
Isekai Royale: God’s Game

8 deities must choose 1 human each to represent them in a battle royale known as the Tryfing. Entering a new world these humans, known as retainers, will fight and bring glory to their deity. The last retainer standing will have one wish granted and their Deity will earn the right to return to Eden. So... Who wants to play God's game Also on Royalroad under the same name :)

MomotaroHaru · Fantasie
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8 Chs

The First Retainer part 2


Random coffee shop

"You just don't have time for me. I'm looking for someone that isn't going to ignore me for weeks." A young man said after taking a sip of his coffee, he was mid to late twenties. Directly in front of him was a young woman of similar age.

She had brown reddish hair with blonde streaks in the front. She was very attractive but had a tough looking exterior. In her youth she was a delinquent known for beating up anyone and everyone that got in her way.

In Japan, female delinquents are known as 'sukebons'. If there was ever a word that represented her, it would be that one.

The sukebon gripped the edge of her table. This sucks, she thought. "But you know I have two jobs, I have to pay me and my sisters bills," protested the sukebon.

"And I said I would have helped you, but you yelled at me instead."

"Because this isn't anyone else's problem to deal with!" The sukebon stood up as she yelled. Everyone in the coffee shop was now staring at the two.

"See? I'm trying to have a normal conversation with you, and you just scream at me. It just isn't going to work out anymore."

The young man grabbed his coffee and left, this wasn't a problem the sukebon could use her fist to solve. She gripped the edge of the table harder.

"This sucks." She threw her cup out and started to head out.

As she was leaving the shop she grabbed her phone and headphones. She searched for a band called Joy Disorder.

They were an eighties band from Manchester that had made two revolutionary albums before their lead singer tragically took his life. Albums and songs any young teen to adult could relate to, no matter what time period it was.

It was her escape, when her fist couldn't solve the issue, music did. She got a text message as she was looking through her music library.

Don't come into work tomorrow. You're fired.

She sighed, another job gone. She was only protecting one of the waitresses.

"Fuck that place then, who needs them if they are going to side with the pervy customers."

She stopped in place on the sidewalk, the people around her continued to move ignoring her.

"This sucks." She whispered, it was like she needed to stand in place just to say it.

"This sucks."

She played "Isolation" from Joy Disorder, trying to lose herself in the music. Trying to stop saying this sucks. When another text message was sent to her. This text, even worse than the one before.

Your sister's condition has gotten worse. Come right away.

Just problem after problem, another one her fists couldn't solve. She had to stop again on the sidewalk, to quell her rage and anger.

"This sucks."


Inari gave Kento one of her handkerchiefs, he comically blew into it really hard. One of Inari's faithful foxes took the handkerchief back and went to wash it.

"Come Kento, we have a lot of preparation." Inari commanded her foxes to pick up the old man.

"Wait, we are leaving now?" The old man said as three foxes picked him up over their heads. They started to carry him through the broken subspace portal Inari made.

"Yes, is that a problem?"

"No, my lady, it's just…what about my shrine? And my family? I need to tell someone I'll be gone."

Inari explained to him that when a Tryfing occurs, time freezes after the eight retainers are picked and sent to the fantasia world. During theTryfing, the retainers live new lives, choosing to enter the world at birth or have their consciousness awakened at a specific age.

The starting year is when the fight officially starts. Some retainers and their deities choose to enter the fantasia world a few days before the starting year, while others think it's better to live out their new lives in order to better understand the world and craft their identities.

"For you, you could live thirty years in the fantasia world. But here it would be like no time has passed. Once the battle is over, you will return to the same spot, time and date you were plucked from." Inari said.

"I see." Kento said as he nodded in understanding.

"You have some knowledge of the battle, correct?" Inari asked.

"Yes, well only the stuff my great grandfather remembered."

He told her about the fantasia world. How the retainer can pick the age they will be at the starting year. How roles worked and how the roles themselves allowed them to choose their backgrounds. He even remembered how people can change the way they looked and even their gender.

Inari was quite pleased with her retainer, the more she spoke with Kento, the more she knew he was the right choice.

"My Lady, may I ask what role you selected?"

"See for yourself" Inari took the totem out of her kimono sleeve, Kento took it and saw the words polymath on it. Just then a screen came out of the totem. This screen had all the information of the polymath role.

Polymath: an individual whose knowledge and skill transcends the average human in a wide range subjects. You have no weapon restrictions. You can start anywhere in the Fantasia world.

Unique ability: Polymath role does not have an unique ability, the fact of having no weapon restrictions, starting anywhere, and being well versed in many subjects is unique enough.

"Start anywhere?" Kento shouted.

"Yes, anywhere, we can put you as the son of a noble house or a knight in training . What do you think?"

Kento thought long and hard.

"A foreigner." He finally said. Inari raised her eyebrow, she decided not to say anything while waiting for Kento to continue.

"If I'm a foreigner from a distant land, I can have knowledge of multiple weapons." He paused. "Lady Inari, you have no history of using weapons. So I'm assuming you don't have a weapon I can summon."

"Ho ho" Inari was surprised at how knowledgeable her retainer was on Japanese deity lore. It was true, historically Inari did not physically fight. She was more of a supportive deity with her knowledge and ability.

"Oh, pardon my rudeness. I feel like I spoke out of line." Kento bowed "I'll do anything you decide, Lady Inari."

"There is no need to apologize for anything Kento, You are correct in that I can't provide you with a weapon. This is why I picked the polymath role but I know it will not be enough for you. I'll speak with Achilles and see what we can do," Inari said.

So there it was, Kento's consciousness will enter the fantasia world at age ten, the year he will immigrate to the main battlefield. Become a blacksmith in a major city and wait for the battle to start. He wished to be thirty-five at the time of the starting year.

Inari was very pleased. Even if she lost, she knew she had picked a candidate that was going to make waves in this Tryfing.

She couldn't stop smiling.

"Soon my love," she said

"Soon… I'll come see you in Eden."


Kento's eyes widened, he had never seen colors as vibrant as the one in Elysium. Well, he also hadn't seen floating islands.

"Is this heaven?" he asked.

"Yes and no, Elyiusm lies in the subspace between your world and the world of death." Inari said as she pointed to the clouds. "These clouds are the clouds of heaven but they are only here because of where Elyiusm was placed."

"This world is beautiful." Kento had tears stuck in his eyes. Inari smiled, " I agree, Elyiusm is a wonderful home, but Eden has something far more beautiful." Inari looked towards the gate.

"Is that why you want to win the Tryfing?" Kento said with his head slightly cocked to the side.

Inari silently stared away, not wanting to say anything. She could feel Kento looking at her, intently waiting for her answer. She got a bit flushed and red.

"I'll tell you before the battle starts. How about that?"

Kento was surprised, was this deity from legend embarrassed to tell him her goal?

The two reached the main plaza, and the foxes start to carry Kento down a hallway.

"I'll head to you after I speak with Achilles."

Kento nodded his head.


Achilles wore a construction hard hat, he was speaking to two angels that held blueprints.

"Yeah I think that's a good idea, four kingdoms are a good balance, especially if multiple teams pick noble backgrounds. We want to make sure every retainer is spread out."

Achilles was always known as a crude, laid back deity but in the span of just a few hours he had everything under control. He even did things judges typically didn't do, not because they weren't allowed, just that they didn't have too.

Inari walked up and waited a few seconds for Achilles to finish speaking with the angels. He turned around and gave Inari a respectful but casual. "Yo."

"Yo… to you as well Judge Achilles, I wish to speak to you on an issue that my retainer will be facing in the up and coming battle."

"Alright, shoot." Achilles said as he took off the hard hat.

Inari told Achilles what Kento had guessed. She had no weapons to give to Kento, she had no attacker godsends.

Godsends are legendary items owned by deities. For example, Mjollnir is Thor's personal weapon in history and if he were to fight in the Tryfing, his retainer would have access to Mjollnir.

Godsends were divided into two types. Attacker and supporter types, things like vehicles, jewelry or clothing that can be traced back to the deity can be considered their personal godsends.

Inari had only supporter type godsends at her disposal, godsend weapons and items can only be defeated by other godsends.

"Your brother, Susanoo, also brought this up to my attention and I have already begun brainstorming ideas to regulate this issue."

That caught Inari by surprise. "Did he?"

Achilles closed his eyes and then slammed his foot to the ground. A tall figure popped out of thin air.

The figure was of a man, wearing a yukata with a hurricane theme pattern. He was like Inari, in that looking at his right side he looked to be wearing a oni battle mask on his face. But when you looked to his left side he had an oni horn on his forehead and sharp teeth.

Even with those monstrous features, he was quite handsome. He was Susanoo, the Japanese deity of storms.

"I'll leave you two alone while I go and fetch something." Achilles winked and warped away in a blink.

"Brother." Inari said cautiously.


"Why did you speak with Achilles on my behalf? Without even speaking to me about it?" Inari was visibly ticked off. Her older brothers had always tried to intervene and provide aid to her. Over-protective wasn't even the word to describe how they acted.

"Inari, you can not win without the aid of the—"

"How dare you!" Inari interrupted. "Are you saying I'm not strong enough? I have lived just as long as you have. Fought in the same wars that you have, in my own way. This is my chance to go back to her." Inari said.

In that moment she remembered the old man who had swayed in his faith, who looked at the vile words written on the walls of his home. She remembered the same words he said. "I'm not crazy." The same courage, the same will to fight. So she shouted her version out, she shouted her conviction and her resolve.


Susanoo looked away smiling and then sighed "you never let me finish speaking." He walked over to her and pulled out a shining golden ceremonial short sword. Inari gasped.

"That's…one of the imperial regalia."

The three imperial regalias of Japan, the symbols of authority. These three sacred treasures are powerful objects that, in both the human world and Elysium, are locked away.

"You can't win if you don't have more attacker godsends, all of the Japanese deities came together and voted to give you the Kusanagi No Tsurugi."

"They did?" Inari stood shocked. The treasures themselves represent the virtues and ideals of Japan and their deities. No one was allowed to use them. That was the rule.

"Why?" Inari's voice cracked a bit as she asked, tear drops starting to accumulate near her beautiful eyes.

"You have always been there for us and when the great rebellion happened, no other deity was hurting more than you. Yet you stood tall and didn't let that stop you from living." Susanoo smiled at her. "you must win, and all of Japan is behind you."

Inari felt horrible, she wanted to say something but she couldn't. She wanted to apologize for the outburst she had but the tears started to roll down hard. Susanoo just smiled, he already knew how she felt. He nudged the sword closer to her. Inari grabbed the Kusanagi sword, it was beautiful. In her hands she held all of Japan.

"You can win Inari, so do it because Ukemochi is waiting for you."

Suddenly an ahem was heard. Achilles had returned holding what looked like a giant guitar case with locks on it.

"Sorry to interrupt this beautiful moment." Achilles said. He put the case on the ground next to Inari.

"This is the main godsend your retainer is permitted to use. Don't open it until he enters the fantasia world." He turns to Susanoo "I allowed your request, but the power of that godsend is too much for humans to use and to have it be used on"

Achilles brought up his right hand and held out his index finger to the both of them

"One time. The Kusanagi sword can only be used once."

The two Japanese deities both nodded in agreement, Inari wiping the tears off her eyes.

"Thank you, Judge Achilles." Inari said as she bowed to him. Inari then bowed and thanked Susanoo, she grabbed the case and warped out.

Inari looked to see Kento speaking with angels and some of her foxes. She appeared stoic and filled with conviction.

Now more than ever, she and Kento had to win. After all, they had all of Japan behind them.



Near a spare room in the main plaza

Lugh had spent the last few hours looking for a retainer but no one had really caught his eye.

He returned to Elysium to speak with his confidants. He walked the halls of the main plaza with his little dog by his side.

"It's not looking good, Failinis. The humans I scouted are just boring." Lugh said as he looked at his dog.

Failinis barked in agreement. "Maybe Loki and the boys can give us some advice."

Lugh reached the spare room door that was given to him and his friends. On the door was a sign that read

Tricksters Only.

As Lugh opened the door he saw three young looking deities sitting around a table. Loki the Norse trickster deity, Indra the Hindu trickster deity and Sun wukong the Chinese trickster king deity were in the trickster club room.

"Hey hey hey." Wukong was the first to speak, and the other two joined right after he did.

"How goes human hunting, Lughy?" Loki said with a malicious grin.

"Lame, the humans I seen suck."

"What's your strategy?" Indra said.

"Eh, just flying around randomly picking humans to see." Lugh is on the couch picking his ear with his pinky.

"Well that's your problem, Lughy. Why not actually narrow down the search? I heard you can say certain keywords when you're in the subspace looking for humans." Loki said.

Lugh just looked away. It wasn't that simple, While Lugh was considered a trickster he also was an honorable Celtic deity. He was called a savior for a reason by Achilles.

He was looking for someone that had honor but could also be someone Lugh could consider a brother in arms. Trickster deities had always felt like the black sheeps of their respective groups.

Mostly it was their fault for, you know, all that tricking. No trickster was picked for the first or second Tryfing, this caused the great trickster union strike. Led by Loki and Anansi, the tricksters all felt like they were being mistreated by the other deities (they weren't).

So they went on strike at the main plaza, the tricksters held signs that read. "Tricksters are deities too!", "Tricksters for Tryfing.", and "respect for tricksters." All the other deities just rolled their eyes at them.

Now the third Tryfing selected Lugh, and all the tricksters believed their strike was the reason a trickster was invited(it wasn't). Lugh's joining the battle was a big win for tricksters everywhere. So all the tricksters have been working together. To gain the other deities respect, a trickster needed to win the Tryfing.

"Maybe you should use a keyword that our siblings used on us?" Chuckled Wukong.

"Yeah what did Odin say to us that one time during the strike?" Indra asked.

"He said something like those darn teenagers with attitude." Loki looked at lugh. "why not go and try that now? Time is running out, Lughy."

Lugh sighed and then warped out, Failinis also warped with him. Loki smiled a devilish grin to the other two

"Now that he's gone let's get back to what we were talking about before."

"Loki I don't know, Lugh wouldn't like us messing up the integrity of the competition." Indra said.

"This is what we do, we fight with trickery. Besides, Lugh needs his fellow brothers' help right?" Loki said with a smile.

3rd Tryfing

Official judge: heroic Greek deity, Achilles.

Support judge: Angel, Damaris.

Chosen deities:


Lugh: Knight

Zhong Kui: Exorcist

Inari: Polymath: Kento Sanosuke

Freya: Assassin

Nuada: Conqueror

Minerva: Tactician

Team Arc-Angel: Hero

Fantasia world: not yet created.

Starting year: not yet decided.
