
Chapter 4 Part 4

– Kagali –

"Why are you stopping me?! They killed my Footman!" She hissed at Yuuki but he sat there, unconcerned and even had a smile on his face.

"Your mind is clouded by anger and you cannot think properly, Kagali. What's the use of killing him here and risk the other two going into hiding, continuing to be an annoyance. We don't get anything from it. Footman's death would be wasted. So, instead of just killing him, use him to push our power to the next level. After all… the corpses of all the monsters in his city and Falmuth will be more than enough to make a new body for Footman. Then we can easily find his soul back again."

She became quiet at the words and he explained.

"Push the information about three Demon Lord seeds making a nation of monsters and that one of them killed Shizue Izawa. Knowing my kouhai, she will rush with all her forces to lay a siege on Tempest."

"They will not be enough." She started to speak but was interrupted.

"And that's where Clayman is going to make an entrance to test the self proclaimed demon lords to see if they are worth their name. Send Laplace and Tear with him along with the entire army of the Puppet Nation Jistav. In fact, join them if you want revenge. After, both parties are exhausted from their battle, then kill the survivors. The souls will be enough for both Clauman and you to awaken. If the Monster Nation Tempest survives, Clayman can claim that he was testing the new Demon Lord. If Falmuth survives, he can claim that they invaded a territory belonging to monsters and he took revenge. Either way, we win. He might even have a chance to get a large number of loyal soldiers at his disposal too. The orcs and Kijin are quite strong."

She stood, seriously thinking about the plan and it did seem feasible. They had three Demon Lord seeds but it wasn't something which could stand the joint forces of Jistav and the church. The more she thought of the plan, the more feasible it seemed and thus she chose to hold on to her revenge for now.

– Silas –

I decided to take Lavinia on a date. I mean, the order of things was already messed up but at least let her experience a normal relationship… or as normal as our relationship could get.

Thankfully, I knew exactly where to go. We were invited by Kisuke to witness Ikki's training. I decided to take this opportunity to take Lavinia on a date.

Karakura town was a normal Japanese town but there was something about this place which made it an ideal place to go on a date - the fact that there won't be anyone looking for an Ice using devil or a mysterious Lucifer devil or who knows what that crazy woman was looking for.

We spent the whole day having fun together.

It was night by the time we decided to find Kisuke's place because whatever he was going to do would happen at night.

"So, his shop is in this area. The Urahara Candy Shop. Let's look around the area and see."


We walked past a corner and I suddenly felt something flying towards me at a high speed. I reflexively slapped it aside as a wall crashed and I saw the figure embedded into the wall. A boy?


From the other side of the street, a black haired girl cried loudly and came running towards the guy and looked at me menacingly.

A menacing squirrel with its mouth full of nuts.

"Who are you people? Why did you attack Ichigo?"

"Attack would be a strong word. It's just that I felt something about to crash into me and reflexively slapped it away."

"You can't slap someone like Ichigo away? You shouldn't even be able to see him." She shouted, offended?

"Umm why? I have perfect vision (especially during the nights). Also, why can't I hit him? Is he a prince of somewhere? Does he own this street? If someone is about to crash into me, potentially push me in the middle of a road and cause an accident, I do believe I have a right to defend myself. Haven't you heard, running on the streets is not good? What do they teach in Middle Schools these days?"

"I am not a Middle Schooler!" She shrieked.

"Umm… sorry."

Before I could say anything, we heard a blast of sorts from the nearby street and the girl checked her phone.

"Oh no, the hollow." She ran towards the boy embedded in the wall. "Ichigo, wake up. The hollow. It is attacking."

I looked around and let out a sigh. I have been doing this a lot in the last few months. Then again, I wasn't caught in such situations before and neither did I have a multiverse spanning restaurant.

"Lavy, check on the boy. See if a restoration potion works. I will go and see what's going on."

The noise was coming from a house. The surprising thing was that no one was coming out or even noticing anything wrong.

There were no barriers around. Were the people of this area so used to these kinds of things?

Kisuke's world is messed up.

I jumped to the window of the house and saw a half human half serpent ghost kind of thing looking at an orange haired girl while another girl lay on the ground injured.

The monster jumped and I created ice around it, freezing it in an ice box.

The girl fell on her butt. I rushed to their side and picked her up and carried the other girl on my shoulder before jumping out of the window.

The black haired girl from before came in running, carrying the fainted boy on her shoulder.

"Okay, what the hell was that? And why is this guy still down? Didn't the potion work on him?"

Lavinia shook her head. "Sil-kun, these people are apparently Shinigami."

"Death Gods? No way. They are too weak. Don't get tricked by them, Lavy. I am not good at sensing power but even by my standards, they were too weak. That guy took one slap but hasn't woken up yet."

Lavy looked at the girl suspiciously. "Are you lying?"

"What? No. I recently lost my power in an attack. Ichigo is still new at this work. Also, it's that guy who is the freak."

There was a bang inside the house and the ghost thing came out, blasting a wall.

I was able to take a look behind and the ice cube was still as it is. How did it get out?

I created another ice cage around it instantly and looked at the black haired girl.

"Okay, keep the discussions for later. What is that thing?"

"It's a hollow. They are spirits which have some leftover wishes and haven't passed on to the afterlife. They become corrupted and become hollows who form that mask on their faces. They attack anything with Spiritual Power."

"So an evil spirit of sorts. Reminds me of some Youkai. Will it be a problem if I just kill it?"

"NO DON'T!" It was surprisingly the orange haired girl who said that. And that was not the end of surprises as she walked to the monster and hugged it, apologising.

The monster's mask broke and a face was revealed and from the girl's words, I knew it to be her brother.

It was like a freaking anime.

The now unmasked guy looked at me. "Kill me."

"No please, don't." The girl cried out again.

Damn. So troublesome.

The black haired girl spoke again. "He will just become a mindless hollow if he is not purified."

How do I even purify it?

I am a devil for fuck's sake. We are beings the furthest away from pure


Suddenly an idea struck me. "Lavy, use Incinerate Anthem. I don't have any purification Skills."

She looked conflicted for a moment but looked at the girl and then the ghost who was literally begging us and steeled her resolve and nodded.

She walked towards the guy while I stopped the girl. "Don't worry. She won't hurt him."

Lavinia's body was surrounded by a purple flame as a giant cross appeared behind her.

I took some distance as the ghost waved at the girl and closed his eyes allowing the flames to touch him. The flames didn't exactly burn him but rather burned off his monstrous features, leaving a normal human-like soul in its place.

He waved goodbye to the weeping girl one last time and disappeared.

Lavinia recalled the flames back.

"See, he's probably going to a better place." The girl nodded and then fainted.

…. Now, what to do with this. I turned back to the black haired girl who was looking at us as if we were ghosts. "Say, do you know an address?"

"And so we came here." I explained to a rather amused looking Kisuke.

Turns out that the black haired girl, Rukia knew Kisuke and so did the carrot top, Ichigo.

They healed the girl, Orihime and the carrot top Ichigo.

"So, we are not in any trouble, are we?"

"Not really. You could be if you went around without controlling your Reiatsu though."


"Reiatsu, Spiritual Pressure or Soul Power." Kisuke then explained what he was talking about and showed me how to reign in my power.

"Umm, I am already reigning in my power a lot. I learned it because it scared the goblins at Rimuru's village." It's more of a town now though.

"Really? You are giving off a new lieutenant class to a 3rd Seat Class reiatsu. That's you holding back? You must have quite some juice." The black cat sleeping on the table talked.

It talked?

And what's with that manly voice?

"So cute!" Lavinia jumped and hugged the cat almost immediately.

"Yoruichi is an old friend." Kisike stated as if the talking cat part was already understood.

I reiterate again. This world is messed up.


"Oh. Yes. 2% power." I replied absentmindedly.

"You were holding back 2% power?" He deadpanned.

"What? No. I am showing 2% of my power."



I continued seeing their blank looks, "But then again it's my magic and soul power might be hidden in a different way. Can you show me an example?"

He nodded. "I think we should go to the training room first. Kurogane-kun is training there already."

We got down a flight of stairs into what looked to be a gigantic space, complete with lights and all too.

Inside the space was Ikki… being chased around by two children, one with a baseball bat while the other was a girl with a freaking rocket launcher.

I looked at the shopkeeper who suddenly began to seem a lot more sinister to me.

"Just kids having some fun. Don't worry, we can heal everyone back to full health again."

…. That doesn't change anything, dammit.

It was then that I noticed something odd. Attached to Ikki's chest was a chain and on the other end of the chain was a body which looked exactly like Ikki's.

"So you noticed. The chain attaches the body to the soul. In our world, we can train to increase our spiritual power. Since the laws of Kurogane-kun's world binds a human, to bypass them, we simply made him into something other than a human. We temporarily separated his soul from his body and helped him train. It worked too as his Spiritual Power has been increasing steadily. This progress can be maintained even when he returns to his body."

"The boy is a ridiculously hard worker too. He has never once complained no matter what kind of training we threw at him. Kind of makes me want to train him too." The cat… said.

I am really having quite a hard time getting used to it.

Also what was it going to teach him, cat walk?

"What do you mean by the world binding his limits?"

"Oh, yes. I meant it quite literally. There are some kind of bindings on his soul. We can break them but the process will be risky and thus we are increasing his power so that he can have a better chance."

"What are the risks?"

"He will turn into a hollow."

'You mean those masked ghost things?"

"Yes those. By the way, how did you defeat the hollow?"

"I didn't. Lavy did."

"Your waitress?"

"Hmm. She purified it."


"You know, cleanse the soul of their sins, resentment and stuff and send it to the Shinigami Heaven. The Rukia girl told us that the guy will get there."

"Oh! Did she use her device? I didn't realise that these devices were so similar to a Zanpakuto. To perform a Konso too."

"She used her Sacred Gear?"

"Sacred Gear?"

"Have you read the Bible?"

"A bit, yes."

"In my home world, the God of the Bible created a bunch of artifacts and started a lucky draw at birth to incarnate them in a human soul. This was done to give humanity the power to stand against the supernatural."

"God?" He asked, completely stunned.

"Yes. There are literal Gods living in my world. I was surprised and shit scared too."

Kisuke was the first one to break the silence. "So these Sacred Gears. What kind of things are these?"

"Can be anything. From something to give the user an eidetic memory to having the power to kill even Gods."

"There are thirteen Longinuses."

"Like the Spear which killed Jesus Christ."

"It was the first. These thirteen are weapons of enormous power. They can enable the user to kill gods too… with enough training of course. I was raised by human parents so I don't know much about the Supernatural world, only the things I should stay away from."

"How fascinating. So, how did Miss Lavinia purify this hollow?"

"Her Sacred Gear allows her to use the Holy Flames to purify dark beings."

By then Ikki had fallen down to the ground, fainting so we moved on to him.

While Ikki was being healed, Kisuke showed me a way to cloak my power.

"First, why don't you go and stop holding back? Don't worry, this place is sealed tight. No one will be able to detect us outside." Kisuke waved at me. He looked very curious. It reminded me of those crazy scientist types.

"You sure?"

"Absolutely." He assured me.

"Well alright. Lavinia, why don't you take the children a bit away from the area and make a barrier around you all."


Kisuke raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. The cat surprisingly stayed on Ikki's head.

"Ready then. Here I go." I let go of all restraints for the first time since becoming an Archdaemon and the place shook.

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