up, Erika stared cautiously at Kakeru's face before sighing in relief.

She paused for a few minutes hovering over his penis and as his patience began wearing.

Hesitating if he should just forcefully insert it, she finally began slowly lowering her hips.


Erika let out a grunt of pain as the tip of his penis entered inside of her, making contact with her hymen.

Despite the overwhelming pain, the sensation of lust was just too strong and Erika became unable to hold it anymore.

She let go over her hips.


The mix of pain and pleasure caused her to scream and she nearly passed out from the sensations that overwhelmed her nervous system.

She could see the blood flowing from her vagina as the symbol of her purity had now been broken, painting a beautiful red canvas under the moonlight.

Her vagina is so tight.

Erika's inner walls were squeezing his dick like crazy and his dick felt suffocated.

But Erika's warm-fleshy walls were deeply pleasing.

Erika grabbed Kakeru's hands in hopes to steady herself as she waited until eventually, she got used to the pain.

Once she had gotten used to the pain, she slowly started moving her hips up and down while holding his hands.

She was embarrassed and ashamed but unable to stop because of the extreme amount of pleasure.

While thrusting up and down, he acted as if he had just woken up and started rubbing his eyes.

"O-onii chan, I can explain.."

"Erika, I love you too."

Kakeru's abrupt response and forced confession of love made no sense but to the current Erika, it was her only restraint.

"Me too Onii-chan."

Erika's eyes had already lost any clarity and the only thing left was pure lust.

"Can I mess you up, Erika-chan?"

"Yes, do as you want to me onii-chan."

Erika responded sweetly as her eyes desperately pleaded for him to ravage her.

He began by sticking his tongue inside her mouth as he began exploring every inch of her mouth.

He greedily sucked on her tongue and swallowed her saliva.

The sweet taste of her saliva further fueled his lust as he began to drink as much as he could.

Meanwhile, Erika was drinking his saliva as they began exchanging saliva.

At the same time, Kakeru lifted her up by her small waist.

Surprised by suddenly being lifted, she let out a muffled sound of surprise before he began to rapidly thrust into her


The mixture of pain and pleasure caused her to nearly faint, her tongue laid dangling out of her mouth with saliva dripping.

Her eyes were rolling backward as she couldn't even think properly.

He could feel the narrow tight walls inside her vagina begin to expand with every thrust he made inside her.

He would meld her pussy into one that would fit perfectly for his monster dick.

"Onii-chan, onii-chan, onii-chan!!!"

She moaned while screaming his name.

"I'm coming, Erika."

"Come, Onii-chan, please cum inside Erika's womb."

He thrust his penis as deep as he could inside Erika's womb and ejaculated.


A large amount of semen began to fill her small womb.

Erika's eyes rolled back while her back arched backward as she passed out from the overwhelming amount of pleasure.

His first day in another world had ended on a very pleasurable note.

Long time no see...

ComputerGeekcreators' thoughts
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